Are there any pedophiles online tonight? I'm wondering what you find attractive about children? No hate...

Are there any pedophiles online tonight? I'm wondering what you find attractive about children? No hate. I just want to understand. I was also wondering if anyone has any book recommendations that would help me understand pedophiles?

I guess I just want to know because I had a boyfriend who raped his little sister and my dad touched me when I was little.

Other urls found in this thread:'s den justin forest


>>The Bible

Hi, how are you? At what age did you realize you're into kids? What do you like about them? I'm somewhat asexual so I don't get it.

There are several called Innocence. Who is the author?

Not today FBI, almost got me.

there are no books or media. lolita is a meme so dont read that. no one is interested in writing anything about pedos except in csi, etc

if you want an example of a good honest to god pedo in media, Sgt Hatred in the Venture Bros is 10/10 or as close as you get

i realized at puberty. if your asexual it will be incredibly difficult to explain "what i like" about them, because the answer is everything.

I read Lolita. There is a book called The Incest Perpetrator I'm going to order because I like dry psych books.

What do you think causes pedophilia?

Thanks for explaining that. I follow a few MAP blogs on tumblr and am supportive of the anti-contact non-offending ones. No one should hate you because of something you can't help. It's a touchy topic and that's why it interests me. I can't stand children, personally.

alice in wonderland was written by a pedo for the girl he was infatuated with so thats an option

I don't know..... That is a good question. Maybe something in the brain is different in pedophiles? I'm not trolling I'm just wondering

I was obsessed with that book in my teens. I'd draw the Cheshire Cat a lot. I read some of his poetry as well.

Lolita is a great book though. Vladimir Nabakov is one of my favorite authors. That was his only work that had the theme of pedophilia. "Pale Fire" might be less offensive to most people, and is also excellent.

Yeah but he kinda nails the description of desire in Lolita although he is a hebephile technically, personally I don't know what attracts people to prepubescent children but Humbert Humbert's nymphets rant is pretty accurate for how I feel.

the fact you even say MAP tells me youre redpilled and genuine about this thread and not just shitposting so color me impressed

Do you think that maybe some people perceive other adults as being gigantic, deep-voiced, leathery, hairy monstrosities, and children as being pristine, magical beings from a better world?

I'll order it after I order The Incest Perpetrator. This is helping me grieve for my ex who raped his little sister. He died earlier this year.

current scientific data implies that its caused by a crosswiring in the brain between the part that tells you to nurture and mother something, and the part that tells you to stick your dick in it. the theoretical crosswiring evidently happens while in the womb if mommy is pumping too many weird hormones or something into you. this is the theory that makes most sense to me and i believe in. all lewd feelings i have for girls is mixed with some feelings of wanting to take good care of her in a more paternal way.

How? Suicide?

I watched a documentary on neuroscience/sexuality there is some evidence of the protect and nurture response to children and the sexual attraction response being abnormal in "true pedophiles", personally I think hebephiles are just normal and our society has gotten out of hand 14 was marrying age for most of our history.

I think it happens when a woman does yoga or smokes weed while pregnant.

I really like cute girls, it just so happens that little girls are also very cute.

Hello FBI :)

>I'm wondering what you find attractive about children?
It's an instict that activates upon encountering certain visual, auditory, olfactory and kinaesthetic stimuli. In the exact same way "normal" men find women attractive - body shape. hair length, pheronomes and so on and so forth. There's not much to understand, it's a genetically inherited neural wiring.

>At what age did you realize you're into kids?

>book recommendations
pastebin com / rtwHRvbW

Well, he died from internal injuries. Someone beat him to death. They also found a little meth in his system.

Yeah, 90% of the time when you hear about a "pedophile" being arrested, it's just some guy who fucked a teenage girl.

Well, at least he died metal.

You should have seen this site in 2006, trust me they have bigger things to handle than some random people having a discussion on a taboo topic.

my mom did neither. but its possible some chemical substances can help the process

I'm afraid to go to your pastebin link. If you have the names of any books, just post them here. Thank you.

Have you ever fucked a kid?

It hasn't gotten out of hand, it normalized when people stopped dying at 40 and slowly got to be 70 years old before death.

If you have a short life, you breed early.

he no longer has to suffer living. do not be sad for him

>lolita is a meme

That's funny because Nabokov was using pedophilia as a meme in his book forcing the reader to look passed the inappropriate relationship and look at the language and description of his writing.

if youre interested in this subject you might start using tor. you already clicked on several sketchy tumblrs

thanks user. I loved him a lot. It hurts me he lied about the stuff he did to his sisters because I would have been understanding and looked past it.

>afraid of a pastebin link
You can't be serious.

in all honesty i never read it, but my 2 pedo friends did and im trusting their judgement

Yeah it drives me nuts, the first time I had sex the girl was 13 and it was totally her who jumped my bones I was a shy as fuck 16 year old nice guy as much as we try to deny it girls at that age are going through a drive to mate most of the boys their own age are not matured to that point yet.

I'll download it now. It didn't occur to me their blogs are sketchy

You're a nice girl

and switch to linux

he had to lie about a lot of things. you dont live long if you dont learn to instinctively hide yourself from others. it was in his nature and he did it to survive. dont fault him on this

this is Sup Forums dude there is pedos eveywhere.

Not true. Mortality rates for infants and children were very high, however once a person made it to the age of 10 they generally lived as long as we do now.

Thank you for saying that. I never thought of it that way.

I'm not saying it isn't in the best interest of early teens to not be sexually active or that they are mature enough mentally with the current vast options they have in life just that biologically things have not changed, outright denying that and calling normal fucking people pedophiles for being attracted to newly sexually matured females is what is out of hand.

I am glad I picked a good place to talk about it. I even considered becoming a therapist for people who are like this but I probably have too much baggage for it.

fucking feds

I had sex at 13 with other 13 year olds.

As well as people who would gladly kill any pedophile they encountered. Sup Forums is where everyone comes to lay down their weapons, put aside their differences, and join together in their shared hatred of God and basic decency.

it is absolutely essential to hide. if he ever confided anything to you at all, he was placing an enourmous burden on you, and must have trusted you with his life far more than he trusted himself

the subconscious of the Internet

anyone reccomend going to the therapist? Need a real person to talk about this

Yeah, you never see any references in historical literature from any culture to people who were 70 or 80 where it was implied that they were viewed as being unusually old. They aren't putting drugs in the food that make people live longer today or anything like that. People are idiots.

being attracted to newly sexually matured females is completely normal

Well there are different forms of pedophilia. Some only deal with drawings and are turned off at the sight of a real child naked. Some are turn on by children but do not wish to participate in sexual acts with them. Then there are ones who wish to have sex with children.

I am personally turned on by cartoon images but when faced with a real child's picture or real child I am turned off and worried for the child's safty.'s den justin forest

Well he was a rapist sooo

i highly discourage it. if you need to talk, do it online and anonymously. i am sorry it is this way.

Ill advised. You're likely to be reported to authorities. If you have a well paid job you can expect to lose it, if you're at college you won't be much longer. There are support communities on tor.

I'm gay with an exclusive age of attraction around 12-14. Close to the worse orientation possible.. Puberty for me was pre internet, so I didn't know anything and was pretty innocent. After awhile, around 13-14 I just thought I was gay, and even started coming out of the closet. (Huge life mistake heh) Then by the time I was 16 or so I realized my tastes weren't aging with me. I just thought they would until then. As far as I can tell, the way a well adjusted straight male feels about a pretty girl is how I feel about 12-14 year old boys. I just want them to be happy and continue existing in my presence. In ideal circumstances if I could give them their next orgasm, that would be great. (Alas we don't live in a world where that can work, so I just don't do that.) I live pretty much like a hermit because it's impossible to explain.

He told me his sister lied. But he did tell me how CYFD removed him from the home and he had to try to get his own place...which he lost. He went to live with a friend, then his mom let me and him move in with her even though his siblings were at the apartment sometimes. Then we got our own place. We were both psychotic and lost the place and I had to live with my abusive family again for a little while. He chose to go homeless. We still talked as friends though.

There's no "secret" you ought to "understand". Men want to fuck children because they're hot, cute, and straightforward.

If a kid wants to suck a dick or be fucked in the ass they won't turn the assfucking or the dicksucking into the sole purpose of their existence, they'll do it, and then fuck off afterwards to play minecraft or something.

Stop trying to paint sex into this "mysterious" and "complex" light. There's no civility or morals to what drives people into buttfucking or any other type of fucking, there's nothing to look other than animals being gross.

tl;dr: OP is clearly a faggot.

even for a adult man? i dont think is normal

are you the guys raiding Sup Forums on infinity chan?

a therapist will just play it cool and have the cops waiting for you the next time you come in.

That's really common. It's stupid that you have to hide and that society pretends you are monsters when you are just normal people that they encounter every day without even realizing it.

for you


thats a pretty limiting aoa i have to say. my friend swings both ways with a wide under12 aoa and its like dayum son is there anything you dont like?

Therapists can only report you if you have confessed to a specific crime or expressed clear intent to commit one.

have you fucked a fed?

Oh okay, that makes sense. Like I said, one time on amphetamines, I had an epiphany that I should be a therapist for pedophiles but .... probably too much baggage for that.

Not a pedophile, but an ephebophile here. I like young women in the high school age range, 14-18ish. Their bodies are usually in the best physical condition they'll ever be in, especially for athletes. Their breasts are small or firm enough to require little to no support. They've grown up with the internet and other stuff that teaches them more about sex that I know at age 40.
I've never done anything with a high school girl, even when I was IN high school. I think that's why I like girls that age, to make up for lost time.

OP here. I feel this.

therapists can report whatever the fuck they want, esp if theyre afraid of losing their license for not telling the coppers theres a crazy guy on the loose who wants to fuck kids

pedophile circle jerk. you're all pathetic

or if they suspect you might be likely to, which is a slippery definition that has been abused many times

what about doctor patient confidentiality?Its not like i molest children

That's the kind of explanation I was looking for. At 17, I first had intercourse with a 34 year old man I met on MySpace.

it is. People won't tell you because is taboo

Lemme guess, you're a redneck hick where your boyfriend is your older brother and your dad is the jealous lover.

all healthy heterosexual men are ephebophile

>what about doctor patient confidentiality?
Doesn't apply to pedophiles. Just like how freedom of speech, privacy, the right to a fair trial and freedom from cruel and unusual punishment don't apply to us. We don't have human rights, remember?

well for me it start when i was 12, and has never stop

are they still at it? lol

my pedo friend frequently spent nights sleeping outdoors near homeless camps when he was 14. he said he felt like he belonged with the rest of the towns garbage. the homeless actually knew him well and he became "protected" by them. his town is not safe to walk the streets alone at night.

cute is hot . you like grandmas ? why you like 18y ? why you like 20y ? why you like not 60y ?
more y = ugly

Yes, they want you to see a therapist so you can figure yourself out without the risk of being outed to normal people, so you can work your way into a more stable life.

Nobody will "cure" you of your pedophilia because it isn't a "disease" per-se, just like being left handed isn't a "disease" in and on itself, but men often don't know how to control themselves, and they end up overpowering and dominating kids into extremely abusive relationships (both physically and psychologically) since the kids have little to no power to resist these men.

The reason why people don't approve, and why it's absolutely illegal is precisely that, men simply can't control themselves, and the ones who actually fool themselves enough to believe their attraction towards children is anything other than lust, are the most damaged and dangerous.

The help pedophiles get is to control themselves and to understand reciprocity and independence on relationships, but since that's a moral issue, it's not unheard of people who just ignore those facts and pretend they don't exist.

i dont think therapists do a hippocratic oath or anything. if they do they are hippocrites. theres too many horror stories of people trying therapy, i dont want to read any more user.

I have OCD and one of the primary symptoms is having intrusive thoughts telling me "you're a pedophile kill yourself" because I guess OCD can make people feel like they will lose control and do violent or inappropriate things which doesn't discriminate between children or not children.

Finally I told a psychiatrist after a suicide attempt and they asked me bluntly if I was attracted to children I said no that even just the thought of that is causing unbearable anxiety..anyway turns out I'm not a pedophile, during a screening for a CBT group I said that jailbait aged girls are legitimately attractive and they referred me to the abnormal sexual behavior clinic.. I did not go.

Most therapists have heard it before though they were not shocked when I told them about my intrusive thoughts, they told me it is a lot more common than people think (actual pedophelia) because we mostly look at offender stats when the majority are non offenders in hiding or suffering.

I loved him more than I could ever know or understand. I loved him like family. But no, he wasn't my brother. He was friends with my little brother though.

The Virtuous Pedos at virped website DO support Shota Sex Dolls and vintage CP.

I am OK with that.

thats actually common with icd, and ive seen people here on Sup Forums making AM I PEDO threads who were actually just ocd. The phenomenon is labelled POCD at least on pedo communities.

Upwards of 80% of psychology has been proven unrepeatable, bogus, bullshit. So don't even try to say "this study says...", or "therapists say.."

It's bullshit, idiots.


It's clearly propaganda. There's a reason so many of you half-wits need mind meds, and always will.

He would get sued into oblivion if he did that.

>The reason why people don't approve, and why it's absolutely illegal is precisely that, men simply can't control themselves, and the ones who actually fool themselves enough to believe their attraction towards children is anything other than lust, are the most damaged and dangerous.

You are pulling this directly out of your rectum.