Medfags? What are these and how do I get rid of them asap...

Medfags? What are these and how do I get rid of them asap. This girls trying to fuck me tommorow and I want these gone first


4-10 days to clear up

Are you fucking stupid genital warts

Tallow bumps, let them sit, do not puncture them could cause an infection

genital warts nigger.

go to doctor. that shit looks scary!!

Cut them off

anal warts. you got them from shoving your balls up some faggot's infected asshole

>WTF were you thinking faggot OP?!?!?


idek what that is, OP. gross tho

Can't be I'm a fuckin virgin lol

genital warts

you can reduce them with an hour of ice on them, but that will only reduce them


stab them with a needle. When you do that though it generally causes a scab and makes them go red.

>This girls trying to fuck me tommorow and I want these gone first
She's about to get a sweet case of genital warts, so, be honest and tell her. Don't be an STD carrying, lying shitstick user.

legit, i think thats cancer

Wow. I'm glad I'm a virgin.

probably in grown hairs just squeeze them

How can you have an std if you're a virgin

This is the most likely answer. It's not warts or herpes, like others are saying. If you are actually worried, then just go to a doctor.

a type of cyst. You can try to cut it open/out but this will more than likely lead to infection and if not done by a professional won't guarantee full removal. Likely caused by blockage in a follicle.

Go to doc if you want them removed. Harmless otherwise.

its this they are just ingrown hairs pop it then clean it up with saline water and keep it clean youre done i had this before. change your boxer shorts frequently.

I have those. Just squeeze them. they cream out a little white stuff and it doesn't hurt. It's kinda satisfying actually.

Molluscum contagiosum , dont worry about em, see a dermatologist

>girl trying to fuck me tommorrow
>I want to give my girl my genital warts
If this is a lay you want to actually keep for future sex, don't fucking do it mate.

Don't pop them, they don't stop bleeding. Leave them alone

how are you still alive? You must be the dumbest person on the planet. You should really clean your balls more often.

Genital warts. Sorry but they will be there for life (and regrow if you have them removed).

try this op

Why don't you go to
> Snαpchα
and leak all your snapchat sluts

You can get oral/genital herpes in other ways than just sex.

Toilet seat. Does anyone in your house have an STD? Do you use public restrooms a lot?

Genital warts have a cauliflower look to them.
The stuff on ops scrotum looks like cysts of some sort.

>OP is a scabby cunt and is going to start is journey to foreveraloneville tomorrow
>Enjoy being knowing as John von wartsdick at school by everyone
>Even your mom

there is actually something you can do. it scars, but its worth it. I have sucessfully done it myself and can post pics of the peen if you literal faggots want.
its called cryo therapy. go to the drug store and get a freezing wart removal kit. you know what to do.

looks like something a friend of mine had. Blood vessel being blocked by a weak groin muscle. Since the blood couldn't go up fast enough, it started making red spots on his balls.

oh and the bumps turn black and recede into you skin instantly.

To all of the people saying warts.
You're wrong.
They are cysts/pimples of some sort.

cysts that form in your hair follicles....a urologist or dermatologist can cut them out.....thats the only way to get rid of them they are very easy to get out and it doesn't hurt...

I have had a few and that what I had to do


They're simply sebaceous cysts. A little oil/sebum gets trapped in the sebaceous gland, and it collects there. It's harmless and of no consequence.
Nobody's going to freak out over them.

just fucking squeeze them it will white stuff will rupture through the hair follicle and it might bleed a little but that is it

Clearly half of these neckbeards are. I'm trying to get laid for the first time in my life bros.

>wanting whores
You'll never know true power, young novice.

They're not freaking out, they are trying to get you to freak out.
Besides most people reply with the worst condition it could possibly be when people treat Sup Forums like their doctor.

>half of these neckbeards

you mean the ones that are trolling and telling you that it is warts/herps?

Spots on your bollocks i bet she would, not exactly a really well known thing by women, plus you couldn't blame her if she did freak out, probably thinks it would be an STD or some shit

Wizard reporting in for duty. they are basically just pimples on your balls just squeeze them.

I have these and when i squeeze them nothing happens and nothing comes out, needle is the only thing that's works for me and they keep coming back.

Pop it with a needle

Which layer of the inner circle are you in, brother?

women get ingrown hairs all the fucking time

Cancer, cut off your balls

I'm 32... I kissed a girl once when I was 12.

yea but they don't exactly plan to have sex with a spotty cunt now do they.

Sounds like my best solution.

That's puss and disgusting

You are but a youngling.

If it wasn't disgusting I wouldn't be trying to get rid of it lol

you don't need a needle there is all ready a hole

No youre not.


Not working got my nutsack stuck in my ass.

Seriously though there isn't a hole squeezing them doesn't do anything

I've got same shit as OP or at least they look the same and there is not any hole, only needle works.

Squeezing them every day since i was 14 (20 now) and 9/10 of them require a needle to get rid of.

Those are testicles, OP. You don't want to get rid of those.

Already did now I'm gonna have to start taking estrogen and become a woman

>Toilet seat

ITT OP plays with his balls while Sup Forums has a bullshit contest.

Top kek
Perfect tl;dr


I get these, OP. They're just small cysts. I went to the doctor the first time because I had like 10 of them but every time I've had one crop up since then, I just cut them out myself. A needle works but a razor is best because you need to remove the whole (cyst) sac. It'll be held on with litter strands you need to tear out with it. I know it sounds fucking disgusting but it is what it is.

Definitely didn't think I'd end up screen capped

i'm not in the thread, i was just scrolling the index when my mouse hovered on your pic and thanks to 4chanX this thing appeared on my monitor
spooky shit

What the hell is 4chanx?

you're all a bunch of faggots! looking and discussing some gay dudes ball problem.

an extension of an extension for chrome and firefox, basically a better Sup Forums.

things like always infinite index, auto update for threads and even thread watcher, also this thing that if you put your mouse on an icon it automatically expands, works also for quotes

I think they are fordyce spots. I have them too, thought they were fucking herpes or warts or some shit, but nope. They are benign.

if dubs record yourself cutting them off/ popping them

If I use a needle how do I steralize it?

This. Had those several times. Actually they're squeezable like facial zits but as mentioned it coud cause an infection to do so.
And you don't want to have an infection on your ball sack.

>put in open flame (stove, candle, lighter...) for a few seconds
>rinse under cold water to cool it off
>sprinkle with salt to sanitize

Actually not a bad idea. Not the salt part, that's retarded, but burn the end of it.

Had those when I was a kid
Just pop them
Btw you get them from not washing your balls regularly
Maybe if you showered regularly you wouldn't be a virgin

Testicular AIDS.

Nobody is going to freak out huh. Are you crazy? If a chick had these bumps surrounding her pussy would you lick it? No you wouldn't.




your Sup Forums experience is about to improve 10fold

Build up of karatin in the pores of the scrotum.
Dosen't spread, isn't life threatening. Just your body being fucking stupid.

Don't pop them, otherwise you'll basically have acne holes on your scrotum which can easily get infected.


Fucking disgusting!!!

So what do I do about them?

keep poping them

Jesus fuck

That's not op

It's genetics, like how you have that birthmark on your leg. I have them all over my balls and are small and hard to pop, IF I even can pop them.

bulb pores

Do girls understand that or am I gonna get fucked here. (Obviously not literally lol)

Girl won't look at balls

Guy from OP's pic looks like they're more developed.
Try popping them. If you can't pop them, go to your general practicioner to get those checked. Hell, you might have skin cancer on your scrotum.

And girls probably won't understand. I don't fucking know, I'm not a girl.