Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums
i feel like a loser in a way but
am i the only one who haven't tried weed before?

Why not? Are you afraid or something?

you sound like a teenager OP

one day you'll grow up and smoke the lovely, lovely, green leaf, and on that day......

(to be continued...)

i just don't have access to it
i don't go out much and weed well it's not the most common thing here in denmark atleast not where i live

im 16 btw

Nope OP, I've never tried it either. And never will. I enjoy being able to go through life saying I'm not a pot head drug user.

Fuckin square.

when's the last time you got invited to a party?

trick question : i already know the answer is "never"

dont enjoy weed
start drinking and speak bad about weed user
than start hit your wife
assault your children
but dont forget to make weed user look bad
ah yes and please die early and fast

it's only funny because it's true

Don't we have rules about children on this board?

Weed is for pussyes try heroine the best drug our lord kek blessed us with. Do not inject it, smoke it on foil or snort it. But the taste you get smoking it is just the best.

Yes. You're literally the only person in the world who hasn't tried it.

is somebody else gonna say mods? or should i go ahead and say mods?


shut up
i just meant in general alot of people seem to have tried it


idk op, as a person who is currently high i recommend the state. You could lrn2 deepweb
bitcoins and shit it's easy and the pot drops from your mailslot

Yeah a lot of people have tried it.
Frankly it's my favorite thing.

All I've ever noticed from people who smoke weed is that they're either one or multiple of these. lazy, kind of dumb, forget literally everything, lose all sense of logic, start to feel that their opinion is the right one. This list could go on, but I'm not sitting here to think of a comprehensive list of every negative quality in pot smokers. But in general, something like that or similar is a quality in a pot smoker.

You could say similar stuff about drunks. Except drunks cause more problems and are a lot more violent.

yeah whenever i talk to people that are high or so i want to kick them so hard in their fucking face

i believe this is the guy you were talking about in this post user

alcohol drinker spotted

Sounds like your a prick then.
How about you handle your violent tendencies and just not talk to stoners? Simple solution.

expect that i have a job
smoke weed 1x per month

i am old enough to handle drugs
lucky in my family there was not one drug addict
i bet 50 % of your family used to abuse alcohol
and still do

on top of that my english is that bad because i am not from a 3rd world country like usa
and i doubt you can speak my language(german) that well like i do english


i can't even drink at moment due to urinary retention from some pills i took :( side effects a bitch

I was already lazy and forgetful though. If anything smoking made me less lazy because it springed me to work harder should people start judging me or should I become even lazier.

and still funny how people bash weed
when there is alcolol,tabaco,cocaine,heroin,
which cause 100 %(!!!) more death
and people still bash weed smoker
yes there are douchbags who abuse weed
but there are also people who just enjoy in silence and dont harm anyone or themself

don't fucking buy bud over the darknet. it's the drug that's most likely to be found by feds or the post office because of the smell

Who the fuck cares

I never tried weed, never wanted to.
I don't see the fun of smoking something and then making your entire life revolve around it. It's pathetic and really boring to me. I have nothing against weed smokers up until they call me out for not doing it because then they are just fucking idiots. Smoke it if you like, but that is simply not my cup of tea.

inb4 your entire family were probably addicts
No one that I know of in my family were ever addicts or alcoholics.

Don't bother if you don't have a medical need for it.

It will just drag you down, if you don't have your shit together.

Hör auf zu denken, dass du besser bist als der Rest, denn das bist du nicht

Du Hurensohn.

Yeah, you're right, I can't speak sandnigger.


yes weed in the 21th centuary is high potent
means it hit much harder than the stuff the hippies back than smoked
all in all i would say , good weed is 10-20x more potent that it was years ago

people with weak minds, people who are already crazy in their head(but can hide it well), people who are lunatics,autistic,psychopaths ... dont smoke weed , your probably start shool shooting or use harder drugs

people who have a stable mind, know who they are , can smoke weed as much they want , but these people normally dont abuse weed , because well, they are smart ;^)

So you're all still in high school then?

tja, ich kenne die deutschen, ich vermute mal in deiner familie gibs den einen oder anderen suchtfall ala alkohol, missbrauch von kindern und so fort...ich kenn die deutschen, machen ein auf stolz, reden schlecht hinter deinem rücken und ficken gleichzeitig die nachbarskinder wenn se können ;)


My entire life doesn't revolve around weed, wtf are you even talking about?

You don't want to smoke, that's cool though.
Same thing with gay men and vegetarians.
Just leaves more for me.

I'm sure a lot of people never tried it. In my personal experience it's ok. It's not anything amazing but it doesn't have the drawbacks shit that is amazing has. It's not for everyone though. Some people just react bad to it.

I've never tried weed or smoking and don't need some sort of drug to have fun.

Why would I want to speak German? They fucked Europe over how many time now?

Theirs a reason you speak English though, it's because we're better than you. That's why you had to learn our superior language.

>I have nothing against weed smokers up until they call me out for not doing it because then they are just fucking idiots.

>You don't want to smoke, that's cool though.
Same thing with gay men and vegetarians.
Just leaves more for me.


>My entire life doesn't revolve around weed, wtf are you even talking about?

Sorry to piss on your bonfire there bud, but I think you just proved yourself wrong. Enjoy your shitty apartment and that 20k/year McDonalds job. At least you have your weed!


>die deutschen
Hör auf mit diesen zurückgebliebenen Verallgemeinerungen und bloß, weil ich nicht deiner Meinung bin nimmst du an, dass es in meiner Familie Sucht- oder Missbrauchsfälle gibt.
Ganz schön großes Maul.
>typisch deutsch XDDDDD

Sorry, forgot you people are always high and incapable of following anything that doesn't follow your weed agenda.

Let me point you to the right direction.

Actually I own three properties I rent out to businesses. I'm basically set for life as long as I don't spend like a retard or crank out kids.

Just because I enjoy a think doesn't mean my life revolves around it.

Does your life revolve around posting on Sup Forums? Probably not, but you evidently enjoy it.

>Actually I own three properties I rent out to businesses.

>on Sup Forums

don't try it

I could say similar stuff about drunks, and i would.

Never tried weed. 31 years old. I only like uppers.

Dont do it

theres a reason why its classed as a mind altering drug, the effect is permanent and you will never be the same again ever.

You Can find weed in basicly every single city in denmark unless you live in the middle of nothing, but fam no need to hurry up if you are only 16 wait a couple years

YOU can but its some shady shit
and unless you have connections or knows someone who smokes its hard