He willingly plays as Elves in games

>He willingly plays as Elves in games

Nope. Goblins

Who do you think rolls a gnome?

High elves are god tier


Love my elves in Everquest. Only way to roll.

belfs are the only hot horde race, anyone who says otherwise is a furry

if you werent an underage retard you would find orc ladies attractive , not those assless titless elves


oh wait a sec youre a fag and youve been talking about male chars ...


>He willingly plays as Elves in games
- master race
- smart
- agile
- best weapons
- masters of magic
- both 'male' and 'female' or race are traps

you goyim orcs disgust me


find your elf name here


I got huge fag, what about you guys?

Are you character-shaming me bruh? Cause I'll fucking throwdown!

nothing more awesome than dark irons


Death Knight Blood Elf doesnt count as Elven character r-right?

>Plays an Elf
>Has them act Human in every conceivable fashion
If you're gonna Elf, then Elf properly, you fucking posers.


Kneel on crouch level of another elven same gender character and look up and down while he dirt talks to you in whispers

it happens with all races

only breton and anyone who plays a different race in any game is a nigger faggot

Folks should lern2roleplay

What's the fastest way to level to 110?

dat wood elf bonus to marksman though

players should choose race which fits them mentally the most instead of forcing themselves do be something that theyre not

fukin mistypes

If you're playing yourself, you're not roleplaying.

So sissy faggots roll elf obviously

you didnt seem to understand him, you arent playing "yourself" you playing who you WANT to be (as opposed to who other people want you to be)

ffr its not hard to grasp, i cant be a paladin in realy life, wrecking the undead wherever i can, but thats who I want to be, im not gonna go druid just cause sum faggot goe "pallies r gay go druid"

100-110 by questing. I did it in 36 hours

If he's referring to "playing what the player wants to play" he could've simply said so and not resorted to such deliberately lofty language.

"fits them mentally the most"
When embodying another character, this line of reasoning is lazy.
"to be something that they're not"
Clearly roleplaying is an alien concept to this guy.That's precisely the issue at hand in this thread. Most people who play Elves do it for the same childish reason, "I want to play me except prettier."
These people can either gitgud or they can keep to their non-character ghettos. I have no sympathy for them.
Am I an elitist prick when it comes to this stuff? Am I a wretched sperglord because I apply standards where other people don't? You bet your ass I am. And that's not changing.

you know what pisses me off about wow , blizzard is a bunch of faggots and didnt give dwarves good for combat racial abilities , im playing on a 548 server and theres no goddamn 2h grievous/prideful mace for dwarf warrior
also you cant look like full blood dark iron , the only option is to choose the darkest skin which makes you look like dirty jew and wear red goggles

As well as no Blackrock or Mag'har Orc options. It would take such minimal effort to make these things happen, but "effort" is a four-letter word over at Blizzard.

oh bloody hell
if youre a nigger in real - play orc , if youre a faggot in real - play elf
everyone will fail roleplay of something that he doesnt feel

You know nothing, Jon Snow.