What's a quick painless suicide method? I don't have money to buy a gun or drugs or anything

What's a quick painless suicide method? I don't have money to buy a gun or drugs or anything

Rope. #ShakeALeg

how about falling?


Nowhere to tie it to

Nowhere to jump off of either. Running in front of a car won't work either because people don't drive fast enough around here

can you tell me your location so i may kill you?

Not OP, but I'm ready to die. Honestly just to lazy to do it.

Helium tank sir

take a shit load of tylenol and then pound a few shots. you'll pass out within 20 minutes and die within a few hours. cheap and effective

I know plenty of people with no money that committed suicide via heroin overdose. Looked like they had fun on the way down too. If they can figure it out so can you. I'm not talking about very smart people here so it must've been pretty easy.

o2 mask
o2 tubing
oven bag
o2 regulator
empty out the air from the oven bag and fill it with nitrogen
completely exhale
pull the bag over your head
dead in 20 seconds

Rope and a big tree.
The measured drop (Google) is pretty much as fast as a decent headshot, not counting set up time.

If I can find one I might try that. I didn't know something like that can kill you.

Bergholz ohio

I'm broke but when I get some money I'll try that and the helium. Any suggestions for what to drink?

nothing like dying over a period of four months due to liver failure, then multiple organ dysfunction syndrome

helium tank is outdated. They mix oxygen in it now.

really? fuck, that was my backup plan (not OP)

Literally bag over head. You can afford that right? Plastic garbage bag?

throat slit it only hurts for a few seconds

Whiny faggot, you're dying anyways, just sell all your shit and buy a shitty gun and shoot yourself, damn.

the problem with these is that you need to strongly fight the preservation instinct. I need a method that doesn't involve actively pulling the trigger, both literally and as a figure of speech

Ingest cyanide, won't be totally painless but will be fast if you take It in pure form

Only 20%

Where can you acquire this

Jump off the nearest high cliff or building faggot