All Wings Report In

All Wings Report In.

Red Leader, standing by.

Green Leader, standing by.

Redd Foxx standing by.

Red Army standing by

hey bitches

Right Wing, standing by

Gold leader, standing by.

Talcum X, reporting in.

Jamie Foxx, standing by

Red 5 standing by.

>liking the new starwars
>Not knowing how to post in a red thread
> ''hey bitches''
confirmed 14 yo underage and banned

>el despertar de la fuerza

sounds even lamer in spanish


Redrum standing by

Red pill standing by.

Paul McCartney and Wings standing by

Left Wing, standing by

Red Hood standing by

Red Weiner standing by

JR Standing By

Right Wing standing by

Chef Ramsay standing by

Baton Rouge standing by.

Fried wings, standing by

Extra Crispay, standin' round.

Fat spiderman standing by

White Privilege, standing by.

ZOOM standing by

standing by

Zooboomafoo standing by

nigger getting shot on body cam standing by

reporting in!

Very disappointing, where are all the wings tonight!

Misso's pussy, standing by.

Red Rocket standing by

brown leader, logging in

red superloli reporting in

Red Night standing by

Rogue leader standing by