This is the idiot, I destroyed the flag

This is the idiot, I destroyed the flag.

Wow so much cancer on one post and not a single outdated meme just a niño pendejo que se cree edgy por postear mierda de Facebook en Sup Forums child just get a life.

Soy un grasoso un grupo llamado SDLG realmente la cuestión que anda desatando lo de LH con su bandera no entiendo por qué dicen que estamos de guerra los de SDLG con Sup Forums si nosotros no tenemos problemas alguno los de Legion holk tenías problemas con ustedes yo amo Sup Forums y sería una idiotez atacar su bandera sería algo suecidio nuestro color característico del grupo el rojo ellos como estábamos atacando a LH su bandera andan de ardidos de que los atacamos y por eso andan atacando su bandera ! Los queremos mucho lo de SDLG :b


Dejense de wevadas y pendejadas

Got them. They are the fags. (It says "LH" and "Holk")



SDLG was the portagonis of all the problems here. Attack them

Lel even spics are fucking with you niggers now. Remember when this place use to be the final boss of the internet now it's like the tutorial. Getting cucked by spics ... Feel bad Sup Forums

Fuck LH #hailSDLG

we're from SDLG and we destroy hl's flag just because, they're such a pussy and incriminated us with our red color flag

What, are you trying to start a war or something?

SDLG and LH have been fighting for years, apparently that's normal in Spanish-speaking facebook groups

ya dejen de joder jolkeanos homosexuales, ya les borraron un post por hinchapelotas



Chupame la verga mexicano puto





SDLG destroyed LH's flag and now they want revenge, that's why they've been attacking Sup Forums's flag with red color, because they want you to blame SDLG, but they have nothing to do here.

Fucking LH
Since the start they were the ones who started all this shit. And SDLG is just following by attacking LH. The difference between both groups is that one is administrated by someone who was actually part of Sup Forums once while the other is just administrated by a groups of childish teens who think they're famous for appearing on a fucking tv show. I'll let you figure out who is who.

LH is just a pussy who can't handle the fact that someone else took over their flag.