Gonna do K2 for my road trip

Gonna do K2 for my road trip.

>What's the worse that could happen?

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Fucking don't.

My sister is my supplier, she gets it from someone she knows. Guy got caught so we both had to go without. My sister got some of this shit.

It feels like being high for about 20-30 minutes and gives you a massive fucking migraine that doesnt go away for like 4-5 hours.

Smoke a whole lot of it at once. 3 or 4 bong loads should suffice

yo i dont ever post in threads but believe me dont do that shit homie i know to many people that have seized over it

i lost 6-8 months of time of my life because i smoked 4+ blunts of this first time.

Smoked that kind of stuff for eight years. It's not worth it.

looks like a bunch of shreded moths and other insects in a salad
what could go wrong op i dunno u tell me

kept smoking it or just did it the one time? how did you lose 6 months?

Would not recommend. It just gave me tunnel vision and a weird feeling in my teeth, like meth or something

It landed me in the hospital.

I know a few people that aren't the same after smoking this shit. Up to you though... I've personally never heard about a good trip on it. Just smoke weed.

'splain nigga

Have fun with your drug-induced dp/dr fag. I got dp/dr from spice years ago and it still hasn't gone away. I doubt that it ever will

Do you like panic attacks?

having the urge to bite a face off

fucking same

Some guys at sweden died to k2 OD.

don't do it Jay

If you gotta smoke something, smoke weed.

Its fucking stupid as fuck. Yes it can land you in the hospital. Fucking dumb shit. Smoke weed like an adult you fucking alternative teen faggot

here in nyc we had a huge k2/ spice epidemic and we literally had hundreds of poor nignogs high in the street doing crazy shit

one of those crazy shit things was dropping dead

brain damage, lung problems. go ahead, test it out :^) itll be a nice case of natural selection at its finest

I have a better idea:

Why don't you buy a bullet.
And rent a gun.

This guy knows

>here in nyc we had a huge k2/ spice epidemic

That's exactly where I am!! Going for a drive through Times Square

So, a few things:

K2 is literally a brand of "smoking herb" that is a bunch of shit like tea-leaves, cat-nip, orange leaves, and some other shit all ground up, and sprayed with a chemically-similar-but-different form of the THC you'd find in Marijuana.

"Spice" as it's normally called, when not a brand (Which, BTW, the company that originally came out with K2 doesn't exist anymore, so anything you buy labeled K2 is just spice, not actually K2), is some bad shit, though. People don't research or find out what you can or can't smoke/put into the human body. People'll take Tobacco, cat-nip, ground-up cactus, grass from their yard, nettle leaves, whatever, and spray that shit with REALLY, REALLY impure compounds. This can lead to a fuck-ton of issues. Aside from the fact that smoking random leaves can give you some serious lung and blood-brain barrier issues, the impure compounds cause your brain chemistry and central nervous system to really, REALLY, go out of whack. You'll start having visual hallucinations, and don't go with touch hallucinations you're having, and your brain just ends up shitting the bed and you punch yourself over and over again because the lady who walked up to you can't speak, but is trying to ask you something, and there are ants under your left big-toe nail. It's not fun.

Source: I worked a head-shop. We sold the original K2 and some other "legit" spice brands when the craze first hit. When it became illegal here, and other places, we stopped being able to carry real shit, tried other shit, had customers robbing us for the fake shit, and stopped carrying it all-together.


Gonna do K2 for my road trip.

>What's the worse that could happen?
>>BTW, I started this thread early this morning.


I was one of the case studies that got it banned. I spent a week and a half in the adult psyche ward when i was 16. do you know they still do electro shock therapy? my roomie was an obese man who would wind up getting shit smeared everywhere. i wasn't aloud to shower without surveillance because the guy had had my room before i got there hung himself with his shoelaces. This is just some of the real things from reality. The hallucinations were far worse, and for the time being they were very much my reality.