Alright, the old girl made the thread mundane, so let's move on to the new one. Trips decides

Alright, the old girl made the thread mundane, so let's move on to the new one. Trips decides.
Old thread: >

lets get this goin, tell her to come suck you off

Put your dick on your wrist like a watch and tell her its nudes time

Here's the new one

yeah whatever just do this

i like to braid my nipple hairs.


its summer already isnt it

Ok I'll Rollerino for this

This was mine from last thread and OP didn't deliver. Abort thread, OP is a fag


You want fuck?

i got trip 1's about anal, op didnt deliver either


This pls

its trips this time newfags

>Didn't deliver






nice feet

for what dummy?

for nice trips

Rolling for, "Hot damn do I like ten-year-old boys! They're so smooth."
To this chick, if she's still on, or the next.


Fucking original roll was one shy of Satan. Oughtta count for sympathy's sake.

