Tfw being f*nn

>tfw being f*nn

>tfw being a*ssie

This, please nuke this shithole


you could be canadian

At least ur not a genetic disaster that's the f*nns


you want some t*bacco

>tfw you live in a real shithole
>see first worlders complaining about their countries

i want to hug finns

I don't get it what is wrong with being a finn.

I mean you're not Swedish what is not to love.

But you can drink all day every day

that's the problem isnt it, he could be swedish, he knows how much better life could be and you do too, if only you were swedish kaj-torvald


that's not how you tie a noose

>thats the joke

>Tfw being a roach

>tfw being g*rman

Why would anyone want to be a negro? You are being delusional, my pigment-challenged friend.

