Actors you could probably take in a fight

Actors you could probably take in a fight

ud get rekt by fraiser...

some of the smaller women

He's a Republican retarded cuck, anybody can beat the shit out of this racist fuck.

No. Physically.

this guy

that motherfucker would toss your salad and scramble your eggs so fast you wouldnt know what to do with them

I can't be the only one who wants to beat this dude's ass.


Because he's a manlet, right?

Who is it and why?

This little faggot.

He's fucking 5'2" (1m 57cm)

>Because he's a manlet, right?
yes and because he has a way hotter wife

Where do you get these people from?


this cunt


I don't think an average guy could take Kelsey Grammer in a fight, he looks pretty tall and thick

Tom Hiddelston.

He's a posh non-threatening british fuck that every woman fawns over for some fucking reason.

This dude is beast as hell. Have you seen his shit outside of the movies? He really knows what he's doing. he takes full advantage of his manlet power. I've been doing martial arts all my life and I am way taller than this dude, but I still think he'd kill me.

his thumb looks like my little uncut willy when it gets cold

>AMA about Jennifer Jason Leigh
Why does she wear the mask?

Those are actually highly stylized sunglasses.

I'd beat her until she learns to love it.

This fanook.
Any fucking day.

>implying "proficiency" matters when you're a manlet

Even an unskilled 180lb 6'2" guy could beat the world's best 5'2" manlet


What is that hairstyle called?

warg this u little shit

the "losing my hair don't care" look. Was big in the 90's everyone just let their shit grow regardless of how bald they were.

The Tossed Salad

no problemo

every 6'2"ish dude I ever met was underweight.


Isaac would obliterate you and your greasy hotpocket tits

I feel like I could take them all

not the black kid

this faggot

Would rek this elf faggot.

Would make him see dead people for reals


Why has no one said Tim Curry yet?

You fucking delete this right now.

I love him but he's an overweight manlet.

he'd die of a heart attack

I liked him in Soldier's Girl.