H.. Hi anonymous. how do you become a hacker?

H.. Hi anonymous. how do you become a hacker?

Other urls found in this thread:

repo.zenk-security.com/Magazine E-book/Hacking- The Art of Exploitation (2nd ed. 2008) - Erickson.pdf
alvand.basu.ac.ir/~dezfoulian/files/Programming/Prentice Hall - The C Programming Language- Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, 2nd ed., ISBN .pdf
faculty.petra.ac.id/indi/files/Assembly Language step by step.pdf

what do you aim to hack?

...the planet

What is your aim to get out of hacking the planet?

He aims to get the good succ

A hacker is nothing more than a person who studies a certain computer language enough to understand when they see a flaw in that language.
Now..the question becomes:
"How long does it take you to study a new language?"
Depending on the complexity of the language indicates the aprox amount of time it takes to learn that language.
Today in 2017 if you studied the first computer language I learned in 1982 (Basic)
It would take you about 2 days to absorb the basics..because you have been exposed to a more complex system (Windows/DOS/NTFS)

Now compare that to learning a vocal language.
As an english speaker it is a bit easier for you to understand Spanish/danish/dutch/almost any European language because the phonetics are similar.
Now take an English speaker and ask them to speak Arabic.
They have a hard time because not only are the phonetics different...you read it right-to-left
Not move that idea back to computers....
You know C+,C++,JAVA,Flash,Auto-CAD...ect)
If you know the flaws you can exploit any computer language,just as you can exploit the un-knowledgeable in a phonetic language

I once took control of all of Southwestern Bell's personal homepage FTP because I noticed through a 40_ error that it was being run on some version of AIX (IBM's bastard version of UNIX) and I just happened to know the default backdoors for AIX.
That could be considered hacking, even though I knew nothing about programming (beyond HTML) or scripts. Still don't. It really depends on what you're trying to accomplish or what it is you just want to understand/learn.

loop de loop and pull

To expand slightly on what these anons are saying, it's not necessarily just finding a flaw in a programming language, but finding a flaw in any software used by your target that you can use to exploit their system somehow, whether you're just defacing a webpage or stealing secrets.

Wrong question/fake answers..OP, go learn how to be a rockstar, it could be easier....

learn how to computer good


I'll get you started once you get that kiddie porn off your desktop, David.

Read a couple (well, more like a lot) of books on cybersecurity and practice what they show you in there.
Practice on a few self-made targets (like a dummy webserver that's locally hosted, or a virtual machine of whatever operating system you want to get good at hacking). This will help to hone your skills before you try the real thing.
It will take a long time to gain any proficiency, but this isn't something you can half-ass and expect not to get caught or taken advantage of by a more experienced hacker.


repo.zenk-security.com/Magazine E-book/Hacking- The Art of Exploitation (2nd ed. 2008) - Erickson.pdf

alvand.basu.ac.ir/~dezfoulian/files/Programming/Prentice Hall - The C Programming Language- Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, 2nd ed., ISBN .pdf

faculty.petra.ac.id/indi/files/Assembly Language step by step.pdf

Deleting system 32 enables hack mode

>amazon spyware


You've made an important first step by coming here, user. Have you deleted system 32 on your computer? This is an important step. Do not proceed any further until you've done this. Godspeed, and I will see you soon

I dont have a computer. I have a macintosh

Yes.If you haven't done this, you're probably gonna get caught doing whatever the hell you are gonna.Cuz microsoft can spy on you if you still have it.

Italian fag detected

Don't tell him everything. Let him find this out himself.
This is YOUR journey OP, and we will be there to provide a helping hand occasionally, but you must do the work.
Delete system 32 immediately and report back for further instruction.

>implying any hacker worth a pinch of coon shit would use windows

They cant spy on you if you dont use their shitty operating system

Apple products are always a no-no..

Windows can be made usable for a hacker if he wants.I believe one main step is already mentioned in this thread(deleting system32).

Linux is always the way to go

Hope this helps you in any way

install gentoo

Not unity, is GNOME

Very perspective...Sherlock

I used slackware myself, but am using freebsd atm

Little ugly davy def has a terabyte of cp at his disposal for when steph out suckin


is freebsd dependency hell like slackware?

Wrong answer. You just described a programmer.

A hacker is an individual that uses computer tools to achieve effects other than those expected.

Hackers can be script kiddies: kids that know how to use a tool and shoot cowboy style. These hackers do not usually profit from exploiting computers because if they attempted anything big they would both fail and get caught.

Hackers can be professional: i.e. white hat hackers or black hat hackers that follow strict methodologies. White hats make money protecting systems. Black hats professional enough can potentially make millions.

You become a hacker by exploiting a machine. Really easy if you know how to google. You become a professional hacker by studying and practicing a lot more than you can from a normal basement.

Learn matlab




Nice to see people post an image from your thread

