Post pics of the average 4channer

Post pics of the average 4channer




omg just imagine how it would feel to have a body like that




you filthy casual



Who's taking the picture though?






Especially Sup Forums


Don't forget the asians

What really gets me about this picture is the terrible location of that polar bear picture. It really needs to be moved, it's an eyesore where it hangs

>no one has even recognized this beautiful bastard

newfags. the lot of you.


>the average 4channer
either skinny schoolboy memer faggots or fat jobless sysadmin neckbeardos or 30-something alcoholic clerk failures in business suits

ah, and also Germans, what's up with Germans liking Sup Forums instead of their own boards?

Who is it?

The legend.



You're a cringelord, snacks only moderated the site for like a year.
It's like posting a pic of redwood the nigger mod of Sup Forums and acting superior because nobody knows who it is.
Moot and snacks are both asspie retards who stole code from 2chan, wow so impressive.














Good ol snacks




>that amount of work just to ridicule sjws

I'm 100% sure that there are paid people on Sup Forums.




>Wearing an anonymous shirt
>Not realizing the irony
>Or the definition of anonymous

Snacks... hmmn

















did you just get butthurt and start posting political shit without reading the thread topic? How are presidential candidates and celebrity comedians average 4channers?
















I don't understand this shit, do trumplings really think that the only way someone would protest trump is if they were paid for it?











You know, stringing a bunch of random words together does not help your supposed "points."

Behold, a cuck in its natural habitat.

He has advanced terminal butthurt, it's really sad.

I just woke up. Thanks for starting my hate off bright and early

Is he using a filter for his face?
