I reached the bottom. There's no more money left, cant pay the bills...

I reached the bottom. There's no more money left, cant pay the bills, the credit card loans are fucking my butt and are rising up. Cant find a decent job in this fucking country, my friends are poor like me but their familys help. Cant even greentext to make it more beautiful. Please \b\ HALP!

I understand that position. I can PayPal you something to help you get along.

That would be fantastic. I hate to beg, but i see no choice

Hey, I've begged before and I get it. Life gets better though.

im not sure how to receive on paypal.
heres my email
[email protected]

help the poor underdeveloped country guy

Damn it user, why are you being so nice?

you're just retarted though, OP. I'm 22, pay $1k in rent a month, have a car, gun, pay all my own bills and expenses.
ALL of them.

Get over yourself and stop wasting your fucking money you pussy. I don't even work 40 hours every week cause I can't get the hours, so I'm pretty fucking sure it's you're fault you've got credit card debt and can't get a job fucko

and double check the doubles

and don't have a degree, so don't pull that shie either OP.

Well, if i pay a rent of 1k i would be living in the streets, maybe if I lived in a place where people with graduation degrees could find jobs, maybe i wouldnt be in this shitty situation. I lost all my savings because a lot of shit that happened in my life. You wont even have the time to read the ammount of crap. And where i live jobs are paying only 1k and there is almost none. More than this only for sons of rich daddys.

Also, im not actually begging. Just asking for tips and solutions though.

A) You can't speak english. Your post makes almost no sense

>guy can't handle his finances
>cries to Sup Forums about it

What'd you think that was gonna go well?
"im not actually begging"
"I hate to beg, but i see no choice"

How bout all around you just fuck off, starve, and stop being a fucking drama queen. PS learn how bank accounts work.
You lost all your savings to "shit that happened in my life"... Yeah, that's how saving money works dipshit. Get better at it, instead of blaming circumstance for everything YOU CAN'T HANDLE (:

K peace out, your threads not worth (all) my time, but you should get your shit together on your own instead of being so pathetic it becomes the general populations problem ya giant faggot!

Well thank you for the help. I'll get out now and be less pathetic asking for jobs in the street. Maybe one day ill be just like you. Cool and rich

How do you do backward / ?

maybe some day you'll learn how to properly apply for a job lol

1. Debt consolidation company
2. Military
3. An hero

Choose your own adventure OP

i can help you user. i can send some for you to pay your shit. but pull it together fagget

the amount of OP samefagging here is pretty sad
18 posts from 6 IP addresses. Nobody believes the two guys really sent you money, OP, stop pretending

That's the spirit!
Out of curiosity, what's the closest big city near you?

I have a BS in Chemistry and have been out of work for the last 8 months. I quit my last job because I got it out of college and it was horrible, didn't require a degree, and figured since I got that relatively fast, I could get something slightly better in a few months particularly now that I had a few months experience.

Still unemployed.

I did get offered one position, and took it, and then their corporate headquarters didn't approve the funding, so the position was nixed.

It was $22 an hour, which is OK, and it was contract to hire, which usually get a 10-30% raise when hired.

Ah well.

Oh, and I ran out of money a few months ago and my mom is now paying the bills. We keep track, so it's technically al loan, but my mom is paying my bills.

Suck it up and go get a job that doesn't require a degree, but that they might like to hire you more with one anyways.
Pay won't be great, but your mom already paid for you to be alive for like 20 years how bout you help her out some.
Oh and you'll hate the job, but 99% of people do, they're paying you for a reason and unfortunately it's not pure lack of manpower. It's that (almost) they're paying you to do things people don't like doing.

(it's part that they simply can't do every job on their own, though... If that's comforting)