Opinions about period sex?

Opinions about period sex?

Shits great just dont try and eat her pussy

This. Nothing else needs to be said

also..., no condom necessary..., pregnancy impossible in the middle of a period.
added bonus.

One time I turned the light on and it looked like I stabbed her to death with my dick.

First I thought it would be pretty hot.. but now going through it a couple times, I find it's liek there is way too much lube to the point of it not being as enjoyable.
Note: both times i did it there was significantly more mess then shown here.

not 100% true. maybe even a ruse.

>don't try and eat her pussy
The only place there's blood is the entrance, you can still eat the pussy just stick to the clit.

Put out some towels first. You're in for a murder scene. It's awesome

When the meat goes from pink to bloody, flip it over to the brown side.

That is not true. Women can get pregnant during their period. Please don't fetilize anyone user.

sperm can survive in the vagina for up to seven days after ejaculation

i actually liked that thought when i did it.

>there was significantly more mess
yeah definitely don't do it on your good sheets.
stained forever.

we do it pretty much every period, no worries. nothing stops this train

Just put an old towel or something under you.... shit that was pretty norm to begin with cuz shed get insanely wet to begin with

not fun.

it CAN be a mess. but overall its not inviting. It's almost like her pussy is like this

>put dick in her
>"hey, uhhh what are you doing here?" -vag
>"uhh we are fucking"- dick
>"no im under construction atm" -vag
>"but im hard and I want to fuck" -dick
>"okay you can try" -vag
>thrust a bunch
>vagina isn't that inviting
>"alright ill go" -dick

its not as inviting as a hot wet vagina that NEEDS dick.

Women are typically hornier on their period

The first time I enticed my ex wife to have sex on her period we were in the middle of a horse pasture at night. Easy enough to keep the mess down I said, just get naked and go for it I said. Well after ten minutes of her clawing at my ass to go deeper, harder, faster, I blew a load that would have impressed an elephant, and she started screaming bloody murder. My cum was acidic and it mixed with the swelling and rawness of her vagina, which she was egging me to abuse mere seconds earlier, and created a burning sensation not unlike red hot pokers. I drove her to the emergency room and luckily it a dead night so they got her right in. The nurses were a little flabbergasted at first but they got her fushed out and hopped up on some excellent pain meds. The also gave me a lot of amused glances but I'm a rock. Anyway, I got her back to our house, and just before she passed out from the fentanyl, she told me there would be no more sex during her period, period. You got that?no more wham bam thank you ma'am when aunty flo is here. Oh god I'm horny, thus shit they gave me is awesome, Let me suck your dick while you fuck me. No wait, that ain't right, I'll suck your dick while you fuck me. Wait, I got that wrong. I'll suck your dick while you ... dead asleep. I wish I had a video camera, she is a blast high. But there was no more sex on her period.

the safe day is before the period starts.

nice hairy ass on that pic

Unless you're a pussy about blood, it's fine. Put down a towel so you don't ruin your furniture and go to town.

If you don't like the taste of blood and want to eat her out, just go for the clit.

If you REALLY want to fuck but you're scared of blood for some stupid ass reason, put down towels and turn off the lights. Then go straight to the shower and hose yourself down.

It's really no big deal unless you're easily grossed out.

girl I know says she gets really horny just before or after wards.

during she too hurt for sex.

It isn't bad but it isn't as nice as regular sex

when the river runs red, take the dirt road

so who fucked the horse? You or her? I was confused by your long and horribly written story. Green text or get horse fucked. Again.


>Unless you're a pussy about blood

the consistency is not the same as a warm wet vagina.

the blood doesn't feel "right"

Not even joking: Blood is a good lube.
If you're not squeamish, go for it.

Its not bad. Make sure she uses a tampoon or 2 before so it doesn't soak through the fabric

Period blood smells so bad. I'll do it if I'm not going to get head or anal but unless I'm in love with a woman I'm not fucking her bloody cunt. I'm not that desperate. Much rather wipe her shit off my dick than some smelly period blood.

exactly. It's not like blood from a cut it's internal flushing of blood and clots. It's pretty nasty unless you're a nasty fucking guy who is drunk or desperate. Hopefully both.

going to take more than that to stop me

It's also rotting eggs coming out with the blood. Think about that for a while

Best pretext to demand buttsecks. Used to have a gf who gave up the butt every period, she grew to like it pretty much but didn't want to admit it.


As someone who grills and fucks regularly this comment made 100% sense.

Fucking uneducated cunt, pregnancy is possible at virtually any time, there's only a greater probability at certain periods of her cycle.

Pretty sure it's (an) egg and it's about this size . So that's not a concern lol. It's a flushing of increased mass in the uterus lining.

If I fuck my gf during her period, her orgasms are too intense and it hurts her ovaries.

I still do it every now and then if she's down, but in all honesty I don't care about 3-4 days without sex. I still get head if I want it.

It's for desperate degenerates.

If you're in a relationship, go for it. Nothing wrong with getting blood on your sword. But don't eat her out. That's nasty. It's apparently pretty unhealthy for the girl though.

This is great! Top Kek user

Lol. Virgin detected

too nasty, too messy and too smelly.
Been there done that, I'll never do it again, also dried blood is fucking hard to get off bed sheets.
I can wait a couple of days, I have no problems with that.

Menstruation sex is off limits. Period.