Euro truck tour: Sweden edition

Euro truck tour: Sweden edition

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What happened exactly?

3 confirmed dead but it's probably more

mudslime drove over pedestrians in the capital and 3 are reported dead so far

Not so funny when it happens to you, isn't it, europeans? Are you laughing now?


no one was laughing at you paranoid retard

It happens every few weeks.

Several people were killed and many others injured, after a large truck crashed into a crowd on a busy street inStockholm.

Whether or not the perp was muslim or if it was an intentional attack hasn't been determined/confirmed yet.

Probably was, though.

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_

Swedish deserve it. Do you have an article?

We're laughing, it happens every other week and we always laugh. What board do you think this is on.


Is it the religion of peace again?

what do you think? truck attacks are a staple by now

wtf I hate trucks now

No proofs yet. Probably, too intentional to be anything else.



Reminder that those who survived being trucked are racists who denied to appreciate islamic culture therefore should be judged.

Watch this and replace London with Stockholm and England with Sweden. Don't be fucking racists.


This actually gives me a reason to go on twitch and check Forsens chat

Forsen is offline.

I still remember how his chat looked after the 2015 Paris attacks when he was live

this have nothing to do with refugees or islam

probably some brainwashed ill boy

so calm down you alt-right scums

who is that and why is he important to this

It's always funny.
>Go to Peter
>Get blown

Because he lives in Stockholm and he is a Swedish male with a scared German girl living with him

can't we just pretend to wait for medical fits and angry white bois to be ruled out?

A live version of Sup Forums I imagine?
A swede that listens to remixes of homosexual porn sounds and plays children's card games.
he is irrelevant

>be European
>celebrate when an attack happens in Russia
>get attacked less than a week later
There is some morbid irony in this. Living in interesting times sucks.

Sweden yes.

Russia is European you mong and people laugh at every terrorist attack because we're edge lords

Nobody here celebrated an attack on Russia you dipshit.

>be russian
>go to metro
>get churkad

Is this seriously their new way of attack?????

+15 pidarash

big difference

peterburg was false flag and there are 150 milions russians

this was islamic terrorism and euroepans are more value

>its this guy again
its stockholmers everyone from sweden is laughing too about this truck

Stop blowing it up out of all proportion, Ivan. Your accusation is flatly denied, and your running over your allotted time. You really have my blood up, and you're driving me through the wall.

It works and is pretty impossible to stop.

its super effective!

We need more..

Truck stops

Wonder what kind of freedoms they can think to take away now


vehicle stoppers in pedestrian areas need to be set up asap in all big cities

Finally we hit Sweden


ayy lmao

Poor elk

>impossible to stop
Hahaha Nigga just jump out the way nigga haha

Make sure you thank daddy trump

It works, it's public and relatively cheap.
Do you know how much bomb training costs for dumb as rocks arabs?
Idiot, it is money wasted in the long run, terrorists can 100 000 vectors to attack.
You stop it at the source - the middle east. Every penny spent on stabilizing that shithole on fire will solve our problems in the long run. How many millions were wasted on plane safety just to have them put bombs in the cargo?

I'm trying really hard not to hate all Muslims.

Why are you all laughing?

F doge ;__;

Keep on truckin'!



I know we are supposed to hate each other, but this sucks. Stay strong, Swedeanons.

No, it was the Sweden Democrats. The only way to save Swedes is to drive trucks into Swedes.


That took surprisingly long

>terract in Russia happen
>russian autist himslef create a thread how europeans laughing on this
>terract happens in Swden
>ha ha U were laughing now here Justice

Fuck off pidarash

Oh look it's the delusional victim complex Russian. No one in the west cheered the subway bombing.

I usually feel very sorry when muslims attack fellow white people, but then I remember that those white people import muslims to their countries and all empathy is gone. Although I hope /int pals are ok.

Was the truck fully Stocked?

I can understand dying to a bomb in a crowded subway but dying to a loud moving truck that you can see coming a mile away?
I'm not joking but how, I usually look at everything that is happening around me if a massive truck suddenly mounts the pavement then I'm getting the fuck out of its path

I'm throwing a party when something like this will happen in canada, after this comment. ASIAN shithead disgrace pussy

nigga just put scat-detecting sensors in trucks

nigga they'll just lockdown the gears and tires of the truck when a shitskin tries to operate it

hell I'm prolly gonna be a millionare for embedding fecal-particle detecting hardware in trucks lmao gonna get stacks of dough nigga

We have them in most public places and by Wallstreet we have movable ones at checkpoints.

Thanks, Russia. You always were my favourite flag on the board.

Now, few more, please?

>be french
>get hit by truck
>be german
>get hit by truck
>be british
>get hit by car
>be swedish
>get hit by truck



i wonder what sort of ideology the perpetrator ascribes to

>be aussie
>get shot in coffee shop

i feel more sorry for that dog than the swedes who died. and no, it's not because i don't like swedes, but i've always cared more about animals than humans.
my dog is more important than anyone on this planet


Probably a christian american that's pissed at us celebrating Easter.

>Be Russian
>Truck drivers protest against some shitty law
>Don't get hit by a truck
I knew we are a shithole on a purpose

its pretty fast and you might be in the wrong place in the wrong time, you also dont expect it, like when you go through the green light? you expect to be safe, you are trained, you cant be on alert 24/7

and older ppl are slow


t. ISI

are there any whites left there?!

Good night sweet prince


In the bath with my cat right now m8

It's harder to notice such things when you move in a large crowd, though.

It's also harder to jump out of the way when you're surrounded by people.

>open news site featuring live footage from the hit site
>literally not a single white person in sight on the streets

More trucks, now!

>panic erupts
>you get pushed
>you fall to the ground
>you die

Now this is taking it too far.

What about the other two?

It came crashing through a storefront entrance, not the usual place to expect trucks m8

>haha, fuck russians
>*gets trucked*

Think about the doggos, you savage!!

That too far :( Kill much swedecuck as you want but leave dogs alone



We just don't know

A friend of ours lives in Stockholm and he set out like 30 mins ago to witness it first hand for us.