Fascist nazis will defend the right to own property

fascist nazis will defend the right to own property.

this is fucking stupid

this hurts my brain. fucking retarded

no, but taxes are

So you would like to live in a society where I could just stroll into your house whenever I want?

That is communism. Everything is shared because nobody owns a fucking thing.

But the act of theft is to take something that's not yours.

Something that is someone else property.

Where the fuck do these people come from?




Commie logic:. By owning something, you are "stealing" it from the community.

We have to kill them.

Does that mean I can force her to have sex with me? After all property is theft and she doesn't own her body, so...

Where do I sign up?

i support no rules no laws no community no regulation

i'm 35 years old and not being edgy and not trolling, and your mother will die in her sleep whether or not you reply to this


You gotta share her with the whole neighborhood.


>trying to rationalize anything libtard communists do in 2017...

>So you would like to live in a society where I could just stroll into your house whenever I want?
hurrr durrr stupid response to justify equity over equality which is the goal of diversity.

wow, nazi much?

bro you dont get it but property means your stealing from the working people instead of sharing it in a communal setting like real freedom fighters, thats why they call us revolutionairys.

I'm not that dude but could you please cut the bull shit pretentious attitude and have a dialogue with someone you disagree with so that I might gain from reading the exchange?

Just fucking respond with a real answer you, dumb fuck

where is the incentive do do anything with your life then? Or is how you live your life decided for you too?

>I'm not that dude but could you please cut the bull shit pretentious attitude and have a dialogue with someone you disagree with so that I might gain from reading the exchange?
so you admit your ignorant of the teachings of Marx and other famous Jewish literary authors. No wonder you talk like a nazi and your shits all retarded, how can anyone take you seriously when your goosestepping around typing that shit on the internet. Before we have a discussion at least try and educate yourself about how communism is the only real government of the people and everyone who goes against it is a nazi.

>where is the incentive do do anything with your life then?
who the fuck are you to decide? you realize communist countries like select what people should do based off testing right? That is why all communists are known to be more intelligent than white trash like you.

>educate yourself about how communism is the only real government
Did you miss the bit about having a dialogue? Because saying shit like this is not that.

You're right... the only person that can ever reply to you in a forum visited by MILLIONS OF FAT FUCKS EACH DAY can only be the exact same person you started your argument with.

>who the fuck are you to decide?
I'm a fucking human being with a brain, not a robot.

Communism doesn't work. And let the thread 404 on that note.

Or this note.

>Did you miss the bit about having a dialogue? Because saying shit like this is not that.
we cant begin to have a civil conversation if your going to spew anti-Semitic hate speech, a dialog begins on equal terms. You having a lower IQ isnt something that stops us since you dont understand how communism is the best system of government, but without being able to start with a base line of civility to stop nazi hate speech like yours then you will never have a conversation with anyone and should stick to being 200lbs in your parents basement.

>I'm a fucking human being with a brain, not a robot.
the turing test proves your actually a robot since humans can be given instructions like the chinese room and will follow the instructions meaning all humans are robots.

will there be a ball pit at the next LA meeting of communists working to overthrow the US government?

You really need to get a grip on reality and gain some self awareness. Or you're just trolling.

>to stop nazi hate speech

That would be offensive to xeople born without balls.

No, clearly you are the robot that lacks any original thought.

Yeah the fact that Eastern Europe has still not recovered from Communism really points out it's real world benefits

>Yeah the fact that Eastern Europe has still not recovered from Communism really points out it's real world benefits
That wasnt real communism, that is why it didnt work. The west is corrupted by capitalism as any normal person knows since its based off people having more money just because they may have worked harder than others which is unfair to minorities and trans people who are denied their human rights by the same nazis who say Communism is not a superior form of government without even stating the facts.

Its literally shit talking with no basis in reality and why all smart people like Bill Nye follow and help promote Marxist teachings in all of their events.


>we cant begin to have a civil conversation if your going to spew anti-Semitic hate speech
Asking for a dialogue is anti semitic hate speech now?

I hear there actually is a communist Utopia in America. You get free housing, free gym membership, free food, all the friends you would ever need, and so on. You might like it. It is called prison. Also, you don't own shit and have zero rights.

>Yeah the fact that Eastern Europe has still not recovered from Communism really points out it's real world benefits
wow do you always talk like an uneducated mongrel or just when you hide online behind an anonymous post to prove what a coward you are because your a racist nazi.

Well no. Having homestead rights and rights to defend your home and trinkets means shooting people in the face who come inside unwanted. Doesn't mean it makes sense that you can pay some entity and say part of the earth and all resources found on said land belongs to you and you alone. That just doesn't make sense. We all have common heritage to the earth.

I like your style.



get woke comrades!

Taxes are not theft; something taken legally is ipso facto not theft.