Some depressing story time that is happening to me as I type this

Some depressing story time that is happening to me as I type this

> My best school mate had a crush on the same girl as me.
> He didn't know that I had a crush on her too but we spoke about her upon his interest.
> He then asked her on a date and they were together for about three months.
> In January they broke up.
> He is still devastated but she is over him, however they are still great friends.
> I have always had great interest in her.
> Now that our last year of school is coming to an end I wanted to ask her out on a date on graduation night.
> The thing is, is the fact that she kind of showed interest in me while I didn't show obvious interest in her back in March.
> Now that graduation night is about 2 weeks away I want to make it clear to her that I want her.
> The thing that bothers me so much is this;
they are very good friends, if I ask her on a date she will say no and I will lose the both of them
If she says yeah then I will lose him (my best friend)
Right now I'm struggling to make up my mind whether to ask her on a date or nah, It's the only thing on my mind for the last week and a half. There is a huge chance of me being rejected but a slight one of her being with me...
What do I do.

(pic kind-of related)

Other urls found in this thread:

"broes before hoes" faggot


I think I love her though


>big ass ocean of pussy

You decide to get your friends sloppy seconds

Don't be weak


good luck with that, doesn't seem like the odds are in your favor though

you sound like a self-important angsty teen

They never fucked, awkward af relationship because he is a beta faggot. they only kissed like twice too

ask him like in the sitcoms

No you don't.
You WANT to be with her. There's a difference.

Find your own girl. That one is used up. Every time you kiss her you'd have to taste your friends dick.
Ffs, man up and go get laid.

Here's the thing, he was the 'leader' of our friendship, he always decided things for us even when I was against it. The is happening for 15 years now, Im pissed off and I matured a lot, this is revenge on my part too

In a moderately perfect world,if he dude was truly your best friend he would understand if you actually have feelings for her. seeing tho how he's not over her he'll most likely chimp out on you before you can even talk about if you get rejected. so in this case you can either go with the whole BROS BEFORE HOES LOL or you can actually think about this. who holds more worth to you,is your friendship with your bud stronger than something that *Might* happen? or are you unsure about that and sure about the chick? toss this around a bit


>justifying betraying your friend because he was a bossy child

What the fuck is wrong with you? Stay friends with your mate, there are tons of women out there. How can you even think of betraying your mate this way? What the fuck is wrong with you faggots these days, throwing away a friendship for a fucking hole. Come on ffs, how is this even an option....

he is a rich, spoilt, bossy man child who ALWAYS got his way around EVERYTHING that is why he is annoyed at losing her. I want to show him he isnt always right by doing this

Of course they didn't. The just watched TV and talked about Harry Potter.

I think I love her, I have had many girls but I feel so different about this one, It's fucking weird as hell.

Sounds like you have already made up your mind about what you want to do and is only looking for validation

you're a shitty person and you'll never win because of your pettiness

Ask him, see if he objects and how he objects.
If he objects, see how you feel about that.
Based on how you feel about it you will know how to proceed.
Respect your Bro, but he doesn't own the girl.

Listen me and him were VERY close and he would've told me about losing his virginity, she also a virgin

high school is small. it will trick you into thinking that one girl that you like is the only girl you ever will.

there will be dozens of opportunities. don't waste your time on a girl a lose your friend, when you can probably find an even better girl and retain your friendship. Honestly though, I was in your place before, and the only reason you're asking is so someone will give you permission to fuck up your friendship over a girl you don't want advice. you want permission. So just go be a dumbass and get it over with.

why do you call him your best friend tho? clearly you dont like him very much and dont care about his feelings?

That is true, well pointed out but I just need advice on what you guys think. I have never felt about a girl this way before

how old are you people 15?

>well if he's a brat

If he's a shifty human being then yeah who cares about his feelings, but she will indefinitely divide you too

Vice versa, hasn't she already divided you too?

Post a pic of her op


Can't stay still

We used to be best friends in primary but in secondary school I began to realise how much of a cunt he was to me over the years. I was a very innocent child growing up trusting him as he was always the 'leader' but now I see how much of a cunt he has been to me over the years

every pic I have of her leads back to her social media

If he is that much of a cunt, why are you even still friends with him, and why do you care about keeping it. If you dislike him so much be a chad, steal his girl and flip him off.

If you, her or your friend think in such retarded absolutes like a shitfaced american, you don't deserve any happiness.

Just because X is dating Y, Z doesn't suddenly need to be out of the picture.
Don't be stupid.

man what the fuck, they were dating, now they are not. they never even fucked and barely kissed. they had a super awkward relationship.

He is my first friend

P.S.: And for crying out loud, stop reading and listening to all these obvious americanised dipshits that so obviously don't understand how life, society and everything in it work.

She's single. If you two dig each other, you can figure out how much so by dating.
You don't know if there's any love there yet, that's what dating is for.
You only see lust and perhaps a 'crush'.

Your friend will have no reason to stop being your friend.
If he chooses to cut you loose - that's his choice and you'll have to accept it, but you don't need to take any bullshit over it either.

If she wants to never see you again after such a tiny stupid thing like 'clear communication' in that you would tell her you have interest, she's a dumb fucking idiot and you don't need her in your life anyway.
If you feel otherwise, that's just lust talking.

Again, only american dipshits would see things otherwise. Don't be a fucking idiot.

>like the 10 people in the thread will ruin you

Sometimes you have to yolo.

If you're already graduating high school then just go for it....three years into college I still wish I'd gone for two or three girls senior year.

Your reply is irrelevant. I never said they're actively dating right now. Learn English, maybe?

good advice

thanks user.

We have only 3 weeks of school left so I mean i wont see her ever again, should I roll the die and take my chance or forever be regretting not asking her out on a date


Also I dont think it's lust because I dont want to only fuck her and go I really carte about her feelings and I dont want to make her sad over me being a dick and asking her out.

>believing that autism and faggotry are a peculiarly American disease

Then think about it this way. Statistically speaking, most high school relationships don't work out. With that in mind, five years down the line, would you rather have your best friend and no girl, or memory of a relationship with the girl and no best friend? Or you can just talk to your friend ya'know

Thanks user, I will take this advice but with great caution

Why would you never see her again? This isn't the 1840s and she's off to Oregon on a wagon train. Learn to social media.

Underage b&

Definitely don't link he social media.

We are of to college after this, I don't think we will stay in contact after school is over

oh yeah there's no way, she will 100% realise who it is that's into her and she will probably despise me kek

Who is that, her tits are fucking huge

School for me was long ago. Like, a quarter-century ago.
I still stay in touch will some of my friends from then -- heck, one or two of them are still close buddies.
I can remember the girls I crushed on, but haven't seen or heard from any of them since maybe a year after graduation.

You love her tits, not her
grow up



Catch me outside

Don't be a noob

How, any guy in her school of 2000+ could be on Sup Forums

>think outside the box pussy

Take the risk. You'll regret it for a long time if you don't.

It's been long enough. Just ask her to the grad.

Friends come and go trust me. If he is the type to unfriend you for doing something like this then I couldn't see your friendship lasting that long anyway.

Ask your friend if he would be cool with it, if not then find some one else to crush on and stop being a faggot.

once you get to college/uni you will make soo many new friends anyway.

If he's not mature enough to let you have a chance at a girl you clearly like he's not a m8.

I have come to a final conclusive decision; i will continue to talk to her over the summer until prom comes along in august, im bringing some other girl to that and she is bringing him as a friend. She truly doesn't see him as a partner anymore so there's no danger in them being together after prom.

I will ask her on a date during prom night and if she says yes that would be great and if he gets all pissy about it then I will say it was the drink that did it abnd she clearly was interested, my friend would have nothing to be angry with, but if she says no then I can blame it on the drink...

Either way this is a win win in my eyes. If he does get angry then it will be for a short time

it's not like they we're in a longterm relationship or anything ffs... it was a couple months..


see this

Im 19 she is currently 17



she will dump you in like 4 months so you know, losing your bro for a useless 4 month relationship seems retarded.

>high school problems

Kid, if you're not going to the same university as her right after graduation, your relationship won't last the first semester anyway. Plus she's gonna bloat up like a balloon almost immediately once she starts making her own dietary choices. The one guy I know who's marrying his high school sweetheart? She only stuck around because she weighs 250 lbs now, as opposed to the 130 when they started dating, and he only stuck around because "muh catholic commitment."

I know you think this could play out where you're together forever, but it's not going to. It's not worth throwing that kind of monkey wrench into the machine that is your three amigops camaraderie. It's better to have friends you can chill with whenever you drop back in at home than an awkward ex situation and the bro who can't trust you anymore. I'm serious when I say this: find someone else. You'll get over this girl REAL quick.

That's fucking stupid. There's no time limit on love. Stop undervaluing the genuine experiences of others just because they don't fit in with your preconceived notions of what's acceptable. You're just fabricating justifications for your own shitty behavior.

Someone got held back a year. No wonder you have to make this thread when the only logical answer is obvious. You're fucking stupid.

I did an extra year in school called TY it's a normal and optional process in Ireland and I chose to do it. I am above average in my grades without any study

>replying to the troll post with defensive justifications about his intelligence

Sure, buddy.

>love tits
Fuck off normie edgelord

you know, this is just something that best friends do to each other nowadays. go ahead, throw him under the bus. one of two things will happen: she'll reject you and fuck your ex best friend for life just to irritate you and you'll learn that all women are universally whores, or you'll get her to yourself. girls know when two guys are fighting for her, and they take this opportunity to crush friendships. so, by taking any initiative it's is going to end the friendship.


maybe it's just me but don't you think it would be kinda rude to ask her out during your prom when you're being escorted by another chick?

maybe the day after would be more appropriate. I woulda just asked her to prom in the first place but it's too late for that.

and yes there are soo many fine biddies at uni's.

for reference what country is user from?

Ask your friend first you faggot

A lot of people wouldn't even count 3 months as a relationship. That's just dating.


>I will ask her on a date during prom night and if she says yes that would be great
haha, hope you're not thinking about wearing an expensive new white shirt

So here's what i would do in order.

Ask your mate out of courtesy. Tell him you're interested in her and thinking about asking her out sometime. Do this kinda soon. It's more so kinda just giving him the heads up.

Go to grad with this other chick that you've already asked. Have a good time. Treat your date well. It's a big day for her too. You never know what could happen there ;)
Note: Chicks get jealous as fuck when you hang out with other chicks.

Day/s after grad just ask her out on a date. You don't even need to make it sound like a big deal to her.

Make sure to think of plans for a date before you ask too lol. Don't just wing it.


when's you grad anyway?

what kinda timeframe are we looking at?

Ya'll all leaving town to go to uni straight after or chilling until closer to sem start?

You want what you can't have, that's what is different. Get over Lust

lust is more like when you hookup with a chick at a party and then date for a couple weeks only to realise you don't really like her.