It's Caturday! Post pictures of your cat(s) Sup Forums. Dogs welcome too

It's Caturday! Post pictures of your cat(s) Sup Forums. Dogs welcome too.

This kitty came to me last weekend, starving.. Just skin and bones.. All tore up also. Sweet kitty. Didn't make it, buried her today.

I'm sorry to hear that bro. You tried though, gave her a good last week.

This is Bandit and his brother Gandalf

Started coming to me when I was sleeping her last three nights. The last night I knew she was gone .. she didn't get up, just sort of whispered a meow to me when I got home from work.
Life give her a very bad deal, her short life was so rough. Almost all of us have it so easy compared to what she must have faced. She was unafraid, just walked up to me out front while I was working on the car. I went straight inside and got her some food, she ate a little of it and then started to walk off and I grabbed her up and brought her inside.
She was so nice!!, Purrs and cat-talking to me and sleeping with me at night .. she just wanted a home, I'm sad that I was too late to save her.

I would have posted but my kitty aint sharing no thread with some GOD DAMN MONGREL

Again, really sorry to hear. You tried though, that's the important part. All things must come to an end at some point, I would like to imagine she was happy to find a home before her end, albeit however briefly.
Who's a mongrel?

This is Samson

>dogs in a caturday thread
consider me triggered

Sadly I had to put down my 8 yr old cat yesterday. His name was Sweetlips.

Now that's one handsome kitty.

I just didn't want to exclude anyone. No one has posted a dog yet though, so there's that.
Thank you! He is definitely a big suck though.

He also enjoys doing puzzles.


i didn't ask for a feels thread Sup Forumsro ;_;

food, warmth and love - you gave her everything








I keep trying to make it straight but it keeps fuckin turning sigh

Meet meekah

Just keep him away from the Sudoku.


The trifecta

this is mine

This is Kasey, she is unhappy about going for a ride in the car.








