Feel thread

Feel thread.

I am a literal old fag in the sense of Sup Forums, 30.

Decided to take a feel trip and take a look at my old facebook posts and shit.
I was so much more sociable, more out going etc.

Now i just worry about my own happiness, my job, home, GF, cat.
Just a little bit of a mind fuck I can literally go back in time on facebook and see who I was, and compare it to now days. It's a pure nostalgia mind fuck, people I pretty much forgot about I see entire conversations with them.

Cheer up, faggot

Hey, I'll be twice your age in two days. Cheer up - it keeps getting worse, so enjoy what you've got.

Boo fucking hoo

I think by time I am your age I will have accepted life. I grew up in the age of the wild, wild west internet. Seems a little fucked look back now.

Don't be a faggot

I'm the same age and almost died from a drug overdose speedball and woke up with hallucinations that never went away, sending me in a downward slope into insanity, and losing all of my 20's in a catatonic state from crazy pills.. So count your blessings nigger.

I used to feel normal and was definitely way more social. Then I got chrons and it ruined my life and I am a anti social loser.

Remember, tomorrow is another day. Goodnight.

Smoke weed

OP here.
I too have a fucked up 20s (long story, involves alcohol) . Most of it was wasted. But, I guess I had a good impact on people according to social media?

Age has nothing to do with being an oldfag, newfag. Stop having your mid life crisis early and enjoy yourself, modern medicine puts you at another 60 years of this shit at least.

Well you could have been born to two drug addicts..have them stealing your credit for the rest of your life. At age 27, be in the same position a 20yo should be.. But hey, be upset because you used to talk to people more

Go on Eros or TER and get an escort. Make sure she's well reviewed, and get a 2 hour appointment. You'll feel like the king of the world.

Spicfag here so sorry for bad engrish
>When i was 20 i was at the top of the wave; studying at college, decent family, gf's and friends, drinking and smoking weed on a daily basis
>But dropped out college, lost a lot of friends, moving to another city and ended living on the streets.
Somehow i managed to fix my life, but man, It doesn't feels good knowing that 10 years of your life (maybe the best time i could ever have) were just a fucking waste of time.

Nothing is a waste of time. Hardships make people stronger in the end, I'm sure you learned a lot about the world and how to survive it if you managed 10 years on the streets.

It's true.

I fucked my life when I was 23. Got a DUI, was civil death for me for 7 years.

Got back on my feet, and I live an extremely stress free life. I value life much more now.

im in my 30s, lost everything in my divorce. decided i want to get into a graduate program so i can get the job ive always wanted.


If i dont get in, I'll just hero. Problems solved.

btw stop worrying about the gf. she can take care of herself

I miss talking to her

7 years probation for a dui? I'm reading that wrong. . .

I've gotten 2 and sat both of em out first one as a month, 2nd one was 95 days.

hey faggot, listen to this guy:
I'm 40 now, and in the decade since I turned 30:

1. My father died
2. My sister died
3. My best friend died
4. My mother became senile and requires full-time care
5. My dog died

So shut the fuck up complaining about your life. It only gets worse.

Oh, you must mean you couldn't hide it off your record for work?



30? That's not feels, user. That's just you being old.

Oh, and it gets worse.

I'm 26, it's a friday night, and I don't know what the fuck to do.

I really don't like hitting people up last minute, I don't get invited to a lot of parties, and even when I do, there's always that weekend in beetween when I feel like shit because there are no plans.

no gf. only two guy friends I hang out with. Both of whom I have to hit up first always.

Another 40yofag? Hail, brother.

Also lost my dad but thankful I still got my siblings and mom is still self-sufficient.

Sorry to hear about your losses though. I hope things improve for you.

Where you at?

Southern Ontario, some of the toughest laws against drunk driving in the world.
6 moths Federal driving ban.
If found or plead guilty 1 year MINIMUM driving ban.
1200 dollar find (minimum).

What follows is the ridiculous insurance. Since Southern Ontario has one of the largest volumes of vehicle traffic in the world the average price per month for insurance is over 150 dollars, per vehicle. Now add a DUI on top of that.
We are very car dependent here, with out on it's civil death. Almost impossible to get anywhere and progress in a career or life.

I feel like that wouldn't work for me because I know why she's doing it.

I feel weird having small talk with strippers for the same reason.

Thanks man. Not many Sup Forumsros on here Two Score or older. Happy you have your Mom and siblings. Cherish it!

I can confirm, I do this twice a month, never felt better.

what happened?

south central, Los angeles.

Holy cow, most of my Canadian friends always bash Ontario for being shit.
Now I have a small glimpse of hell.

34 checking in . Can confirm it gets worse...

More active on social media =/= more sociable

I just got a Google notification that tomorrow is the 11th anniversary of the death of one of my friends.

So now I feel bad I didn't remember the date. Well, at least I'm problem drinking, that should help.

For now.

Wait, 30 is old now?

I'm fucked at 41 then.

And it only took you 11 years to realize it.

Honestly, my life is totally fucked up in some really crazy ways. At this point, I'm strongly considering suicide.

If you kill yourself you'll miss Rick and Morty season 3.

Seriously user, talk to someone.

Rick and Morty is an awful show for cringey manchildren. I've never liked it, so another season isn't really an incentive for me.

Find a spot to watch the sun rise once in a while. It really does help, but reach out to those who are really close to you.

oldfag (b.1966) to oldfag. you're goddamn right

>last year
mom died in our house while holding her
favorite dog of all time died on the way to the vet from bloat
favorite cat of all time died a couple of minutes after racing to vet
average cat died (17 years) in sleep
wife's dad died 2 years ago in our house while giving him sponge bath
household income dropped to $1000/month
house going into foreclosure
wife is real deal dual axis bipolar, 3 involuntary lockdowns in the past 12 months
chronic pain (both of us, various vectors)

shall I go on...?

really considering stuff

You change a lot and as long as you are self aware and working on yourself and know that the present moment is what truly matters and that you are in the control of your actions, you can truly be in control

Sauce on pic user

I work with a Mexican guy who was taken randomly by some strange men after they raided his home.
According to him he was blind folded and dropped off in the middle of no where with other kids. US military picked them up, and he was fostered out.
Found his way to Canada. Has kids, married, worked at same place for 22 years.

Tell him your sob story and he'll laugh at you.

I watch the sun rise every morning. All it means is that another awful day is upon me.

If you kill yourself you won't be able to complain about Rick and Morty season 3.

I just want a new life, I hate myself and what I've become. I miss her so much, even though she wants me back but I can't bring myself to take her back. I want to quit smoking cigarettes and weed but i can't. I need cigarettes to get me through the day. I have so much built up anger and I feel like I'm going to do something really fucked up soon. All of this is easily fixable but have no motivation.

Yea, majority of people do see the sun rise, it's hard to miss when awake.

Find a sweet spot.

>mentally and physically abused as child
>grew up with undiagnosed high-functioning autism
>constantly beat up and taunted throughout school
>work my ass off constantly to get good grades
>get accepted to dream school
>abusive mom forces me to go to state school instead
>still graduate at top of class
>get QT GF
>overcome my autism and get into the "jock" frat
>go to get a job
>2008 recession
>go get a masters
>start working for family business
>family business sells ground up blood, bones, etc for feed industry in worst possible area of us
>facility is essentially a crumbling, rusting hulk in a desolate warzone


Save up money. Spend a month or three in a foreign country. Try to live as cheaply there as possible. Maybe get a job even though you don't need one, just to feel what life is like.

This computer/internet/socialmedia/web/connectivity shit is part of what makes us feel like life sucks. Most animals don't commit suicide because they've got simple lives and they're just living and enjoying simple pleasures.

People used to brag about not even having a TV. Now, it's the people who don't spend time on social media, the internet, and netflix who should be bragging.

I'm doing the opposite and also want to die, but gotta save up enough money to make sure GF is in good shape, and then I'll do another vacation. I like life when I'm on vacation and completely cut off from everybody I've ever worked with or known (with one exception, perhaps. One friend/GF per vacation is plenty.)

No, i was homeless for about a year, i was saying that my early to late 20s were a waste of time in the sense that i didn't make any improvement for my life in the sense of a career, material possesions and that kind of things. The best learning that i got is that you can survive and you have to be humble because you can end, literally, living on the streets.

>family biz had been in family for over 100 years
>dad is really proud that im getting involved in company and tells me he wants to train me to take over
>come in to work and my dads favorite employee and father figure, who worked there for 65 years had a heart attack at the office and died
>dad devastated
>both dogs die
>grandparents both die
>everyone super stressed
>dad send me home early and he stays behind to do some paperwork
>he never comes home
>had a massive stroke at the office after I left

Hard pass. This sounds like a Steinbeck novel.

>forced to take over whole company with no experience
>paid essentially nothing because the company isn't making any money
>no idea what im doing, but give it my best
>manage to stabilize everything after a great amount of effort
>suddenly our main supplier, run by my dads old best friend, decides to steal all of our clients
>everyone counting on me
>put everything I have into saving this business
>start losing money fast
>everything starts breaking down
>put up with shootings, robberies, midnight water pipe explosions, injuries
>constant fear and stress
>forced to lay off long-time employees who all have families
>spend all of my time alone in a dark, crumbling factory grinding up bones and blood


>finally give up hope and forced to sell for pennies on the dollar to a chinese investor who promises all my workers and myself jobs
>he fails to live up to the contract and fires everyone on day one
>left with no money and no job
>parents dont give me anything for running or selling the business
>years of hard physical labor, dust/chemical exposure, isolation, extreme stress, and violence have left me mentally, emotionally, and physically broken
>can hardly walk anymore
>start applying for jobs
>over 1000 applications and more than 1 year later all I've found is a min wage factory laborer position
>now sit alone shuffling supplies around a warehouse, walking for 8 hours a day
>girlfriend of 12 years considering leaving me
>don't sleep for days on end and spend all of weekends drowning out the pain with alcohol

Well exkusemua if we are not all some kind of robots.


Welcome to being an adult? Who cares about social life, take care of the family. Play vidya, stay happy.

You're not old.

You're old and gay.

I'm 53 and have been with a 26 yr old and a 37 yr old in the past year.
They were cute and loved sucking my dick.

It doesn't have to get worse.
Maturity has its advantages


This thread has shown me how many old fucks browse Sup Forums.
Do all you old dudes browse in secret behind your wife and kids backs?

Taking black cock keeps you young

You canadian?



54 oldfeg. Math prof. It gets worse.

What's your experience?



Cringy manchild detected.

But don't worry; you're pretty NORMAL.

At least you got a date to remember bro. I don't even know where my pal is buried.

Someone I was once close to became an hero... she's now buried as a tree. I don't know where it is. And I am afraid to ask her parents where it is.
Life is shitty sometimes.

Fucking ask them.

I'm pissed at youthful me for not doing this, and these were just bros that died, not very close friends.

Goddamn. Time for more beer. That was twenty years ago and I'm still bothered by the memory.

wasn't my intent to get into dick waving.

However, I'm sure as shit more sympathetic to rando unfair crap that happened to people than the average bear.

Happy for him for landing on his feet, not jealous or envious at all. Especially getting through foster. That shit is shit.

My mom worked with special needs kids since the early 70s... before it was vogue. Grew up with some temp foster sibs - the whole gamut - abuse to everything on the spectrum.

Have a foster bro (lived under same roof for 5 years) who is doing 13 years in Lompoc. Not saying that makes me a hard motherfucker even by association, but I know the shit that other people, people I care about have been/are going through

shut the fuck up fagget

here look at trap threads, rekt and ylyl. and ocasional celeb thread and facebook thread

most qualitiest content site on intarwebz

also roll get threads

Who the girl. Is she a porn star. Pls. Tell me she is..

That's part of getting older, OP. You meet people along your path and some don't stick around. It's just the way that it is. People all have their own shit to meddle in and their own paths. They often times go opposite ways.

Stop worrying and just enjoy what life is all about.. living. It doesn't matter how you live it either.. Just do what you want to do and indulge in what brings you joy. There's no right or wrong way, and anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit.

Whether you chill at home all day reading, watching tv, smoking pot, and/or playing vidya, or travel the world, help others in need, and never settle in one place. It doesn't matter, man. It's all the same.

Stop worrying about importance in the world, or what you're worth to society. Stop caring about what others might think. Stop dwelling on the past, because it's gone. Live in the now, my friend, because that's all that we've got to live for.

>Be me
>22 year old kissless virgin
>I've come to terms with this long ago and when pressed I simply answer I prefer to pursue financial success over romantic relationships
>This is pretty true, I could never be with someone who didn't play video games 24/7
>Not a sperg so I can make friends with relative ease and mostly women ironically enough
>but this isn't about that
>Be the only son and youngest of 6 children
>dad really wanted a boy
>he got one
>ever since I was little my mother and grandmothers told me I shouldn't fight or be mean to others. I took this to heart.
>my father thought otherwise
>he wanted me to basically be him, a street boxing handyman who didn't even finish middle school
>he just magically expects me to know how change a tire after teaching me how to ride a bike
>Not interested in any of that
>the more he insults me the more repulsed I am by any activity he wants to "teach" me
>I just wanna play vidya
>get overweight
>dad never lives it down
>be current year, am 22 years old now
>I only need one more semester to graduate with a bachelors in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
>mom and everyone else is proud of me
>dad has never congratulated me for any of my work ever
>has never told me once he's proud or he loves me
I don't even know if I hate him or anything. Like, he can be a prick sometimes but then some days we can have light banter with each other like a real father and son. But looking back he's done less good than bad. And I say he "tries" to teach me all these life lessons when in reality he gives me tools and just expects me to know how to use them because he did when he was a fucking fetus.

And I don't know Sup Forums. I don't even know why I'm upset by any of this. I know he's an asshole but he still manages to twist it to make me feel like I failed as a son. Should I be mad at him? I don't even fucking know anymore.

Posted in the last feels thread but it died.
The love of my life died in my arms. If I could just see her cheerful eyes one more time I could die happy

God DAMN you're plebtier normaltard. Celeb threads? Fuck you suck. The cancer killed Sup Forums and you're the bacteria and vermin that's filling the bloating corpse.

Cancer would be too good for you.

All the worst of b

Give me quads or give me death

Save/get some money and go serve in a 3rd world country for a summer. You can help so many people less fortunate than you. If you still think your life is not worth living after that, try another 3rd world country. If after 50 years of service you still feel your life is not living, then you should probably go through with it.