League of Legends thread

League of Legends thread.

Quick game before work.



I just opened a box and got this

>not bronze
It's like you don't actually want to have fun.

Veigar support is meta.

how do you know it will be a quick game? and what rank are you?

i dont like this game. too many mean people

yeah the people are probably the worst, but you can just hit mute and report them at the end ;)

This season is so easy

How do you do that bad with teemo?

lol was just thinking the same thing. HE seemed to farm really well tho

>This season is so easy
>bronze 2

LOL bronze players make me wanna horse laugh

>bronze literally based
Why do you want to play with a bunch of soul-less koreans?

>Veigar support is meta.
wow i thought i was pretty much the only one who does that

Nah, that e-w-q-r combo is stupid OP. If it doesn't kill, your ADC is going to get it.

because they're the best players

nice 666. I'm i the only one who players veigar mid?

I also vel'koz supp because of how aggressive he pushes the lane, and picks off enemy units your adc isn't able to kill with his r. Not to mention his q, e and r cc's targets. idk why people complain about vel or viegar as a supps when they push bot lane so fucking fast, midlane has a chance to push early game too.

I haven't seen viegar in main games for months. But that's probably because I play with bronze-gold.

nice 00. i think if you play a hardcore mage in midlane, you should choose one that really profits from cs and 1-2 level ahead. veigar does almost the same utility & damage on botlane as he does in mid, so its kind of a waste putting him in mid.

same reason zilean is preferred on bot - he doesnt need to occupy the sweet midlane spot to shine in the game.

how do you know if a champ really profits from cs? Sorry I'm a noob and trying to learn everything i can

veigar and vel'koz sup are garbage tier compareted to pantheon and talon sup,
everytime I boost my bronze friends acc's, I pick this kind of stuff. 99% of the time I get FB and snowball the game.

glad to be out of that hellhole

dude's passive and ulti is pretty ridiculous. I'll give you that. Never played Talon, nor cared much about him so I don't know about him.
I play vel'koz because it fits my kind of play style. The only other play style I enjoy is nasus or illaoi, and with new top lane herald, I don't want to deal with top lane anymore.

thanks for this. i cant get out of the "you sont play meta pools" using the good sups. vei is a good mage all around. pkayed a poppy game and cait threw so hard even after i made play after play. some people just want to make the play calls regardless of the action.

gg indeed.

I like viegar supp because you can create a hardcore mage/dps character late game. His fucking AP scales ridiculously high late game. But his combo's make him a great supp early game because your adc/anyone with damage can just fuck over anybody stuck in his e, or pick off a e-w-q-r combo midgame. He's incredibly versatile.

The best thing about pant is the point and click stun. All you got to do to win lane is:
>AA + W + AA lvl1 to proc thunder lord
>all in lvl 2
Bronze players don't know how to deal with this kind of stuff.

Talon is the same thing. shit ton of damage early, kill adc over and over again, get feed, win games.

compare what build are achievable 12500 gold (my average on suppports) and what can be done with 15000 gold (my average in midlaners).

if that is a huge difference in terms of "can i make impactful plays" then the champion does depend on having those nice solo lane cs. if the champions damage much more depends on internal stacks of items or passive (ex. tear, RoA), or items dont make such a big difference in general because abilities are largely strong when timed and positioned well - then the champion does not profit from cs as much as other viable options.

pantheon is nice, but i can beat him with nami or lulu on any day.
like, yeah you can bash noobs with it. but if the support knows whats up, you die. and then you die again. and then you ragequit because deep inside, pantheon supports are just riven mains that have given up ragequitting from toplane.

talon is okay, but if you pick talon you could pick braum just aswell and theres a higher chance your adc will understand what he needs to do.

I suppose Veigar's abilities get progressively stronger in the game anyways, so no point in playing him in mid when you can play a champ who becomes insanely strong with the right build eh?

remember when that shit was considered "OP" but everybody just got over it?

Anyone who knows what this is doing will give a bit of trouble, but I only use this in bronze / silver because most bot lanes in this elo do not even know how to play against that sort of thing.

Veigar can get 1000 AP strong late game if you build right. that's literally 1000+ magic damage if you built penetration with w alone, if he combos you late game, it's an instant kill. That's usually how I play late game. Wait till select squishies are stunned/charmed then combo w-q-r, or e-w-q-r if they aren't stunned, to get rid of annoying champs.

The worst part about a good veigar champ is that tanks/vanguards can take half to 3/4ths their health from a combo from veigar.

>playing league of lesbians


gold+ games tend to be shorter, and you can shut him down pretty easily with consecutive ganks. That's why late game champs are mostly sub-optimal picks or even garbage tier.

>infinite ganks
Pretty much ends a veigar and a vel'koz support lane. agreed

I love veigar's e. I hated him for the longest time cuz playing against him his e would indirectly kill me, now I love tormenting enemies with it.

I'll use the w-q-r combos!

Can anyone help me play fizz better?
>poor CS almost every game
>lost hard to Ahri mid lane
>can't really pick Fizz with the same confidence that I'll do good as if I were to pick Skarner or some other character I own.

To be fair, it does give strong mid/jg/top lanes a chance to push, especially if they counter the champ in their lane.

It's hard to cs most match ups due to being melee, but a lot you can kill the enemy laner with a early gank. Just cs once you get an advantage. If you get behind it'll be hard to cs at all.

Just keep practicing him in normals till you can gain enough confidence to play him well anywhere. If you're getting worried in normals to begin with, don't.

dont play fizz then. theres enough champs in the game, try a few others.
>its easier to find a champion that matches a given playstyle than to adapt to the optimal playstyle for a given champion.
fizz is *not* an allrounder pick. if you dont know or know and dont like your lane matchup, no shame in chosing one you are more confident with.

Mean't to say don't get worried at all. It's just normals.

It was nerfed on multiple occasions

Playing fizz you don't farm creeps, you farm champions.
All you gotta to do is learn your power spikes, and play on enemy CD's.

Here is a sick play I did a while ago: /watch?v=LfsEAoD3ZoM

You've got a point there.
>except... I want to git gud at fizz.
Playing against bots is easy, I'd need to be playing against some serious feeders to lose a bot game. 5v5's normals are usually what I play, after a few practice matches.