Fat people hate thread

Fat people hate thread.

they are delicious tho. :D

I know it's edited but the only edit is the names involved. The police were called to McDonalds for getting "offended"




I didn't know you hated your self op







She looks like she'd be hot as fuck if she lost 4500 pounds.


I legitmately thought she was sitting on a couch, I doubted my eyes an found out that couch's don't have human feet

I'm fat. I don't discriminate. I hate most people. But, those fats on "My 600 pound life" raise my anger levels to over 9000. Not all of them, some actually do the work and want to get better, but that's only 1 in every 10 shows.

Those are Brussels sprouts


The worst part is that she would still be morbidly obese if that was a couch




Dont /b hatin fat bitches are fun





something tells me she didn't wait the full 8 hours of no eating before attempting this anyway, so the sample would have been useless.

Explain then.

I'm not even mad

but she's gonna die in her 40's

Absolutely not a factor. If we click, its a good match

So you y'all want more pictures of gross fat people, or more story-type stuff?

>poor doggo

There's nothing more sexy than morbid obesity and clogged arteries. Man I love crippling heart disease nigger

Fat people fuck me off. Like how can anyone live with themselves after becoming so fucking huge?

inb4 glandular
inb4 muh genetics

Fuck off. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about greedy/lazy people (which is most of the fat cunts walking around). Fuck fat people

Post your height/weight.

I'm 6', 180lbs

Fat man here.

I am working on it. But i hate my self and i hate all fat people

rage everytime




Fucking british people

Good lord, take that dog away from her




There's ALWAYS food in the picture with these hamplanets.


ITT: People with small dicks mock fat fucks to feel better about their own insecurities.


5'8" 125 lbs male


>fat fuck spotted

Found the fatty.

And nah, my dick is like 7"
Doesn't matter anyways, I'm married so the bitch is stuck with what I'm packin

Why do fat people hate thread? Because they use so much of it?

how sad that someone is leading an unhealthy lifestyle and they want to get away without being judged

ffs if you are fucked up at least be good enough to admit to yourself you are fucked up, if you hate yourself fix it or at least live with it like normal people

some people are pretentious dicks

5'9" 185 with a dad bod


Jesus Christ her body is like the middle of an intersection graph

If you're fat by like injury (Injury being you hurt yourself really bad and it restricts physical activities to a minimum) you get a pass mien neger






5'8" 203lbs
was 215 3 months ago




damn OP looking good with those trips


I wonder what that face is on the inside of the car. It's hard to see in the pic


Wait a sec, you see this person slowly eating themselves to death and you will not be a little bit pissed? I'm not saying that's everyone's reason for being mad at fat people but it is one of them.



+20 privilege points

go lift a dime and put on some muscle

Blew my knee out playing football in college. Got fat after that. But wasnt thin to start with. I was a nose guard.

Still at least im doing something about it, and have the decency to be ashamed


Whatever stokes the fires of rage, user.

I hate their faces the most, such smug gluttony written all over it in grease


All you have to do is not over feed the dog though
She's over feeding it to compensate for not taking it out more


Nobody believes I'm fat since I apparently hide it well, but I'm half way between fat and obese on the BMI scale.


you sound like you have bothv


2 questions for everyone in this thread, what are your opinions on "fat shaming" and is "fat shaming" good or bad?

6'3 230 . Yes I know I'm day but I used to be 370 , so there's that

she was donating blood tard, not getting tested for diabeetus

here fatties read this



You have a good head on your shoulders mate, cheers



6'1", 120lbs
Fuck me and my patriarchal metabolism.

You were probably still pretty big when you played football

I have seen this before yet i was fooled again

Honestly, she would be hot if she was thin.

Cute face, mayyyybe would still let her blow me. U know she loves anything in her mouth.

Is that.... fucking ketchup?!

I can hear the mobility scooter crying out in pain