Your at the bar and this guy grabs your girls Pussy what do gou do?

Your at the bar and this guy grabs your girls Pussy what do gou do?

tell him he has Gyno and laugh

My GF is 6' 2" and can bench 125% of her bodyweight, she'd kick his arse so bad I wouldn't have to do a thing



Pull out the sewing needle I carry in my watch pocket, stab him in the chest and watch him deflate like a cartoon balloon. Turn back to the bar, order a screaming viking and kiss m'lady on her oily forehead.

I fucking kek'd a little too much.

That takes me back

Walk away like nothing's happened 'cause he's gonna blow the bar up and die anyway

break his nose probably

This one makes sense. Not the one with the fatass at GameStop who "grabs your girlfriends ass."

kick his ass cuz meek mahon isnt there to make him look strong!

Checked and I just shoot him because he fucked up.

Bullets can go through muscle just fine

Tell him we're looking for a third man for out band.

vote for him in the next presidential election

grab his dick.

Call the police and file a report for felony GSI or possibly rape.


>our girls Pussy
So he grabs a nonexistent entity? He grabs air? I do nothing I guess...

I would never go to a bar, and I hate women so no GF. Impossible scenario OP.


Hit him so hard in the face he starts having convulsions. Then spit in his face go to his house beat the shit out of his mom and fuck his dad. So everytime he comes home he will know his dad is a faggot.

Hope you have 3 hands, nigger. Dude is packing a hawg in those manties.

Vote for him, he's presidential.



laugh at his gyno and tug on his nips

ik ill probably get my ass kicked but ima punch him in the jaw for the disrespect

Is that a wrestler? Like wrestling the comedy show where gay actors pretend to fight? lol bitch please, knock him out cold.