Weed's not addictive man

>weed's not addictive man
>literally smokes weed daily
Why are potheads so fucking dumb?

Why are so frustrated with other people's lifestyle? Project much?

not physically addictive. but like anything else can be habit forming.

we don't depend on it. we don't rely on it to get through our day. if we don't smoke it we'd be just fine. we love the trip. thats why we smoke weed everyday. why do you fap everyday you pathetic low life piece of shit?
weed isn't addictive. its our choice to smoke it everyday. we aren't compelled to, you autistic faggot



Haha. Tie a tight noose OP, just because we smoke it daily doesn't mean it's addictive, it just means we like to smoke weed. If I had to stop smoking for a long time it would be no big deal, there would be no symptoms of psychological or physical dependence.

how about you smoke a joint then go a month without weed, Then shoot up a hit of heroin and go a week without it then tell me what's a addictive and what's not.

I smoke pot daily for the past 6 years.

Been wishing Id stop for the last 4 of them.

People dont realize addictiong doesnt have to be cold sweats and shakes. I definitely think physically addictive things are harder to quit but its an addiction for sure.

I can avoid smoking it, and i dont crave it when im busy, but i cant have it around me without smoking it and getting high

cause faggots smoke shit around me

Why is your stupid fucking ass worried about what I am doing? Worry about your own sad existence, OP.

Just say no Faggot


You are an idiot. I've smoked cannabis for over 10 years. Different periods of my life I was smoking daily. In those times, I've travelled and couldn't smoke for over a week many times. Had no issues. No cravings. No effect whatsoever of not having it in my system all of a sudden.. Maybe you should be more upset at caffeine. Daily coffee drinkers if they abruptly quit drinking have massive migraines with the withdrawal.

You fucking peanut brain

= immediate /thread

Go back to permanent lurking you fucktard

>tfw people fall for b8 this bad
>tfw when summer is never ending

I used to smoke everyday, but now I'm busy with raising a kid so I only have time on weekends. Didn't have any issue with doing that.

Then learn some self discipline, been somking steadily for the past 8 years ( 4g a day) and can stop cold turkey for 2 months and more (because of my job) with no problems

>water's not addictive man
>literally drinks water daily
Why are waterholics so fucking dumb?


I drink a cup of coffee on 90% of days.
I still can easily go without it. but it might get bad if you drink a lot of coffee.

>mfw I was smoking weed every hour of every day for a month
>still have some left, but just decide I don't want to smoke anymore
>haven't smoked in 3 days

It's not even that I think pots bad for you. But it makes people so fucking stupid, and really lazy and all pots heads talk about the same shit over and over, or they just space out with a dumb look on there face.


sorry, you need a safespace, snowflake? does smoke bother yah? poor baby

>pay for apartment
>room mate does something illegal that makes the place smell like shit
>i'm in the wrong

>Sup Forums is not addictive
>literally shitposts every day

Why are bleurgh aljhf oasdh asigjarpgj laf apsjg arwihjalf apjgsw gsadhij retardy retardy spasssstiiiiiccccs so fucking dumb?

Speak for yourself.

Read a book nigger.

Case in point :

if it wasn't illegal he could just do it outside. but in the end it's just you who's getting cucked.

As someone who used to smoke too much, weed puts you in another universe. It speeds up time, makes you forgetful, and makes you indifferent. And you could've asked me at any time, and I would've swore up and down that I wasn't hooked on it, even though I couldn't imagine a day going by without getting baked.

A huge waste of time and money, and I'm so happy I quit. All of you thmart people out there should be asking yourselves why (((the system))) and the (((pop culture))) sell you so hard on how cool and harmless marijuana is.

Find a new roommate dipshit

>room mate
your fault then for leaking the balls to say something, and still a booboo crying baby like vegans complainin about people roasting meat, so yean you're wrong


>getting potheads to stop smoking
>implying that's possible

Used to be like this, till I realised my addiction was more a need to escape reality.

>think that he need to stop instead of askin for don't smoke inside the place as some peole do with tobaco

>being this retard

>getting meat lovers to stop doing something they like
>implying that's possible

It's a mental reliance. Addiction means you can't live with it. Mental reliance means you'd prefer to have it but you aren't going to suck dick for it. Also Bill Gates smokes pot

i have no problem with weed but goddamn.
potheads be triggered.

lol this faggot's been smoking weed for a decade. I'm sure he's highly successful in a field that requires significant brainpower

Idk about weed being addictive. All I know is that 95% of people that smoke it after 21 are fucking retards. I have yet to meet someone successful (outside of comedy and sports) who smokes weed. Especially someone who does it every day. Like every day, you need to lose some brain power to chill and relax? That's just not what successful people do. But the retard hippies don't get that. Slash they don't care about being successful--they just live a pathetic animal existence of eating, getting high, and making enough to get by 95% of the time.

Caffeine withdrawal is no joke. Especially if you drink daily for many years


You are an idiot. There are doctors who smoke. Lawyers who smoke etc. fortunately they don't have to consult with you and can do it behind closed doors. Your generalization is akin to saying anyone who consumes alcohol is a failure. You sir, are quit simple minded.

The difference is tobacco doesn't make you a fucking retard for a few hours. I personally find it amusing that pothead's arguments are often "but other people are retards too"

Appalling Applause

>Why are potheads so fucking dumb?

Because they smoke a lot of pot, and it makes them stupider. It's called dope for a reason.

Really? Because I have a lot of friends who are doctors and a ton who are scientists (I myself am in physics and have done research in both fields) and I've been to many parties, some involving drugs. And I don't know a single one who smokes. Potheads always say this shit, but it really isn't true. Maybe lawyers (I wouldn't know) and I know that some people in the art/humanities do (even at professor level), but that just goes to prove my point even more since they're pretty worthless.

What a weak willed faggot, I Smoke on weekends and on week days I don't, it's called discipline.


For the record, I don't think pot has many side effects. I just think that only fucking losers are drawn to it, people who feel the need to try to escape their shitty reality rather than doing something in life.

I quit caffeine after having drank mountain dew for 15 years as pretty much the only thing I would ever drink. 1-5 cans, or more, a day. The headache that followed when I quit cold turkey literally put me bed ridden for a week. Could not move or I'd throw up. Was absolutely the worst feeling I've ever had.

I earn a decent living. I didnt go to college but went to a trade school and learned a skill. Im part of a union and have great benefits. Im single and dont have kids so smoking weed has never been an issue for me. I did stop for a couple of months to pass the drug test for the union but that was years ago.

You can do something every day and not be addicted. I'm pretty sure most people aren't addicted to showering or brushing their teeth or working. Doing something every day doesn't make it addictive.

Not totally true. Daily use is literally a habit. Case closed


why are you all so triggered?

This is what I mean by I don't know any successful people who smoke pot. Your job is fine and I'm sure you'll live a good life, but I think the point is that for whatever reason, the most successful people don't smoke pot. Again idk if that's because pot attracts people with low ambition or because it works to make you dumb/lazy, but it's true all the same. I'm just amazed that it's never a red flag to potheads who always want to talk about intellectual shit but then wonder why they're never a part of that intellectual shit.

Sheldong Cropper?

habit =/= addiction

Ah but it was in your system

You have no idea how many fucking times I've heard this. Literally EVERY SINGLE public lecture I have ever given. If I ever invented a time machine, the first thing I would do is go back and time and rape the faggot who thought of that show to death before that sin made its way to TV

Nigga, I've done that multiple times with amphetamine, which is known to be addictive. Your anecdote means shit.

Its because youre a faggot

It depends on the person. I used to smoke the shit every day but I've scaled back my usage the past few years. Might smoke a couple times every week or so. Not everyone who smokes it every day is a loser who can't function but plenty of the people I know who do it every day fit that description and seem to have no goals other than to make money to buy more weed. It can really fuck you up mentally and socially if you smoke the shit a lot and don't interact with real people on a regular basis. No worse than alcohol but it isn't some fucking cure all for everything like retards make it out to be.


I consider myself successful and thoroughly enjoy life.

You need to smoke some put bro

I smoked weed everyday for over 5 years, quit cold turkey without any "withdraws" the second i needed to in order to get a decent job. Been weed free for 3 years now.

>3 days
That's no time at all. You can't really call it quitting unless you've stopped for a month or so at least.

Lawyer who smokes pot here. Only about a one-hit a day to take the edge off or when I need to do physical labor. Also, I own three businesses and have over 500k in liquidity if that means anything.

Anything can be addictive. Weed is not physically addictive though, which is what anyone means when they talk about addiction.

Didn't say I was quitting. Just didn't feel like smoking anymore. I don't have any craving or anything, and I'm not going through withdrawal. That completely dismantles OP's argument based on the definition of an addiction. I don't even care if I'm a loser. I'm just telling everyone here why they're stupid for thinking weed is addictive.

Kant smoked pot

>smoke weed every day because it's fun and school is stressful
>decide to stop because I need to find an internship
>2-3 days of "aww, I want to smoke too, guys"
>day 4 completely over it
>now 3+ weeks sober

Yeah but the difference between these people and the average 19 year old stoner is self control. These lawyers and business owners aren't blazing on their lunch breaks or even every day after work. They might a few times a month because they have their priorities straight unlike the average stoner. Not saying there's anything wrong with partying when you're young, but just because successful people do it in their 40s doesn't mean shit for yourself if you don't put the work in.

>im not addicted to being a fag
>posts like a faggt everyday

Dope refers to dopamine.
nice try.
I love how smart people understand moderation and measurements, while morons over do it and some how default as a representative of all associated affiliation.

Weed's bad!
The government said so!
Think for yourself.
Enjoy your life.

Weed is such a weak ass drug. It's like being addicted to coffee. I know people who've personally destroyed their well-beings with booze, cigs, pain pills and amphetamines. Weed is good, but it ain't shit in comparison to other drugs.

Hahahahah good one user :-)

If Im without caffine for over 36 hours Im tired, irritable, quick to anger and have a crippling headache with accompanying nausea. I need caffine ASAP.

If Im without weed for 36 hours Im fine and can continue for weeks no problem even months at a time.

Actually, I think it's closer to 2 weeks, becasue I happened to also stop masturbating at the same time. It was A LOT harder to stop touching myself.

Currently I'm trying to stop, been smoking 6 years, I'm not a moron per say, but I severely lack will power. I don't know what to do, I feel bored, but can think clearly. Currently I feel like shit, and I really hope this feeling goes away. I personally find it difficult to stop smoking it, yet again, I don't drink or do anything else, but fuck me I feel horrible, like my bodies went into some kind of deprivation state, it's honestly awful and I hope it doesn't last much longer. It's mentally addictive anyone who says it isn't clearly hasn't smoked it long enough to understand how annoying it is to come off of it

"Hello my good roommate, do you mind going outside when injecting a cannabis?"

is that so fucking hard

Foods not addictive man only drugs are
Eat food everyday...

>I have yet to meet someone successful (outside of comedy and sports) who smokes weed. Especially someone who does it every day.
Snoop dogg my nigger

>smoke weed every week
>get new job
>worried about drug test
>stop smoking weed
>no problem
It really isn't addictive

successful is a relative term anyways. To quote Linkin Park; "In the end, it doesn't really matter"
Do what makes you happy and don't make any trouble.

Have you tried smoking pot daily for a year or more and then stop for a while?

It's incredibly easy compared to literally any other drug.

>Smoke weed daily
>Go on weeklong biz trips, no weed in unknown places, can't fly with it
>No problems during the week

Dont forget 3rd worst president ever g.w. bush jr
That dude was lit daily

you were complaining about smell dipshit, if someone want to burn their brain with drugs or watchin' anime and plain' games all day is their problem. You're just too childlish to accept others want to spend their time differently, and too coward to delimitate your space. Also most philosophers are and were freakin' potheads and still more intelligent than you; no, drugs doesn't makes you 'smart' people is retarded and use drugs or intelligent and use drugs the last factor doesn't matter.

>Why are potheads so fucking dumb?

Because they smoke too much pot, idjit.

I don't find cannabis harmful, although you shouldn't really do it before your brain has developed, but since it's illegal that's out of the question. I do think that not everyone can function if they smoke daily though. I personally only smoke on weekends, and I don't smoke and drive.

addictive as water then

Lets talk weed for a second.
if you're thinking of starting smoking weed, maybe your friends are all into it. maybe the cooler kids do it and you wanna fit in. whatever. let me explain something.

Weed is addictive. there, I said it. Stoners all say it's not addictive and it's not physically. But I watched it destroy my friendships in school and it goes really simple.

Weed makes things funner, true. But it has a dangerous side affect, it makes things less fun when you're not blazed and then you wanna get blazed. My friends all but lost the ability to have fun, they thought everything was bland and sucked. and the times we did have fun together, they would always bring up "this would be funner if we were all high" maybe they were right, but I was content with what we had. and the saddest part was they used to be to. I watched them pour hundreds if not thousands of dollars into the hobby over 5 years. I saw their personalities fade as weed took over. seriously, smoke weed long enough and you'll become almost identical to every other pot smoker.

Do I think people who smoke weed are dumb. no. Do I think them smoking weed is a bad decision and saps away their enjoyment, yes.

It doesn't happen to everyone, I do have a few friends, one in particular who are ideal pot smokers, respect that i'm not about that life, offer it maybe but don't press it ever. don't ask if I mind if they go smoke up, they just don't. because they actually can still have fun without it. they never say " wish I was high "

If you find yourself among friends thinking, this would be 10x better if we toked up, if you find yourself spending alot of money and smoking before school, before bed, out with friends almost everyday ect. then you do have a problem. don't even get me started on the gateway drug shit, pretend it's not all you fucking want the simple fact is. not everyone who smokes weed will do harder drugs, but 99-100% of people who do hard drugs started as stoners

>bread's not addictive man
>literally eats bread daily
Why is OP so fucking dumb


the problem is not drugs is the leak of dissipline of western world.

Shut up, Alex