Hes country does not sell beer in the 100 can packs

>hes country does not sell beer in the 100 can packs.

Fucking pussies.

That's a small beer.

For you.
I personally prefers little cans.

>Finns are the same degenerate alcoholics as russians
Colour me surprised.

I bet you do little man.

> 0.33l cans are sold in his country
> 3 liter plastic beer jugs aren't
Legit fag country

Could it be cultural appropriation ?

yours is only doing it due to the anniversary
what's the price for those?


Weaker than budweiser? Sad!

how much does that cost ?

my country sells 40% vodka at every supermarket though

That's a crime against humanity.

> the strength of a beer is measured by its alcohol

Lmao 3l beer.

Mate I drink that for warming up.

>with each beer costing two Euros

no, YOU what?

>33 ml
Fucking pussies.




top kek

>his country doesn't have stores that specialize in beer and offer hundreds of beers
>his country doesn't normally sell beer in 20 bottle crates
>his country prefers cans over glass bottles
>his country doesn't have several regions with hundreds of little breweries with centuries-spanning traditions

Cultural Marxists.

You are from East Germany, aren't you?

What makes you think that?

>plastic containers for beer

>his country doesn't build beer temples

Czech Rep.

Unless it isn't from one of these countries, it's shit. Period.

>honorable mention to France though, I had a nice dark beer from you guys a while ago

Where the fuck do you get 4,3 from? It clearly says 4,5


>not buying small keg of original budweiser for 8 euro

fucking plebs


Since when you become a sissy?

1€ per can to be exact.

we couldnt see for a while. its still pathetic , tho

that would be the most crippled 5 in the history of 5s, so its a 3


They don't sell Karjala in 4,3 so you're wrong.

this is a different package pekka, you aint fooling us

I was told it's cheaper to by single cans.

4.5% alcohol, it's even not beer, why do you drink urine?

This is why you have liver problems

i even don't drink alcohol


But your mother did when she was pregnant with you

>he drinks pisswasser
>not superior Hungarian brandy

What the fuck Finland?

Thanks, I personally take my beer very seriously now. It's fucking gay and I feel like a fag but I literally hate drinking """normal""" beer like Heineken, Corona, Budweiser, etc. I like Pabst Blue Ribbon though. I haven't had Heineken in years so maybe I need to give it another go but idk.

Anyway my point is it's expensive being a weirdo beer snob. I bought a 12 beer variety pack last night for $20. I've been on a Red Ale kick, and trying anything and everything nitrogenated. It's so creamy.

Also my brother studied in Bavaria for 5 years and became a brewmaster. Shit's cash.

I personally think all beer tastes like ass, regardless of where it's from.

>honorable mention to France though, I had a nice dark beer from you guys a while ago

it was probably belgian
never had a single good beer here

>buying pálinka from a shop.

how about you buy a fucking keg, OP, probably cheaper as well

>hates drinking """"normal""""" beer
>likes PBR

itt pussies with no glorious 100-packs crying about 0.33/4.5%vol
vodka is for getting drunk with anyway, not beer

>drinking canned beer

Consider yourself lucky, here a 6-pack of anything that isn't macroswill is at least $20. When I wanted to try grapefruit sculpin it was $35 for 6x330ml

you can't be serious

>finnish beer

I bet it taste like shit

My country doesn’t have state monopoly, I can walk 75 m to a store and buy beer anytime I want.

He's counting microbreweries (and the handful of successful microbreweries that aren't micro anymore), which is arguably fair since the USA does have quite a few, but not actually fair since he's excluded other countries with loads of good medium sized breweries (proportionally) like Denmark and Italy. Realistically he needs to remove the USA from the list since yeah, those other countries have mass production beers that aren't just that nation's copy of Heineken

Do it phaggott.
Do it now.

u sound like a poofter bum sucker :D
gay :DD

I make my own you néger.

I've literally seen hundreds of thousands these packages seen going in front my own damn eyes.