Why are Americans douchebags?

Why are Americans douchebags?

Went to America once.
I must admit, Texas has really nice people.

you spend too much time in the city. go to the country and you will find the nicest people around.

Actively reward it with social status +wealth in some cases

>Can't handle the bantz
toughen up, butter cup

Is the south really hospitable? I live in Chicago and pretty much hate everyone here. 95% of young people here are conceited fucks

BULLSHIT. I lived in both and I can tell you country people are the biggest dicks ever.

Most americans you meet are pretty nice but sometimes it comes across as only skin deep.

Need a safe space, OP?

you must not have read the fine print.

Only countries with gold reserves can post ITT

you're wrong though

Compared to who, exactly?

Like, Europeans get to pretend to be tolerant and enlightened people, but then their countries become less than 85% white and they have fucking heart attacks and freak the fuck out.

And this is after years of calling Americans racist.

The middle east is a cesspool. You have garbage peasants who want to stone anyone over trivialities and then you have their leaders who are perpetually drunk, whoring, and pretending to believe in Islam.

India/China? Yeah, these are monkeys wearing suits pretending to be real people. All they can do is make knockoffs of what America actually makes.

Africa is the same without the suits.

Latin America has so many inferior "native american" people that cripple each of its countries. All of them are ruled by whites, of course, but the sheer brown people ratio makes them entirely ineffectual.

>Most americans you meet are pretty nice but sometimes it comes across as only skin deep.
It's called being polite. You don't do it to be nice, you do it to not be an asshole.

grew up in/live in rural towns. everyone is nice.
biggest city i have been to, the people are shit. except for the druggos who are pretty chilled out. biggest city i have been to was melbourne. which is only like 3 million people. they were complete assholes. every single one. cops questioning me for walking on the sidewalk, people barging into me and pushing me onto the road.

I cant even imagine what a large city like new york must be like.

Foreign exchange student spotted.

This. It's universal across the globe. Whats this about big cities that turn people into assholes?

When you rule the world you get to do whatever you want.

i live in buffalo and for the most part everyone outside the city except one or two town are pretty nice. I would go as far to say people in the city its self are better than most city dwellers in the country.

>I cant even imagine what a large city like new york must be like.
people use their spray bottles on me on a daily basis

Americans are some of the friendliest and most welcoming people I have met.

Then again, I am white..


>born in chicago
>Dad moved the family down to FL when I was in elementary.

As long as you avoid big cities & middle-of-nowhere redneck trailer parks, the south is much more hospitable.

Respect has become an alien concept to American culture.

Blame it on vindication of American vitality.

Who let you on the internet Mohammed?

Lul, you're American you moron.

In the city, people are to the left, right, in front, behind, above, and below you at ALL times. It seems that people hate other people the more they are around people.

stocking density. I compare it to chickens.
when you keep 10 000 chickens closely together, their little chicken brains cant deal with it. they attack each other. the pecking order falls apart. nobody knows who they are anymore. you're meant to have some kind of social order. in a large city there are just so many fucking people. instant knee jerk reaction to that kind of stressful situation is to murder them all. this movie is just a portrait of the feels involved in living in a city.

Murricans always loved their bullies.

Even when "anti-bullying" policies were pushed out to school's in the 90's, all it did was make it even easier for teachers to stick up for assholes by making it easy to punish reporters. It wasn't until kids replaced their toy guns with real guns at show and tell average clapistani realized it isn't funny anymore.

>mfw I dress normcore
>mfw I have the same hairstyle as the dude on the right but with a low skin fade
>mfw chicks actually like this look

Spent 20 years in Manhattan.

Here's what it's like.

>miss the train? wait half an hour for another one
>shoulder to shoulder on the train during rush hours
>everyone trying not to touch each other but crammed in like sardines
>open seat next to you? ten people will fight for it, and the biggest, fattest fuck will try to squeeze his lard ass into it
>niggers everywhere, really, everywhere
>niggers pushing through the train
>niggers cartwheeling through the train
>niggers playing drums and singing on the train
>niggers all day every day, smelly and rude
>exit train, subway stinks of homeless people urine
>homeless everywhere
>homeless want your change
>homeless asleep on the train seats
>homeless pissing on the train
>homeless taking a shit inbetween cars
>homeless crazies walking up and down the trains
>exit the subway tunnel, the smell of urine everywhere
>streets are dirty
>garbage everywhere
>rats the size of cats running around with hot dogs in their mouth
>dark brown people moving around everywhere, speaking unintelligible brown people language
>they all stop and stare at you, like you're an invader
>they all whisper shit under their breath about you as you pass by
>police are fat, lazy, worthless pigs that get paid to stand around and do nothing

I'm experiencing some serious digestive issues at the moment and it's getting harder to figure out whether I have to fart, shit, or both.

Country types are tribalistic. If you're not of the same denomination of christianity or even not either black as coal or Nordic, they act like you're from another planet. See "My cousin Vinny" if you want a reference. People from the city are assholes, but in a different way.



Fuck that place. The whole country is on no fap

they just dont like outsiders.
their parents knew each other and their grand parents and so on all the way back to homesteading days. you just cant break into that except by marriage. even then, its only because she's already fucked all her cousins and you're essentially exotic nigger appeal by not bein kin.