This was fun last time, so 8 Values thread

This was fun last time, so 8 Values thread.

take the test here:

Other urls found in this thread:

This is very UScentric approach, I am a capitalist in every other nation on earth.

I am also a capitalist, but well, I guess I do care for everyone.



It's ya boi, the far left.



It's ya boi, the even farther left.

Yeah, this thread derailed into shitposts-only mode.

Fucking normies








Capitalism is the best.

Get on my level, niggaz. Right-wing populism.

Fuck Capitalism

Aight, there you go. These questions aren't perfect for finding an ideology because nothing is black or white, but hey, nothing wrong with a general idea I guess.

eww, I wouldn't advertise that


file name related


wir kämpfen für deutschland


What the hell is Libertarian Socialism, teapartytards hate socialism

Science bitches!! I want my clone to tag at life


Socialist and manspreader here

Socialist but not stalinist

rate mine please .

So many socialist comrades. Good to know


Third position. I like this one better than the political compass shit.

Well, there you go. I don't think about polotics just wanted to see what i be. But liberal. Idk if that is true but there ya go. Rate?

You're all Commies

What does mine say about me? Anyone here have a better understanding of this?

Step aside bitch bois

Looks like I'm a filthy liberal


You're Macron




>That moment when you realize this place is full of hippies
Now everything makes sense


>Sup Forumslack only just now realizing he is the filthy outsider



>haha my viewpoint is more popular
Yeah but democracy's for fags

私の名前はいちごです。私はあなた一人一人が嫌いです。あなたは、愚かな写真を見ながらその日を過ごす太った、愚かな、敗者です。あなたは世界のすべてが悪いです。正直、セックスしたことはありますか?私はあなたの問題のためにあなたを嘲笑するのは楽しいと思うが、あなたはすべて全く新しいレベルに進む。これは、Facebookの写真にマスターベーションするよりもさらに悪いです。見知らぬ人にしないでください。あなたのベストショットで私を打つだけ。私はかなり完璧です。私はアニメチームのキャプテン、そして私のマンガチームのスターターだった。 「アニメ日本人の女の子にオナニーする」以外に、あなたはどんなスポーツをしていますか?また、高い評価を受けて、魅力的なガールフレンドを持っています(彼女はちょうど私のペニスを吸った; たわごとはとても現金だった)。あなたは自分自身を殺すべきだと思っています。聞いてくれてありがとう。

>servile bootlicker thinks he is somehow not a fag




>the shit was very cash


This test is wrong to equate patriotism with nationalism.

Fuck off commie



Fuck yourself

it doesn't
anything above 75% Nation is Nationalism
below 75% is Patriotism

They're different fag,
Patriotism is love and appreciation for one's country, Nationalism seeks to expand values of the country beyond borders and heavily enforce them.

feel the bern

I'm a progressive liberal?

I feel like they just called me a Nazi.

Neo conservative biatch. Get your liberal globalism out of here!

Boots taste great when they're covered in commie blood, though.

>Nationalism seeks to expand values of the country beyond borders
That's imperialism. Fuck other countries, they don't deserve our shit.


my beleifs are right and you are wrong

fuck outta here you commie scum

Good luck you praying cuck.

>free market but only do what i want you to

More like
>free market as long as you aren't a subversive kike
He's even cool with you being a financial Jew, just not a social one.


>Trying this hard

what are the true gripes about socialism, genuinely curious

You took ten minutes to come up with that?


For me? Absolutely nothing, we just need a white country first. Scandinavia, Finland and Nazi Germany did it, why can't we?
Basic bitch conservatives, though, don't like it because they associate socialism and government intervention with anti-white policies and gibsmedat. It's a struggle to make them understand that nationalism is the only thing that can make socialism work.


not even the same guy, just calling out your instigating ass. formula is old

Yeah, flamewars are way less fun than datamining. We should just post our charts and fuck off.

For the sake of trying to have a rational political conversation on Sup Forums of all things: How do you see all the injustices that have been perpetrated against non-white countries, and even minorities in the states (CIA with the mexicans, Slavery, The natives, CIA with the std testings in guatemala, drug introductions into black communities, Banana republics, etc.)

All this giving the U.S. the power to be the strong nation that it is in such a small time period.
All this causing a stifling of progress in any of these countries. This is all of course as I see it.

As far as I see it it's like shooting a man in the leg to see if your gun works and then wanting him out of your team for being wounded.

Where does all this stand to you?

>How do you see all the injustices that have been perpetrated against non-white countries
You mean colonialism? I remain completely free of guilt. Europeans went into those countries with the intention to uplift them, only to find that the inhabitants were literally incapable of into civilization. I shouldn't have to feel guilty because my ancestors were too naive and generous for their own good.
Better than being back in Africa by far.
Right of conquest.
>CIA shenanigans
By the time the CIA was a factor, white interests were no longer the overriding goal of the US government. Don't really care all that much. (That's not to say we should be sending American men to die because the CIA wants regime change somewhere, though)

>As far as I see it it's like shooting a man in the leg to see if your gun works and then wanting him out of your team for being wounded.
I see it more like trying to give a congenital cripple a place on your team. You might have good intentions but it's just not going to work out.

>Slaves = Africa
Yep, you're a retard.

I mean, you rattle off a list of things I'm supposed to feel bad about, and in that context, "slavery" usually means African slavery in the prewar South. By any measure, being an African slave in America was better than being an African.
If you meant something else, feel free to specify and I can explain why it doesn't preclude me from looking out for my own.

I guess that's fair as far as colonialism and the Natives, but the reason Africa was and continues to be n shambles was the real good shitshow that europeans had with each country in africa. This isn't being said while knowing that africans had a play in this as well of course but when The Ottoman empire gets fully dismantled while germany is heavily fined, while destitute, still left with their own leadership, I find it almost comical.

As for the CIA, I agree that Then and now, it's not white interest, it's the interest of the government, but it's done at the expense of third world countries and minorities a good portion of the time.

what do you see as congenital from other races and where would you say you'd draw the line (the nordics/slavs/Asians?

yea, liberal socialist scum reporting in

That retard comment wasn't me

>but the reason Africa was and continues to be n shambles was the real good shitshow that europeans had with each country in africa. This isn't being said while knowing that africans had a play in this as well
They've had over 70 years.
The industrial revoltuon lasted approximately that long.

Stop making excuses for them.

Not even the same guy.

>being a slave in America is different than being a slave in Africa
>there were only slaves in the south
>all slaves were from Africa
wew lad

Blue pills.
Blue piiiii-iiiiii-hiiiiiillllssss.
Blue pills.

not only that but the colonial powers left them with a completely intact infrastructure... sure it would be only logical to assume some of it would roughen around the edges as the transition of power and responsibility must have been hard but japan was able to literally pounce out a modern, competing nation in the timespan of the end of ww1 to start of ww2 for example.

africa had everything, mines, industry, infrastructure... all there ready to be used

they wasted it. pissed on the sacrifices their parents made to build it.

My guess is Africa is a shitshow because their culture and mentality is a shitshow of greed and self centeredness.

IMF and the cold war, pulling power vacuums on african countries as is being done in the middle east now. These are just pawns to be used while european countries are allies.

Yeah, the colonial period was a shitshow. I'm not gonna pretend that setting up global empires and then playing great-game intrigue politics on that scale was a good idea, but blaming colonialism for Africa's current state is disingenuous as fuck. The reality is that these people can't handle themselves, and we've always found this, from the first Christian missionaries to the Chinese in the modern day.

We shouldn't be involving ourselves with third world peoples and third world politics, since the best case scenario is that they benefit and we get harmed, and the worst case scenario is that everyone gets harmed. We have nothing to gain.

As for "who's white/not-shit-tier enough," I can't answer that question because it's kind of nonsensical. Genetic studies show that Slavs are as white as any other European group. Asians can adapt to European civilization well enough, but I don't want them here and they don't want me there. I think "friends from afar" is the best strategy to take with them.

>Feminists say that society is unequal
>Literally everyone is progressive these days
>Seems like no-one recognizes how far society has come
>Kill me