Name someone who doesn't smoke weed, but still thinks it should be legalized. I don't know of anyone like that

Name someone who doesn't smoke weed, but still thinks it should be legalized. I don't know of anyone like that.

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haven't tried and dont want to but it should be legalized 100%

A shitload of LEOs.

me. and thats why i just made this track

I don't smoke weed and I hate drugs because when I see people act differently then they normally do because of it. I instantly become furious and want to behead them to try to make them normal again. But I want it legalized so the economy can grow.

An economy shouldn't grow at the expense of the public health.

what's the expense to public health? bear in mind that people who want to smoke weed now, are smoking weed now


>people who want to smoke weed now, are smoking weed now

I know, and that means we're not doing enough to keep people off of drugs. Legalizing weed would just be rewarding bad behavior and creating more stoners.

That's because you're a basement dwelling neckbeard. Get out of your mom's basement and you'll meet all sorts or people who think cannabis should be legal.

>wants to decapitate people
>thinks he's normal
Lel user...

My mother

And a ton of my older coworkers too

I don't smoke it but I have 18 groups on F/B and a website.

Me, tho i want to try it

but alcohol is legal and that's rewarding bad behavior, and it has negative public health outcomes. alcohol has a prohibition period and people could still get it.
how will legalizing weed create more stoners? you just agreed that even though its prohibited if people want to smoke it now they can and will.

Stay in school kid...

nice b8 m8

I do personally, i don't smoke it by I do own stocks in both farming of it as well as pharmaceuticals using it. So the more legal it gets the more money I make.

At very least it should be decriminalized, but then you are somewhat okaying the black market


Never have, my job comes first for 30 years now but I dont care if others do. Shrug.

I personally don't smoke because it is illegal and I will not risk loosing my kids over it. I do support it's full legalization.

the fact that someone can lose their kids over a fucking PLANT is reason enough to legalize it

That is a poor argument though, because fuck opium and people should lose their kids over that

They may not smoke it regularly, but if they never tried their opinion would be based on speculations

Wouldn't industrial hemp be a more lucrative industry anyway?

Me. I don't see why someone shouldn't be able to use it if they wanted to.

I don't smoke it but wish it was legal. Fu op.

Me. Used to quit for job reasons and complicated family reasons.

Also, my dad and a bunch of others that don't smoke, have never smoked. From the perspective of cost...both human and's a no brainier. Waste of resources to persue legal action against pot when other drug are much more harmful and still legal (alcohol, tobacco).

The US spends more money procecuting, encacerating and policing pot than Europe spends on all crime. (That stat is true until med mj..then I stopped paying attention) It's not worth it... But is a business now. The policing, etc. And it has a lobby to sustain it. That's why it's still illegal imho.

I do. I actually hate the stuff - smells rancid and honestly I can't fathom why anyone would ever want to use it.

Nevertheless, it would benefit the economies as a whole - it's relatively harmless, and if it were regulated similarly to cigarettes or alcohol, it could be a boon. i.e. no advertising allowed, taxed heavily, etc.

I don't smoke..well every once in a while but not anywhere close to regular... I enjoy rso and other tinctures more... I think it should be 100% legal, same with mdma & Hallucinogens!
& at the same time I think things like crack heroin meth should carry the death penalty! lol

Me. smoke up bud

My parents, my boss and most coworkers.
I smoke regularly, so yeah. I guess I have no voice.

Kyle Kulinski

i'm a preppy kid that has never smoked weed.

i go to a uni in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Texas. Criminalizing and screwing over these dumbasses only adds to the crime of the area.


Weed delivery to Europe

A solid 90% of cops. Most of us think it should be legal. Speaking for myself and others I know we only arrest IPOM if you lie and or are being an ass.


I don't smoke, I think it should be legal.



Police Officer here.
I have never smoke marijuana
It should be legalized.

OP is a fag


Do they allow you to call others fags?

Me before I started smoking weed. I didn't start smoking until I was 23 btw.


I used to smoke everyday. And it destroyed my life basically. I've been clean for 4 years now. But just because I can't control it. Doesn't mean it should be illegal. It should be legal

Off-Duty sure fag

Most of America, according to recent polling. On a personal level, I know at least a dozen people who support legalization for social and legal reform reasons, and none of them smoke. It's rapidly becoming the mainstream view.

Don't believe the polls.

A huge chunk of economic growth is at the expense of public health.

Alcohol, cigarettes, coal industry, fast food industry, processed foods, etc. You could be a libtard and make the argument for guns or even cars. That shit ignores all the horrible working conditions in the industrial revolution or all the people who died building skyscrapers, bridges, and dams. Lots shit people do every day is at the risk to their health, but they make the choice to get involved in it knowing the risks.

Smoking weed carries the risk of lung cancer, and some bad brain development if you start young.


>counter argument is to ignore actual information

Flawlessly argued. You should consider academic debate, you'd do really well.

All lies of course.

Just because polls suggest something doesn't make it true.

They typically only survey a very small number of people, then exaggerate it to give off the impression that it's the view of the entire population.

Not to mention their use of arbitrary margins of error to sway the results more toward their desired outcome.


Furthermore, the polls from last year's election suggesting that Hillary Clinton was way ahead of Donald Trump are more proof that polls aren't always right. Granted, it's an entirely different subject than drug legalization, but it still hurts their credibility.

Also, you have to consider how they word these polls. If they did a poll that said "60% of Americans support [whatever]", then that polling organization is obviously in favor of those supporters, and they completely ignore the 40% who voted the other way, as if their opinions don't matter.

i used to smoke til my 18th, i'm 26 now and feel like it would benefit everybody if it were legalised.

everybody but the criminals that make money off of growing it.

buyers: source of weed is known, this can ensure quality
sellers: no funky business, just grow it
society: no more electricity tapped
no criminals making money

I smoke weed and I don't want it legalized
It just needs to be decriminalized there's enough distractions and stupidity in the world without legal weed adding to it

Some fuckin sense on Sup Forums?!

I know 4 people like that and I know even more

Fuck you. Opium rules.

You now know of one OP.


Name one example where legalizing weed did not DECREASE weed usage.

In the those US states that legalized it, the weed usage decreased.

In the Netherlands the weed usage is one of the lowest in Europe.

etc, etc, etc...

I smoked until the age of 23 then quit. I am 42 now and think it should and will be legalized. Even though I won't smoke I think it helps many people. Sorry to bring /pol into the conversation but if the Republicans want to continue winning elections they need to live and let live.

>public health
>leaf spotted

how are we supposed to believe the people that say they never smoked? if donuts were people we'd all be jelly filled

>implying every form of weed consumption is harmful

This has to be bait...nobody is that cringey.

Do they pay people to sit here and swim in tendies and dank memes and ascribe themselves as some ubermensch because they don't have the constitution to enjoy life?

>lottery tickets
>strip clubs
>public health
in that order


My father in law doesn't smoke weed and never has but he has seen the struggles my wife has been through and how it works for her, and has gone into signing petitions to legalize as well as letters to our state senators. Soo I guess that's one.

My mother


It's just bullshit the snobbery from people who don't consume weed but drink alcohol and smoke tobacco. These fuckers who random drug test professional pot heads in states where it's legal.

As someone who doesn't smoke weed (not a nigger) it doesn't really matter. It wouldn't effect me in any way.

Then if weed usage is decreasing, how is it profitable? Potheads argued that it would bring in revenue, but if nobody's buying it, then where's the money?

I don't drink or smoke anything. We're not all hypocrites.

no but egotistical narcissists? par for the course

They aren't even sure it carries a risk of lung cancer. There's been some scientists saying that the way it's the medium that could put you at the risk (Blunt paper, cigar wrap, etc.)

However it's been proven to physically alter your hippocampus and make it smaller with consistent use, thus altering the memory and breathing center.

If you smoke before the age of 18, studies have shown on average a loss of 10 IQ points due to encouraging neurons to fire off without being fully developed, retarding yourself.

I know a handful of people that do for the sake of them wanting to try it without making the trip to a legal state/area. It's the fact that it's illegal that scares the shit out people because they've been brainwashed since day one that weed is the fucking devil and as soon as they try it, think it's the pinnacle of the modern world.

Just legalize it so weed culture can finally die, Jesus Christ.

off duty cop here.

I've never touched pot, but I think it'd be for the better if it was a public topic for best information (kids smoke tobacco but i guarantee you they know its bad for them only because of the awareness campaigns we subject them to)

I think full legalization would be a good thing. I'm off-duty so I'm allowed to say this, but police manpower and gov resources are heavily wasted on pot, and could be put to better use, even though we are encouraged in my department to make arrests for bonus pay. (Pot-crimes are easy prey and a cash-cow.)

I didn't join the force to spend my time arresting some 14 year old dweebs for trying weed behind a walmart

Kevin Nealon


>i hate mind altering substances cause they alter people's minds!

sounds really stupid user, probably should blame the people not the drugs

Nigga are you retarded? If it's illegal then nobody but criminals are making money off of it.

he's not even smoking it right, what a n00b lel

You must have no idea how economics work

I smoke weed and think it should not be legalized. it is dangerous, addictive and illegal.

Prescription drug industry and fast food. Fuck you, you're retarded.

I'm against both of those.

saying the prescription drug industry is bad for public health is like saying vaccines cause autism.

Penn Jillette is an advocate for legalization, and he's straightedge.

So are alcohol and tobacco.

>"I can't regulate myself so it must be the addiction!"

This is literally the most retarded argument ever.

Also, if you actually believe the things mentioned above, why the hell do you smoke it?


Dennis and judy from nj 101.5 radio

I smoke it because it is addictive. it should be illegal because it is harmful, dangerous, addictive and illegal.