Was Bosnia the Syrian War of the 90's?

Was Bosnia the Syrian War of the 90's?

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I always think about this since I have been reading several books about Sarajevo/Yugoslavia/srebrenica recently, but I don't know man, it somehow seems very different from the Syrian situation in my mind.

don't quote me but i think Syria was already at civil war since the 90s or even 70s
the Near East was never in peace since humans exist

Allah is the best

nah. mainly natives fought for bosnian war. now in syria there are less native fighters than foreigners.

Name a place with continuous peace

it was completely different
bosnian war was a conflict between different ethnic groups in bosnia, while syria is government vs durkas, and it would have ended a long time ago hadn't the durkas been backed heavily from abroad

I meant media wise

New Zealand


from its inception or in a continuous peaceful years streak?

ah media wise?
i think Syria civil war is minor in audience attention
i mean, U2 didn't make a song to raise money for Aleppo yet youtube.com/watch?v=gdczQ2LsY0I

>bosnian war was a conflict between different ethnic groups in bosnia

The conflict is different but the way NATO and the USA are responding and being hypocryts is the exact same way.

The West always needs a scapegoat, preferably personificated by an evil guy: Milosevic, Saddam Hussein, Gadaffi, Putin, Assad

It's agitprop

>i mean, U2 didn't make a song to raise money for Aleppo yet youtube.com/watch?v=gdczQ2LsY0I

They used excerpts from this as part of a wider film piece at a museum in Sarajevo, it was very powerful and made me cry.

t. cry baby

I wouldn't really compare them, no.

Right that's when the Brits murdered a bunch of Maoris. New Zealand in the current sense of the word.....Well, the Brit was right.

Maybe the cause of the war was different but it went the same. Lots of displaced people, lots of refugees, lots of disregard for warcrimes, lasted longer than it should. Difference is intervention. In our case, NATO got their hands on the war first and Russia was really really weak. Now Russia is still weak yet strong enough to flex it's muscle and aid Assad, and he did it before NATO could put troops in Syria which gives them the upper hand. So Syrian war could escelate for worse, while ours could not

No Syrian civil war started in 2011. There were disturbances before but nothing on a level of a civil war.

sure, there were some paramilitaries from serbia too
i don't care, it was all a meme anyway

>it was all a meme anyway
What do you mean ?

>So Syrian war could escelate for worse, while ours could not
>implying NATO putting troops somewhere helps not make the situation ''worse''
the war stretched on until bosniaks and muslims accomplished some goals. had it not happened, the nato would have stretched the war for 50 years if needed, until the ones they're backing get what they want, even if 10 times as many people need to die
same in syria. nato would be happier with stretching the war and having 5 million people killed than the war being over right now and nobody else dying. as long as assad is beaten

it's all about /ourguy/ then?
i can relate somewhat

By "worse" i mean escelate it into at least a regional conflict involving other countries. Ours waas limited to fucking militias

i mean not a real war
ordinary civilians and a bunch criminals got a hold of weapons and had powers from outside and some local crooks orchestrate them into killing eachothers

I think that Syria is way more ideological than the Balkan wars ans fights between different ethnicities and flavors of nationalism,it's true that some Muslim states supported Bosnia but it's more like the Spanish war in Syria.

I mean you have freaking communists(Kurds) with International volunteers fighting political Islam with international voluenteers fighting an old regime.

Bosnia is literally a non-country. Just like this one is.

There I said it.

yeah i think you made a better comparison

Damn, he finally said it.

Maybe you can tell me but was there really a difference jn political ideology between the factions? For example, yeah the Irish conflict was about loyalists and unionists but they also the republicans tended very left wing, national liberation and all that, though not comparable to the extend of Syria and even Spain.

unionists and republicans'

if you mean bosnia than not really
all factions were mostly nationalists
serbs initially wanted bosnia to remain in yugoslavia, on paper a joint state for all ethnicities regardless of religion and whatnot, but which would have in that case remained like 60-70% serb and ortodox, which they were well aware of, so it was not like they were leftist or commie or whatnot
they later moved on to just wanting to carve out their own state in bosnia and join serbia
croats wanted to carve out their own state in bosnia and join croatia
bosniaks were playing under the pretext of wanting to make a mini yugoslavia out of bosnia, where all ethnicities would live together, but similar to the serbian initial game, knew that this new state would be dominated by them and basically fought to get all bosnia for themselves, in the long run
so there you have it
it was a turf war between different ethnic groups, all agendas were more or less nationalistic in nature

B-b-but you're the children of Alexander...

So now everyone is unhappy?

Both could've been largely prevented had the big powers not meddled in regional affairs 100+ years ago.

serbs are unhappy they can't be independent or join serbia
croats are unhappy because they didn't create any sort of real political entity for themselves and are on their way to die out like dodos in bosnia
and bosniaks are unhappy that the serbs created a political entity for themselves and won't listen to the bosniak authorities from sarajevo

Well he already responded but it was far less military against military. Just a shit ton of people with access to weapons duking it out in the street.

There was however the issue of Serbia having a real army and Bosnia not, same with Kosovo, Croatia. So as far as "military conflict" goes it was pretty much Serbia doing the military style battles. Until said nations and groups established their own militias and what not.

yeah but serbia never used the real army after the initial stage of the war, after the breakaways got UN seats
from then on serbia was just supporting the ethnic serbs, and sometimes sending paramilitaries, but that was all done unofficially and therefore, on a really small scale