Is it possible to roll dice and get the same numbers 100 times in a row?

Is it possible to roll dice and get the same numbers 100 times in a row?

Just roll

yes, and the chances of it happening are the same as any other combination


Yes, it's about the same odds as you winning $100,000 on Keno.

One of the most crooked and rigged games in gambling.

Does it ever become impossible? Could you roll the same results 300 billion times? At what point does it become impossible?


The odds of it happening just get lower and lower. It never becomes "impossible".

in theory: never
in practice: the odds become so slim pretty quickly (probably trying to roll the same result somewhere in the early thousands) that it would likely take several lifetimes to see it play out that way

How can the odds decrease infinitely? Surely they have to reach 0 eventually.

1 in 6

no, it is always technically possible. the odds just keep getting smaller and smaller.

there are an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2.

There is an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 0, just like there is an infinite amount of numbers between .00000001 and .000000001 so it will never be impossible.

no, the odds of you rolling a number which come before is the same as you rolling any other number. You are falsley trying to give that roll knowledge of what come before (information) it doesn't give two fucks.

the odds of rolling the same number at any given roll are 1 in 6, but the odds of rolling the same number 100 times isn't 1 in 6 you fucking idiot.

Of course it's possible it's just very very unlikely.
The probability of it happening is 1/6^100

The chances are very very very very very low, but they exist. So yes.

it is POSSIBLE but not probable

Bill Nye?

the chances should be 0.0153064x10^76%

Ok you retards
Let's say you want to roll 6 100 times in a row
The chance of rolling it once is 1/6
The chance of rolling it twice is (1/6)*(1/6)
The chance of rolling it 3 times is (1/6)*(1/6)*(1/6)
And so on
So for 100 times it's (1/6)^ 100

Only correct answer

Trick dice

Rosencrans and Gildenstern are Dead

Its asymptotic, always approaching zero but never actually reaching it. At a certain point it might as well be zero from human perspective though, but its still possible.

1 chance out of 6,5331862350007090609669026715806e+77

1/6^100 = 1.53x10^-78
The universe is only 4.1x10^17 seconds old, so if your threw 100 dice every second from the beginning of the universe to now your chance of getting a hundred of the same number in a row is still 6.27x10^-61
That is 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,062,7%

1 in 6.5331862e+77?

Apart from the previously posted correct answer.

Of course it's possible. How fucking stupid are you?

if 1 billion people roll dice
what's the chance 100 of them got the same number?

Obviously it's possible. So then you just gotta figure, they might have happened in the right order so it was all in a row. so that's also not 0% either.

At a certain point, it's computationally unstable and you can't store anymore precision

There's only six numbers on a dice. If a billion people each roll a dice then chances are that millions of people will get each number. But the chance that out of that billion one hundred people in a row get the same number is the same as if you just roll a billion dice in a row yourself.

It will always be 1/6 on the next roll no matter what, make sure you don't commit the gambler's fallacy and think the odds go up each successful roll. Given an infinite amount of rolls you could roll 100 sixes an infinite amount of times

If you went to school today, you might learn about this in Algebra 2
>9th grade math