So what's the best way of getting revenge on someone via the internet? I'm talking gathering info...

So what's the best way of getting revenge on someone via the internet? I'm talking gathering info, getting into social media, possibly fucking up their job, etc.

Not a PA request, just advice here since I assume you anons are at least somewhat familiar with this.

bump for help


change there wifi pasword

shoot up your school

It's called brains faggot and if you are here looking for some magical doxx generator then you are retarded

Not in school
Can't get that close at the moment, though I could since I set it up. I assume there is no way to do it over the internet?
I can collect info from FB, I know personal info but I dont know how to break passwords and stuff. Also, I am curious as to how anons have done such things before while not getting caught

Ain't got a clue. Sorry OP.

Lurking for interest

There's only 2 ways to break a pw and that's either social engineering it out of them or running tens of thousands of brute force attempts

You choose

>social engineering it out of them

Not OP

Let me add, I have done some internet shenanigans but it's been a long time. Like easy to make phish emails, getting people to click links that would open IE til the pc crashed, shit like netbus tools (I think it was called) but this is all old stuff. I haven;t had an interest or kept up well since then

I dunno, figure it the fuck out, that's why it's called social engineering and not social here I got a manual for every possible instance of needing to crack someone's account

Well thanks grumpy pants!

Yeah, thats the problem. No communication recently as I have been plotting for this time of destruction. I used to have email passwords and all that but they have changed so it's back to square one.

I understand brute force attacks, but I also know FB and most other websites will stop attempts after a few fails and a brute force will run thousands on thousands. That said, do you have a possible brute force pw generator? If there is one that lets you add in particular numbers and words to focus on it mat be easier

no problem poopy pants

The social engineering he's talking about is finding out their email for example. Click on lost/forgot password. Find out what the questions are. Create a fake fb account or even just strike up a casual convo, ask them about their childhood who their bff was at the time or who was their first pet (whatever the questions were) and then proceed to reset the password for the email then reset the social media account attached via that email.

You could also create and host a fake login page with a phishing email but it's a lot harder these days as people are pretty savvy to a url or something

1st. Nobody would share a program like that for free without some sort of malwa re inside it

2. You could try making the program yourself

3. Facebook has many smart engineers paid to prevent this exact scenario from happening, out think them

idk what type of damage you're going for or who you're dealing with but

>Catfish the fuck outta them
>Get them to tell you personal/damning info

>out think them
This is Sup Forums ffs, not alot of anons are witty to the point of out thinking knowledgeable ppl let alone OP making a thread on this board when he could have gone to tech savvy forum or anywhere else on the internet that could help him

Exactly, that's why I'm seeing if any user would be aware of something relatively safe. Even though it's been some time, 4chin used to regularly partake in these things and as such may be a good place to find at least a few leads.

I'm not savvy enough to out think a fb engineer, but I'm not stupid either. Plenty of people have been doxxed here, it's not like user is exactly stupid except by choice in a lot of cases. I avoided going to a tech specific forum or other types of sites because asking for this type of info is usually considered malicious request and isn't allowed.


Bro, let me put it plain and simple. You can't crack a Facebook password. It's basically impossible without personal knowledge of your victim. Even then it requires some serious work because you would probably be trying to access linked email accounts or just somehow guessing the password maybe based on passwords they used in the past

You cannot brute force a Facebook password

I've waited a long time assuming my hatred would fade away. It hasn't, so I will come up with something. If I can't make it work on the internet it will have to be physical in some way, don't plan on killing anyone or anything. Just mid-high level life and social destruction.

>Plenty of people have been doxxed here
Yeah, before this place started getting swarmed with faggots from mainstream social medias because of shits that attracted alot of mainstream attention on the news

The people you're looking for your answers aren't here anymore, they simply went elsewhere

What i'd suggest is trying to learn the basics of coding and a bunch of related stuff and get interested into the subject, eventually, you'll come to a point where you can see the potential and possibilities of what you can do with a computer

What you're looking for is not something that is as easy as putting hot pockets in a microwaver and eat them 2 minutes later

you need to dedicate some of your time to learn shit so you can understand on your own what you wanna do and how you can achieve your goals

Can you recommend any good starting points? I know some very small coding basics, and by small I mean minute bits.

Aside from that, how effective and difficult do you think it would take to propagate lies and shit physically in a community? Back to the social engineering angle, let's say I have some nudes and wanted to leak them - where would I find someone adept enough at photoshop to get another person in the pic and maybe make it look like a different setting?

>Can you recommend any good starting points? I know some very small coding basics, and by small I mean minute bits.
I don't know jack shit and even if i did, i wouldn't help you knowing that your motives are really childish and stupid, don't lower yourself to whatever made you want to do this
>Aside from that, how effective and difficult do you think it would take to propagate lies and shit physically in a community? Back to the social engineering angle, let's say I have some nudes and wanted to leak them - where would I find someone adept enough at photoshop to get another person in the pic and maybe make it look like a different setting?
Stop wasting your time dude and just live your damn life the best you can, that's it

While this is good advise, I still crave some vengeance. I guess I'll have to hope for an opportune moment.

>Revenge... is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion.
meditate on that

As soon as someone wants info on someone I ask for their first and last name then search them up on a site, if there are several people with the same name I'll narrow it down by age and location. Good site but it's not American

The sisyphean struggle is not new to me, nor is karma. I could rely on karma to do the job for me in that regard, yet I'm not sure if I'll be around to enjoy it.