How do I loose weight Sup Forums

How do I loose weight Sup Forums

Im fat and really self conscious so I want to make myself a better person by loosing weight. Advice?

eating less is the most important thing , exersize is good but eating healthier and less is the best thing to do

50% of calories from fat, get some exercise, detox urself

travel to syria, you'll be running from explosions all day

Weight age and height?

Don't drink sugary drinks
No sweets
Less carbs (rice potatoes)
Drink tons of water

I noticed a huge difference when I just cut every sugary drink out of my diet and only drank water. It's seriously like a cheat code, it won't make you completely thin but you will slim down

Eat less. Eat less all around. All that fat you have is energy stores. Use them. You need remarkably little food. Make sure what you do eat is giving your body something it needs. Are you going to benefit from eating pretzels? No, so don't eat them.

Welp, I've lost about 35 lbs but started gaining again and spiraled out of control.
I purged for the first time after a binge today. It felt amazing.

But prior to this, CICO was the way to go. Log everything on MyFitnessPal

Honestly bruv i was 245 three weeks ago and ive done nothing but drink water/seltzer instead of sugary drinks and ive already lost 10 lbs doing nothing else different

Run a mile reward yourself with a happy meal

stop being breads/grains (they convert to sugar easily. glycogen triggers your body to store fat.)
stop eating sugary foods
eat more vegetables
water/coffee should be the only thing you drink.
you can also exercise, but diet is the most effective

daily weight loss threads

drink nothing but water(no more drinks with shit tons of sugar) you will lose weight over time and its super easy.

I stay below 21 grams of sugar although i am a male I went from 220 to 180 pounds

you're already a butter person though

*muscle training =
loose fat
more muscle
can more eat (need more eat)
you need protain shake for traing (= more cum)

*hard muscle traing

you could start by not being on the internet so much fag

Wouldn't tea also be a good drink?

start running. even if you cant go far its better than nothing and after a while you can start running several miles comfortably

How do I gain weight guise? I'm 22 and I weigh 125 pounds

>can more eat
>= more cum
>loose fat

>loose weight

Perhaps you should first address your illiteracy.

Go get drunk and complete the classic Kent Dorfman trifecta.

I used to weigh 260 now im down to 195 Sugary drinks are no good water all the time. Fast food is no good. Eat 5 times a day healthy shit, like 3 main meals and 2 snacks inbetween fruit, salad, ext. what i recomend is like oatmeal in the morning chicken breast for lunch with veggies and for super fish with veggies, get some vitamins and fish oil, if you dont like fish just eat more chicken breast pretty simple. exercise the other half of the battle it raises your metabolism making you lose weight faster. a thing i like to tell my self is that if im hungry after eating it means my body is just burning through that shit. With all that being said you just got to stay on it and make a plan. start slow and keep building up. and if you slip dont get all down on yourself about it its only human just keep powering on. If i can do it you can too.

Eat as much as you can. Buy things like eggs, milk, peanut butter, chicken, yogurt, and lentils/white beans. Idk if it'll help but I think eating right before you go to bed and as soon as you wake up helped me.

Eat something other than dicks

start by spelling "lose" right

Sounds like some info that you need to tell your mother

water, protein, take fish oil every time you eat, it's pretty simple you just have to commit to eating differently and ignoring hunger

I went extreme fasting for 2 weeks, lost 120 pounds

english returds , start saying >loose<
loose have more logic
english is the unlogicst language and anus

as ass assault assassin but butt butter
ja very anus

dude what