Do you want to talk about hugs Sup Forums?

Do you want to talk about hugs Sup Forums?

I get hugs regularely. Most of them are from young girls ages 12-16 since I work with teens. I think there is a lot to interpret from hugs and here are my thought of them.

>The unwilling hug
Social situations sometimes require a hug. Minimum body contact, minimum duration. Participants seldom smile. Just get it over with.

>The hard hug
A tight caress, heartfelt and sincere. I like these hugs. Often from people with filial feelings towards you.

>The loose hug
The hug equivalent to the dead fish handshake. Mostly an "unwilling hug" but not always. Minimum pressure. Only excuses are for hugging really old, injured or otherwise frail people.

>The double clap of the back
Used during hugs between males. I don't think it's the "no homo" of hugs but it serves to distance you from the emotional to the energetic hug. Avoiding being overtly emotional is my interpretation of the claps. Never clap girls unless you are comforting them or you are signaling the mutual release of the hug about a second later.


>arm position
males prefer the cross, one arm over, one arm under. When hugging a girl the arms usually go under, the girl's over. This can be amusing when hugging a girl significantly taller than yourself. Hugging someone with a large bag on their back can be weird. Not feeling the others hands on your back makes for a strange hug, avoid it.

>Signs of intimacy
Now, during a hug there are some things that signify greater intimacy. Learn to recognize them. Don't use them yourself unless you mean it.

>Resting their head on your chest/on your shoulder.
A long sigh during this is maximum teen melodrama.


>A hug lasting longer than 3 seconds
Unless you are talking. Rocking from side to side is also a good reason for longer hugs. Standing still in silence, hugging for more than 3 secs is very intimate. Double tap on back to signal release but don't unless you have to. Long hugs are nice so why spoil the moment?

>Bear hug
Imo a hearty hug where you lift the other. As the hard hug, this is a very nice hug to give/recieve. Possibly the best hug between bros.

>Soothing handmotions up and down the back
Great for comfort, do not use unless absolutely certain it's appropriate as it can get creepy.
>Hand on ass
This is never appropriate unless it's your future/current partner.
>Hands on back with clenched fists
Only use if you have bad hand sweat. It is a sign of lesser intimacy.

thanks for bumping user

>Most of them are from young girls ages 12-16 since I work with teens

Explain further. Are you a councilor or just a very touchy math teacher?

My Pleasure.

Camp leader, councelor. Not sure what to translate my job to in english.

>The fat hug
This is a sad hug I think, often a stance used by girls who are embarrassed by their weight. Leaning forward and avoiding contact lower than the chest or even shoulders and arms. If you have the finesse, offset this by giving them a tight, hard hug without the leaning in. Non-thins deserves hugs too and contrary to belief, hugging fat people feels great.

>The tall-girl hug
I should expand on this, tall girls usually bend down to hug you under your own arms. This can look a bit comical and the hug isn't as intimate I guess but it also is kind of adorable. Why do we do this? I guess if they hugged at their height they would just mash your face into their chest and that could be awkward.

Even though I hate to admit. I just need one so much. Fuck sex, kissing or anything I just fuckin need a hug right now. I've fucked up everything and all I desire now is a hug and someone telling me it'll be all ok

You're a disgusting piece of shit

Fuck off you fat disgusting slob.

Shut the fuck up you digusting pig!



I always clap females, why is that wrong?

You disgust me!

I always pat people on the back also. I have been mocked for it and it's a habit I'd like to break, but hugs are so awkward I just do it anyway half the time.

Ok so maybe I'm harsh about never doing it but I feel it is trying to distance you from the intimacy of the hug. Try not clapping. Think of how that hug feels in contrast. Then continue doing the hug you feel most comfortable with.

Yes you do it because you feel awkward. And that is ok. If you really want to break it try and try again hugging without the clap. It takes a lot of tries but it will normalize the hug for you so you hopefully won't feel awkward about it in the future.

>Hugs from behind
As one participant can't really contribute much, this is a high level hug. If you do the hugging you really need to be sure that the hugee is willing. A usual couples-hug but it has interesting variations.
If a girl does this to you (male) it is also about control, her being in charge of duration and you not really being able to do much in return except for putting a hand on her crossed arms or hand. It is used on me by girls I suspect have acrush on me so maybe it signifies intimacy? Or is it the grown up version of the piggy back ride?
A nice hug nonetheless. Can have an extended duration without it seeming out of place.

>my mother and grandmother are the only people Iv'e ever hugged for longer than 5 seconds
What does that mean?

But I like the distance from the intimacy.

What do you think it means user?
Would you like to hug for longer?
Do you like hugs?

All is well then.

>What do you think it means user?
That I can't into social interactions with women
>Would you like to hug for longer?
Of course
>Do you like hugs?
Very much so

Guys, can I have a hug?

Hugs are sort of the receipt of social interactions.
If you want more hugs then one should aspire to improve ones social skills (with women in this case).
And yes, that is easier said than done. I don't really have any good advice on this since I don't know your circumstances sorry.
But don't knock hugs from bros.

I'm hugging you right now user

>The sideways hug
You stand next to the person and reach over with one arm across the back and rest your palm on the opposite shoulder
I guess this is the safe hug, I get told american teacher friends that this is the only appropriate hug they are allowed to give kids. It's a good hug to give in comfort if you don't know if the hugee want's the full body one. It's also a nice intimate stance to take when having something heartfelt to say.

Hope you found this thread worth reading fellow anons.

*hugs you*

>Smelling the hair
Only with current/future partner

>Burying the face straight into your chest
This is a signal that the person wants security. Hug back and envelop the person with your arms. Push forward your shoulders and create a safe and nice cocoon of a hug. "What's wrong" or "Do you wan't to talk about it" is appropriate to ask now.

More hugging tips?

sure thing

>Group hug
If initiated as a group hug, be sure to include everyone that wants in. Don't leave anyone out. If it's a hug with other huggers added on after, hugging just one person is fine.

>Huggin a girl shorter than you
A regular hug should do. (assuming standing straight)The additional option of resting your head sideways on top of hers exist, you can also rest the chin on her head. Both are a bit goofy so reserve those for family and intimate friends where you are comfortable with eachother.
Another option is to bend forward slightly to bring your heads more in level. The rest of the body will be angled away though so the same lack of intimacy as the shy fat hug will exist.

>The spinning hug
This is when you hug someone usually much younger (or at least lighter) than you, pick them up, and spin them around. I tend to think of it as a typical "daddy is home" hug. Often, the spinee or light participant will run at the designated hugger.

What about those who haven't received a real, good hug in a while?

Ask for a hug. Hug relatives. Hug your friends. Hug your bros. Hug your coworkers.

To be more huggable you need to:
>not smell bad
>not be sweaty
>not be creepy
Work on this.

Natural occasions to initiate a hug:
>when meeting
>when saying goodbye

Be calm, smile. Again, ask for hugs if they don't come naturally.
Open your arms to initiate hug. If someone then grabs you at arms length by your shoulders consider the hug aborted.

Remember, how much you like hugs it needs to be liked by the other person too. Abort if they seem uncomfortable.
Hope some of this helps.

In this example, the hygiene is not the problem, but thanks for stating it, nonetheless. Maybe it's a lack of a good social scene or anything close to it.

It's also about group culture. Some social scenes have a lot of hugging, some don't. It varies from country to country even more.
Partying with people also tend to generate hugs, people loosen up when drunk.
Kids also hug a lot if you have a good relationship. Then again, if one seeks out kids just for hugs then...well.

I guess sports fans hug a lot too when their team wins.

I tried to hug this 12 yo chick but she refused so I initiated the hug like what this guy said and bear hugged her into my van. She regretted making me upset now. She will pay for her sins.

I'm not a fan hugs, just don't like the intimacy of it. Struggle to even hug my family properly.

Speaking of
You know, kids that age are good at spotting creepy behaviour. The reason I get lots of hugs from teen girls I work with is because they find me safe, so they hug me. I'm told that most hugs they get that age from guys are creepy and unwanted.

My mother never hugged me.

I'm sorry to hear that user.
I'm pretty sure my mom finds me hugging her in greeting something she'd rather not do.
So I feel you.
