I'll start

Danger Music is chaotic evil

Prog Rock - Lawful Neutral


Math Rock - Lawful Good


Rebel evil - Power Electronics

Spiritual Jazz - Chaotic Good

no wave - chaotic impure


noise rock - rebel impure

krautrock - lawful impure

harsh noise wall is lawful evil

what is "lawful" about math rock? if we use "chaotic" for spiritual jazz to mean the structure of spiritual jazz, why doesn't that happen to math rock? move it to rebel good or something.

Chaotic Neutral is noise
Lawful Neutral SHOULD have been ambient

the point of math rock is that its ridiculously structured

rebel impure actually


if chaotic means having a chaotic structure and evil means having evil sound/themes, then danger music is perfect where it is. by that logic, harsh noise wall, is "lawful" (the opposite of chaotic in this chart) due to it's monotonous and unchanging structure, and evil for it's themes and sound.


Slowcore / Lawful Moral

Chaotic Neutral is Freak Folk

lawful good should be Modal Jazz


Black metal for lawful evil, white metal for lawful stupid.

social evil: gangsta rap

chaotic neutral: free jazz
social moral: protest folk music
