Can racism still be justified today?

Can racism still be justified today?

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Yeah but what about the blacks?


shut up just SHUT UP.

because things like elitism are too.

>says stuff

Just fucking end the thread, we've seen this before.

yes, because niggers and jews are blights upon the earth.

no to the blacks?

waste of trips


Yes. Everyone that isn't white isn't human and should be treated like shit. Deal with it, cucks.

Racism is always justified as long as a white person isn't involed. There was a Chinese store owner who literally banned blacks from entering his shop and nobody cared.
He had every right to do it, he lived in a region with a feral nigger infestation. But it just goes to show you that unless it's a white person acting racist nobody cares at all.

No one can prove this right.

I'm no liberal SJW. I frankly don't give a shit about most people.
But whenever I see something like this, I just instantly think "failure".

That's because you are brainwashed user

Only with statistics

no one can prove it wrong either.

>racism is one branch of discrimination
>discrimination is to treat people worse than either usual & justified for the circumstances
>>by definition, racism is not justified

oh and please dont fix this apparent problem by calling shit "justified racism" or "reverse racism". just keep the definitions as they are and stop calling things "racist" that arent racist.

Here is what i think of black people

>no one can prove it wrong either
How bout the literal definition of the word "human"?

A black man works for a paycheck, works to better himself and his mind. A nigger complains about being looked down on and demands special treatment because "muh incestors was made slaves by the honkies".


Nigger aren't human though, or at best they are a lower sub species

>le huehue blakz vs niger epic maymay

>being white but but supporting black lives matter

Explain yourself

yes. Gas the niggers and muslims.

Signed, faggot, king of the nerds.

I don't support BLM because it's also a form of racism.

But you are a racist

no lives matter anyway.

I really hate this narrative that "muuh white supremacist justice system", which is a system that just so happens to be fucking white people over at extraordinary rates. That's what's actually happening here. You have affirmative action in colleges, right, and people are getting accepted to colleges not because of their grades, but because of their race. And that's not white people getting into colleges because of their race, it's black people getting into colleges because of their race.
And then they go to Yale and say "I don't want you to wear a halloween costume that I might find offensive!". And then the entire universe of blacks riots, because someone MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE made a poop swastika on the wall.
That's what you have. It is not a system that is favoring whites over blacks. If white people are behaving better and succeeding, It needs to be changed that people who are not behaving better and succeeding are getting ahead anyway.

The forces of the market have to act upon people's behaviors in order for those behaviors to improve.

No, it's cos you're a failure, failure.

Racism (and sexism and classism) can be thought of in terms of opportunities and a zero sum balance. Every job, promotion, spot at a university, and scholarship that does not go to a white male is one fewer of those for white males. The same applies to class- if hiring and promotions go to people who speak and comport themselves like upper-middle class whites, that preserves those for upper-middle class whites.

I used to work at a tech company, and there were managers who only promoted white males. They had been precinct captains for Gov. Gregoire's campaign (this was in the Seattle area) so they couldn't be racist or sexist. Everyone in the Seattle area knows that only republicans are racist or sexist, so a liberal white male who only hires or promotes white males can't be racist or sexist. Before I left for grad school, I told my manager he had displayed an impressive commitment to promoting unqualified white guys.

So racism isn't justified, but it still happens. And the effects of racism over generations are real- white kids in nice suburbs have two college-educated parents, get good educations, go to good colleges, and get good jobs. And they can't be racist or sexist, since only terrible people are racist or sexist. And if an upper-middle class white person only hires or promotes upper-middle class whites, they are hiring the most qualified candidates and are blind to race and sex.

A system that has favoured whites for centuries is being slowly rebalanced. But cos you're so used to being favoured, you see it as prejudice against white people.
It's not the case. White folks are doing just fine.

You're a bad as the liberals who think minorities are oppressed when in reality, they're not.

Sorry my friend but logic and evidence disagree with you. It's facts. Science.

Yeah. This is the problem when white middle class male is the default setting.
You hear about women and minorities "taking" men's jobs and "smashing glass ceilings". Aggressive terminology steeped in the age old tradition that jobs belong to white dudes, first and foremost.

If utilizing overwhelming data and evidence to form an educated objective point is bad, then I could care less.

Itt niggers mad because they can't be racist

>could care less
confirmed imbecile.

Nope, just a white dude who can compete on a level playing field. Rather than an abject failure who can't even win in a rigged game.

>Sorry my friend but logic and evidence disagree with you. It's facts. Science.
You've cited no logic, evidence, facts or scientific reasoning. Just stream of consciousness opinion.

I'm a grad student now, and sometimes teach undergraduate courses. I encourage women, minorities, and especially minority women to be loudly opinionated.

My experience working at a tech company for a few years before going to grad school is that white males are encouraged to be loudly opinionated. If a white male is loudly opinionated, that is thought of as leadership. If someone who is not a white male is loudly opinionated, that is thought of as disruptive or disrespectful. So behavior that helps you get promoted is encouraged in white males, and the same behavior prevents people who are not white males from advancing.


not really, but people can have biases based on bad experiences, stereotypes, or a combination. as long as they're still able to accept that fact and leave some room to be proven otherwise.

Think about it like stereotypes...that shit doesn't come out of thin air, it's shit that's been observed. Apply that to racism and there you have it. Justified but anyone at any given time, of any nationally.


A lot of brain-dead liberal bullshit here. Remember, if you're liberal then it's not your opinion. It's not possible to form those kind of opinions by thinking rationally so you have to be indoctrinated into them. You're literally brain-washed. A brain-washed individual will fight harder to protect their control but that doesn't mean you can't break it. Remember that you've only been shown one philosophy and trained to accept that it's the only one. The anti-white agenda (Loxism) is very plain for all to see. It's not racism to claim that one race behaves differently to another and must be treated accordingly.

I'm not racist, I just hate those dumb fucking jigaboo niggers whom act like apes for no reason and complain about police killing them when they are all criminals.

As long as there are niggers and arabs freely roaming the earth, racism is a thing we need

Cuck get some cock

Nothing humanity does can be justified.

We're a fickle and retarded species that thinks it's important when it's not.

The only real racists left are niggers and arabs, but they claim to be the victims of it and that seems to confuse everyone into complete retardation.

Next generation maybe?

>Racism is fine.
Not it's not.
>Yes it is because of science. You've been brainwashed!
Well, show some evidence then.
>Er. Other races are racist, too!
Well, that's not right, either.
>Well... You're just one of them anyway!
No I'm not. White dude. Sorry.
>Fuck you, cuck, traitor, fag, goy.

Every single idiot racist thread ever.

And again, zero actual evidence or reasoning. Just a monkey flinging shit.

>Remember that you've only been shown one philosophy and trained to accept that it's the only one.
This has to be the dumbest part of all.
The kind of liberalism you're accusing folks of being indoctrinated by is a) very recent and b) very limited in its global scope. The vast majority of the world, and history, has involved folks of different races fucking each other over, with variously disastrous results for all concerned. You're the one indoctrinated, determined to repeat the same idiotic thing over and over again, expecting different results.

Politicians are in the business of maintaining the status quo. For the last twenty or so years, the main focus of US politics has been military spending for republicans and social spending for democrats.

The social programs that democrats are responsible for create and maintain racial inequality. Education policy and welfare programs are designed to maintain the status quo. White kids in the suburbs get good education, go to good colleges, and get good jobs. Minorities and poor whites in inner cities get crappy education, need affirmative action style programs to get into college, lack the academic training needed to get a degree that leads to a high-paying job, and have limited job options after graduating. So they vote for democrat politicians who support welfare and affirmative action. Rinse, cycle, repeat.

And welfare programs are designed to keep people on welfare. Social workers get paid based on the number of clients they work with. If people get off of welfare, social workers make less money. A single mother on welfare is eligible for medical and dental for her and her kids, money for babysitters, vouchers for clothes and school supplies, etc. If she tries to get off welfare she loses all of those, probably is working a low-paying job, and either has to pay for health insurance for her family or face fines because of the ACA. The last twenty years have seen more barriers created for people trying to get off welfare. So people on welfare have to vote for democrats, and white liberals in the surburbs feel good about voting for policies that benefit them because social spending 'helps' the poor.

Only one race
>color is GREEN

I stop being racist when niggers stop acting like niggers. So not anytime soon.

segragation is still nessesary ,white people deserve reparations nogs have ruined every nei borhood they infect

here are the stats read and seragrate also webm above is the lady who went to nig pool party and got dropped on her head

Only if to provide a point.

It's pretending that race doesn't exist or matter that has to be justified, tbh.

Hispanic/Native American here, all my college scholarships were because I checked a box next to my name. I'm paying for college debt free because of my tribe's casino while all my white friends are getting fucked over with interest rates. AA is not going to help us or them.

You're saying blacks are dumb and lazy just because they choose to be like any other white person whom would make the same choice?

Not buying it.

This is now a Failure thread REEEE

Go back to Facebook faggot


Fuck you, failure.

Do niggers still steal shit?

You sure showed me XD!!!!!!!!


>These aren't mutually exclusive

probably more justifiable now than at any point in history if only because we have the means to observe and record relevant data.

take the number of blacks in the national population and compare it to the number of blacks in prison.

they whine about "muh discrimination" and "white privilege" but they murder and rape whites at a ridiculous rate. more whites are raped or murdered by blacks in any given year than there were blacks lynched or hung between the beginning of the slave trade and the present.

they love to victimize others and then play the victim. "i didn't have a dad or a nintendo growin up, so this ain't my fault."

for every belligerent black guy shot by a cop, 1,000 whites are raped or murdered by blacks.
at least.

the media is complicit in all this. for example, if a white beat some black person solely because they were black, the media would scream hate crime. but, when flash mobs of blacks attack whites, the headline usually reads "youths engage in knock out game." the hate crime becomes a "game" and the identity of the attackers is cloaked by the word "youths." this is done to downplay the profound criminal threat blacks and hispanics pose to society. this is a variant form of gaslighting and a major component of modern social engineering.

illegal aliens *do* commit heinous crimes in the US, but the msm likes to pretend that doesn't happen.

the very definition of racism is revised periodically to ensure the benefits from whining about non-existent discrimination will never dry up. they just keep moving the goal posts.

the fact so many buy into the idea that "only white people can be racist" proves just how far gone, racist and hypocritical these dumb fucks are.

here's your (you) racefag

> Before I left for grad school, I told my manager he had displayed an impressive commitment to promoting unqualified white guys.

and i'm sure he was super sad to see you go.
i'll bet that guy still gave you a good reference just to avoid having to deal with you and al sharpton.

haha. good counterpoints, shit for brains.


They're all gooks, only vets or older people specifically refer to Koreans and Vietnamese as gook.

i taught the koreans are the gooks? i mean it was coined after their food or something idk,

>was a Chinese store owner who literally banned blacks from entering his shop ..
^ Basically this. *Thailand*


So funny.
You know why?.
I bet that every single nigger on this planet except myself would get in that Time Machine and try to reverse slavery.

Lmfao: They literally would do that.

Howmany times a day would the word: Racism, cross a black persons mind XD. [900+]

How many times was I involved in a case of racism. [1 in 5,5 years]

Holy shit: dat ratio.


you realise that to many she appears as rather a confirming example why: *Not to like shitskins* ?

> Its called "taste" and she falls ways out of those lines.

can statism?

look at the crime stats.


sure. Muslims do it all the time and liberals defend it

Its the Jews that get all the privilege.

Here's the power!

I smell a blue-pilled libcuck.
>well those statistics are racist those cant be real!

To be completely honest I think the problem is all of the disabled people. Genomes should be sequenced during pregnancy of the fetus to determine abnormalities. If there are mutations present, fetus dies


I'm guessing the y-axis is number of fucks? And the x-axis is time..? So at one point the number of fucks you had was in a superposition of two states?

Honestly, no

>Can racism still be justified today?

Yes, it fucking can, because niggers.

It is needed as long as we needed it to be a way to seperate one from another
