How did Germany rebuild so quickly and magnificently?

also WWII rebuilding thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

cologne before rebuilding

cologne rebuilt

berlin before

berlin after

The Marshall plan...

dresden before

>How did Germany rebuild so quickly and magnificently?
us intervention

How? I'll tell you friend. Humans can get shit done in the most phenomenal fashion. We nearly choose to be slow and bureaucratic about everything.

Marshall plan was only $13b and Germany didn't even receive $1b in marshall plan loans.

Because there was still German people.

dresden after

Because they are white, or were white at least.

frankfurt before

frankfurt after

Because they're germans. It's the same reason why Japan rebuilt so quickly after ww2. It's the same reason why all white settler colonies (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa) became first world countries.

The most important factor in the success of a country is the genetic stock of its inhabitants. You could take germans and put them in the middle of the fucking Congo and they'd build a prosperous country within a few years.

Because reconstruction was undertaken under a war economy-like, centrally planned manner?

The contrary actually. Adenauer completely liberalized the West German economy.


Germans work hard when they are allowed to have pride in themselves. There was some residual pride lingering after the war.

Jews took care of that as the years went on.

They sacrificed building it faithful to it's old design, for the sake of having it rebuilt. 2 million people were without homes.

American style skyscrapers. No wonder what the problem is over there. They should have built some classic looking shit instead of crap American skylines. Looks like crap.

Heh. That's interesting!

Looks like the Germans have a weird word for all of it once again.

All those buildings destroyed. Those aren't military buildings. People lived there. Pretty fucking disgusting.

All in the name of Usury

it's the financial district of the country...pretty much all financial districts look like this around the world. it's practical

Stiff like this is literally proof the the holocaust is a hoax. If the germans wanted jews dead they sure as fuck would not have brought hem to camps to bake them 3 or 4 at a time in ovens. They would have buried them alive hundreds at a time to save time and effort for better things.

We were white.

It was actually Ludwig Erhard.