Hi Sup Forums, I've been on Sup Forums for a while now, first time posting something. So here I am, a 20 old female

Hi Sup Forums, I've been on Sup Forums for a while now, first time posting something. So here I am, a 20 old female.
I don't know where to start... I never cried when I was a teen. I had suicidal thoughts because the world I lived in was a huge mess, and of course I had nobody to rely on. I gave so many chances to life and I finally discovered that I'm a fucking coward, because I still believe in fairy tales. Yeah sure, whatever... I was never diagnosed with anything like depression or something like that. I had therapy for a while and made attempts (I sought for attention, maybe).
I don't know what is going on inside my stupid head. I just hate myself so much.
Ok, so two years ago I started studying physics, and I don't know how, it made me feel like my spirit, or whatever it is,
started to go away from me. I totally lost control of myself. I don't even know what I'm thinking or saying. And reality doesn't feel like one since then. It's like living in a parallel dimension, hoping that one day someone or something will bring me back to earth. I know, this is completely stupid. And I also started crying for nothing really often. I can't help myself. I really feel trapped inside a body, a life that are not even mine. I'm undergoing everything. I feel stupid, and I'm tired with living. Every day I think about death and stuff, but I can't do anything. I know I'm not a special snowflake. I just seek for god damn help.

Other urls found in this thread:


before this thread begins with tits or gtfo...i'm there too, male 26

got a tldr?


You're human.


If you've been here a while already then you know the rules. Don't wanna be rude but rules are rules.

>Looking on /b for moral support
>Not tits/timestamping
Gtfo trap

It'll pass. Life is a fucked up journey, but it's an experience that you shouldn't cut short. It'll get better user. I've been there. All of us have, or will someday.

Where are you from?


I'm from France

On the off chance that you are serious. You've said it yourself. You need to seek help and work through those issues with a professional.

eh anonette, it'll pass, life is nothing but a beautiful death

FUCK OFF! you fucking loser.



From Germany

Are you not ashamed?

Sadly this is called growing up. It is a terminal condition where you realise all of your childhood fantasys are just that, fantasy. You become more aware of your own mortality and the inevitable end of your life. Stay strong femanon, it only gets worse as you age.


Tits, timestamp, or GTFO

Ciao carina, ti voi parlare con me? Io non ho parlato Italiano tanto tempo.

quads confirm

Tits or gtfo

Get a grip ya fucking cunt.

>I don't know where to start...

post tits


Just know that this will pass. Everything changes. Even bring depressed. Have you ever tried yoga. Do yoga everyday and in a couple of months, you'll start to gain more control over your mind and thoughts. Hang in there b, it can get better.

Here is a great video. Do the post surf session starting at like 19 minutes


You cannot refuse trips.

Trips spoke the truth

You sound like you should talk to a professional rather than a bunch of ignorant faggots on the internet.

Seriously, go see a doctor. If you don't like them, go find another one until you've got someone you trust.

Medication will probably help you a lot but they have to calibrate it to your personal chemistry, so usually at first it sucks but with patience they can get the right dosages to minimize the things you're struggling with.

I urge you to do these things for your own sake as well as the sake of those who love and care for you.

Tits or gtfo

You've come to the wrong place for help. Please, this is not a constructive or positive or helping place unless you really like racist memes and dick pics.

Yeah, that's pretty common tbh. Mostly because subconscious you believe to miss something in your life. Maybe that's a Person or a passion, something that propels your daily life, drives you out of bed in the morning and might keep you awake at night. Missing something like that makes your brain question yourself which just extends your current feelings even further.

Sorry y'all, I don't post tits. Cause I don't have any

If you knew anything about Sup Forums, you would have sent tits.

Hey op, questa fuga dell anima dal corpo è una cosa bellissima secondo me! Devi lasciare libero il pensiero e assecondarlo non verso la negatività, ma scoprendo in che modo il tuo spirito ed il tuo pensiero può maturare. Separarci dal corpo per un cammino spirituale fa parte della nostra storia di uomini. Secondo me uno studio umanistico ti aiuterebbe molto. Scoprire come molti prima di te hanno vissuto su un livello spirituale e culturale maturando la loro crescita e quella del loro tempo..
Non pensare di essere sola, anche io ero cosi, ero morto dentro e passavo il tempo osservandomi vivere giornate tutte uguali. Poi ho scoperto l'arte. E attraverso l'arte la ricongiunzuone corpo e spirito.



holy shit, pointing out youre a female AND blatantly blogging and attention whoring
kys sage

Op the only thing we're guaranteed in life is death so stop thinking about it. It comes to everyone so make the best of everything. I've been where you're at, it'll pass, always does.

Post your small underdeveloped breasts. Theres plenty of pedos here to get off on that. Tits or gtfo cunt.

you're not a special snowflake, yet you make this thread all about yourself, whine about your problems and expect everyone else to give a shit. there's your problem. tits or gtfo

everyone knows there are no females on the internet. shut the fuck up and kill yourself you tranny.

"...I started studying physics..."

OP, I found your problem.

tits or gtfo WITH timestamp

Fuck off pedro

Nice one

OP here claiming ID
im from Israel

Don't care if you're flatchested, post tits.

tldr tits gtfo stupid cunt you're ugly its a trap ya ya ya kys

I have also experienced these things. Feel free to email me:

[email protected]

We can talk.

tits or gtfo

How about some B L E P E?

>implying someone must be a pedo if they like small tits

Shouldn't you be in school right now?

kill yourself

tits or gtfo op you stupid cunt

Credo che la cosa migliore che tu possa fare è parlare regolarmente con qualcuno di cui ti fidi di questo. Anche solo parlarne può essere d'aiuto. Il cammino è lungo ma porta dei risultati

I think the best thing for you to do is regularly talk about this with someone you trust. Even talking can help and it's the first step for feeling better. The journey can be long but it's worth it.

he's not allowed near schools anymore.

22 yo male, from spain. I did fail in my studies and now im rebuilding my life, ill go to uni next year, dont bury yourself in shit, focus on a objetive and hard try it till you reach your own limits. Dont think about suicide even once more, and for fucks sake, do not ask for guidance in the shithole /b is.

I kek'd hard!


another spainfag here, same age and similar life and this user is right. try to meet new people, eat healthy and do some social sports (like soccer or mma maybe?) and think this is just a bumb in the highway. be strong

This is going to sound like it is completely out of left field, but...

Start taking ballroom dance lessons.

you can leave too, faggot. no need for anymore feelgood idiots like you trying to whiteknight an obvious catfish.

Hi OP, here is some advice:
You are sooo busy searching for whatever, that you've become disassociated from yourself.
1. Stop taking life so seriously, and stop thinking that you need to be accepted by everyone in society because nobody will be accepted by everyone.
2. Accept the fact that society is a hoax anyway
3. I do believe that we have frequencies which allow us to experience this world on different levels, as for you, you feel like you are in a parallel dimension (Also don't take that too seriously, but you can actually smile about that cuz its just weird and funny right?).
4. I think deep meditation helps to understand your brain, and thus enables you to switch frequencies.

I have experienced something a few months ago, which I will now walk with for the rest of my life. Every person has a different frequency and different perspective on the world. And I am slightly able to adjust to the person that I am talking to and feel like I can understand them waay deeper than I used to. It makes life more fun for me in general, it also enables me to understand things better and not take life so seriously.

Just go with the flow, and focus on your breathing and accept all the other thoughts that come up in your mind, but always keep focussing on your breathing.

Peace of mind is probably the best thing that I have found for myself in this era of information overload and this godless western world..

show us more pics of you

Italy too


post more pics.
i bet you are cute

Ok pur essendo scritto in italiano ho capito ben poco

italy ? wich region exactly ?

This is me,
And I know you like to joke around on this board, but I just wanted to share my experience that is working for me.

For all I care she an hero right now, I just wanted to share

un frociazzo che vuole fare il poeta tipo i coglioni su facebook

Nemmeno qua riesco a liberarmene .....

presenti i seni

Tits or gtfo bitch nigga

Live stream your suicide



Kys don't listen to this faggot. The best way to become a hero in 2017 is live stream. Get to it

Judging by the pic it took you more than an hour to come up with this bullshit

Part of "your board" pls elaborate

Tits or gtfo

Tits first, then an hero livestream.

Wtf you.

Read "The Inner Citadel: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius" and generally speaking try to live a philosophical life.
Only virtue brings happiness.

I'm a 31 year old male and am currently under the same mental umbrella as OP. Going to start therapy for the first time this week. Clenching and white knuckling is no longer working.

How many Italians bere?


prescindendo dal fatto che per me trovare una donna italiana che legge /b é quanto di più insperato possibile... Se possibile infatti fai sapere dove sei che fra depressi ci deprimiamo meglio insieme..

... io sono in una situazione del genere da parecchio tempo. Ho trent'anni. Proprio poiché sono stato felice, e ho fatto per lunghi anni una vita priva di problemi e piuttosto ricca di cose piacevoli, so cosa mi manca e so di essere infelice adesso.
Sono stato funestato da problemi di salute per tutta l'adolescenza, e a diciotto anni ho dovuto fare un trapianto di fegato. La cosa si é risolta positivamente e adesso ha un impatto pari quasi allo zero, fatto sta che poi la traccia della sofferenza chiaramente ti rimane dentro, rendendoti in grado di renderti conto di quando, nuovamente, ti ritrovi ad essere infelice. Ultimamente stavo riflettendo che se avessi la risposta ad uno dei dubbi più atavici che l'essere umano si sia mai posto (il classico "c'é un'altra vita dopo la morte?") probabilmente in entrambi i casi affretterei il normale processo di decadimento. Sia per vedere cosa mi capita nella prossima, sia semplicemente per far finire questa, che ormai mi va stretta.

Eppure poi il giorno dopo aver pianto tutta la notte per i motivi di cui nemmeno tu sei così sicura la curiosità perlomeno a me rimane. Non quella che indaga riguardo la prossima vita, eventualmente: quella che riguarda questa, nella quale sono ancora confinato. Voglio vedere come va a finire. Penso sia la cosa che può salvare sia te che me, come chiunque si trovi in questa situazione o in un momento difficile.

Sii curiosa. ... La vita può essere soffocante, ma ricorda che per molti potresti essere ancora importante. Devi solo aspettare che gli eventi ti portino a rendertene conto.

Can someone link the livestream already?

il bisogno di impressionare il prossimo è parte di internet ormai

Tits, or gtfo.

A simple rule of Sup Forums


Yay more fucking guidos.

You've already waited too long. You're life is shit and you're probably undateable. Why go on? Don't forget to live stream

>Hi Sup Forums, I've been on Sup Forums for a while now, first time posting something.

>OP here claiming ID

Im white, and you lost your own moral compass long ago, and I am as fit as you to be here.. Isnt that weird.

Ikr. Just do it cunt (op)