Why is it that young people tend to be more liberal?

Why is it that young people tend to be more liberal?

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Because they don't think logically or for themselves and they get all their news from buzzfeed, kikebook, twitter, etc.
Young and proud righty here

Because average intelligence increases with each generation.

Public schools.

The American educational system is completely staffed with teachers who have never lived outside of academia, and depend upon taxes from the government to live, so they love nanny states and tax hikes.

This seeps through to their outlook on life and their teaching patterns.



Every generation is more liberal than the past, regardless of age. Your father today is probably more liberal than his great grandfather.

Because the donkey is the party of FREE STUFF DUDE

Liberals tend to do what feels good rather than what actually does good. Young people haven't been alive long enough to know what truly does good, so they tend to go with what feels good.

I'll get shit on for posting a PragerU vid, but this does explain it quite nicely.


not really britcuck every one goes threw a liberal phase once you start saving for a house and paying taxes you vote republican

ya but he grew out of being liberal just like did

Yeah but even conservatives today are more liberal than conservatives back then.

they are educated that way. it starts in school when the teachers start teaching kids about what politics and government is.

teachers are overwhelmingly liberal and vote liberal.

then kids graduate high school full of ideas about making a difference in the world. how every human matters, and how we're all supposed to be enlightened and love each other.

then they get into college or university and start taking classes on advanced sociology, where the professors were all trained by former soviet infiltrators about equality and the evils of oppressive western society. you learn about how the west, specifically europe and then america, have staked their claim at the top of the food chain and built marvels, forged the wealthiest civilizations on earth, and fought the deadliest wars the world has ever seen.

they did all of this, while the rest of the planet was left behind. kids are taught that those left behind were pushed down by the west and used as a stepping stool - pushed into the mud while the west reached ever higher.

the soviets tapped into this idea and sent people to infiltrate the educational institutions of the united states and elsewhere, to plant the idea that being great came at the cost of others and that this should make them feel guilty. this guilt then feeds into the liberal ideology.

forget the fact that any society can be great if they actually try. liberalism has convinced people that we, in our greatness, are at fault for the lack of action on everyone else's part.

Yeah but he's still more liberal. At that age than people a hundred years ago at the same age. He's just conservative vy today's standards lol

It's a pity that you didn't grow out of not being able to write properly.


Do you really consider cucks like jeb to be conservative? That is why Trump is liked more because for once we a a candidate that isn't controlled opposition from the left

its natural for a young mind

Because liberal point of view on the world is comforting: everybody is naturally nice and the people that are not have been corrupted by the system, all the wrong in the world is only caused by a handful of rich people (ie white males).

Since all the liberal rhetoric is based around empathy and fixing the world "injustices" ("" because most of them are just consequences of choices made by the group ancestors who is considered as the victim) it is perfectly designed for young naive people.

For the same reason Hitler Youth weren't anti-Nazi.


I may or not be a person of younger age, but I'm not fucking leftist. Stop this generalization.

If you control the youth you control the nation

Free stuff, hate people who have already proven themselves. If they ever get around to achieving anything they wind up becoming conservative.

Because it appeals to emotion. Losing your composure = strength

Their "education" is pretty heavily biased and whitewashed, and they haven't lived long enough to have an informed opinion on things.

Even Trump has his centrist/liberal positions.

Says the guy who has time to bitch about grammar on a Chinese origami forum


What would you guys say, if a 14yr old was to be browsing Sup Forums, and was red-pilled?

> getting answers from political compasses
> judging other people retarded agendas

Daddy issues. Never grew out of their snotty rebellious angsty teenage years. By adopting politics that are opposite of those of their parents and their upbringing they feel as though they are exercising some sort of autonomy and expressing individuality. It is the political equivalent of anal retentive foot stomping toddler mindset, that refuses to go poopoo in the potty when daddy insists on it.

But the important thing is he is conservative in area's that matter the most instead of pandering to minority groups

Says the guy who has time to bitch about the guy who has time to bitch about grammar on a Chinese origami forum on a Kazakh goat herding forum.

>British """""English"""""

who gives a shit.

A person who is extremely concerned with the rest of his generation.

>Everyone is a liberal until they get their first paycheck
- my dad

Could the same not be said of all the contrarians on Sup Forums though?

they dont have kids or a career yet so think social spending is a good thing, simple as that

I would say


Maybe if their parents are flaming libtards. Either way, they at least are tending toward the correct end of the spectrum. Liberalism, no matter how it is arrived at, is pure AIDS.

Fruits of a more finely tuned brainwashing mechanism (state education)

Because public schools and media brainwashed them.

In a hundred years his conservative opinion probably won't even match the opinion of what conservatives in the future will have. The goalposts move. You know most conservatives today actually think diversity is a good thing? That's one example. The opinions of liberals will also change.

Young people are impressionable, nearly all of the mainstream media is a liberal brainwashing-machine.


1. "We're all equal"
2. Fear
3. Mediocracy
4. Social catering

If you're fed this idea that "we're all one race, the human race" and that "women can do it just like boys!", identities become obsolete. In their mind, if everyone is the same, then everyone has to be treated equally.

If you're surrounding by groups deemed "minorities" and "disadvantaged", you won't be able to speak contrary to the "we're all equal" rhetoric or else you'll get rejected and possibly assaulted if you ever take a stance that doesn't put them on an equal pedestal. Eventually, you end up being consumed by it.

If you're told that everyone deserves the same, you get participation trophies in class, that the biggest word in the dictionary is "TRY" rather than "WIN", then you eventually become reliant on others because you don't have to try hard anymore to get recognized and respected. Instead of putting effort in what you do, all you have to say is "that doesn't make me any less deserving than you". Liberals cater rejects and promote equality for all, failures or winners, they all get put on the same pedestal.

Intertwined with mediocracy, liberalism promotes catering those "in need". It's basically a safety mat you can always fall on. You'll never hit the ground. So why try? Do drugs, have promiscuous sex, drop out of school, do nothing all day but eat...and you'll still be supported by the government..so why do anything? Watch TV and eat all day without working a day in your life. If you're looked at differently...just yell "oppression" and the liberal police will be at your door with paramedics making sure the perpetrator is vilified while you get full support.

So why does that affect kids the most? Because kids don't watch the news, don't read philosophy, don't understand economics and politics, don't look at history and don't think critically enough to get out of that mindset.

Sup Forums is an 18+ board kid

indoctrination and idiocy and inexperience

>liberalism has convinced people that we, in our greatness, are at fault for the lack of action on everyone else's part.
this sums up leftism and why it fails. It demonizes success and rewards failure

Experience tends to make people conservative.

Almost everyone would be a leftist if the world was paradise.

Because old fucks become senile after all those years of cereal induced glucose fogging up their neurons.

I don't see how liberalism fails. It has been succeeding since the Renaissance. Slow and steady wins the race.

My family has no insight on politics at all, aside from drinking the kool aid of television.
I dare to advance that most of the children from baby boomers are in the same situation.
Politics is not always a big topic, even in the upper class, for a personnal anecdoteI have a brother with exact same academic level as me and he never expresses any political opionion nor have the will to debate even on really important topics.

A lot of people just don't give a shit about politics and focus their live on other things.

>liberals and conservatives are two people

Jewish pedo-wood brainwashing sempapi

>I'll get shit on for posting a PragerU vid
I like these guys.

Less poverty
Less religion
More education
More diversity (real people instead of stereotypes and memes)

right autoritarian
gr8 b8 or actually retarded

Fresh out of the indoctrination tanks.

Something they learned from their boomer parents who got lived when shit was still moving forward, they had room to be generous, which the current generation doesn't.

I don't know how many old shits I've seen supporting """refugees""" coming into this country, thereby dooming their children and grandchildren to becoming minorities in their own countries (long after they themselves are dead), and yet lefties still claim the older generation is the racist one.

Marxist domination of academia after ww2, because all sorts of nationalism was frowned upon, also helped accelerate that. Who cares how many lolbertarian/"redpilled" youtubers there are with the shit that people get taught in school. It takes a genius or a tremendous amount of help to unlearn that.

Underage b&

Kids are more liberal because they have an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex, where logic and reason are formed.
Their solutions to social problems are emotional, impulsive, not thought-out, and lack scientific rigor.

I was homeschooled almost all the way through and ended up libertarian as fuck and on my way to a good college. My kids will never see the inside of a public elementary school, and they can make their own choices 7th grade and up. They will probably end up just walking out the doors one day like me though if they do try it out. Public school was shit academically and socially. It breeds a collectivist group mentality, which breeds various forms of anti-classical liberalism.

I didn't develop normie social skills though, but I have my own friend group of oddkids so who gives a fuck.

Your post is full of strawman arguments and memes and you know it.

Nice meme. There are many, many, many millions of leftists who have jobs.

Except for the part where it doesn't demonize success nor reward failure.

>implying impulsive and emotional reactionism is unique to one side of the political spectrum

Mainly a bunch of twats trying to prove they are different.

Don't be a nigger and read The Fate of Empires if you want to understand.


Also, Kaczynski knew where it's at.

Good fragment.

History, however, seems to suggest that the
age of decline of a great nation is often a
period which shows a tendency to
philanthropy and to sympathy for other
races. This phase may not be contradictory
to the feeling described in the previous
paragraph, that the dominant race has the
right to rule the world. For the citizens of the
great nation enjoy the role of Lady Bountiful.
As long as it retains its status of leadership,
the imperial people are glad to be generous,
even if slightly condescending. The rights of
citizenship are generously bestowed on every
race, even those formerly subject, and the
equality of mankind is proclaimed. The
Roman Empire passed through this phase,
when equal citizenship was thrown open to
all peoples, such provincials even becoming
senators and emperors.

The Arab Empire of Baghdad was equally,
perhaps even more, generous. During the
Age of Conquests, pure-bred Arabs had
constituted a ruling class, but in the ninth
century the empire was completely

State assistance to the young and the poor
was equally generous. University students
received government grants to cover their
expenses while they were receiving higher
education. The State likewise offered free
medical treatment to the poor. The first free
public hospital was opened in Baghdad in
the reign of Harun al-Rashid (786-809), and
under his son, Mamun, free public hospitals
sprang up all over the Arab world from Spain
to what is now Pakistan.

The impression that it will always be
automatically rich causes the declining
empire to spend lavishly on its own
benevolence, until such time as the economy
collapses, the universities are closed and the
hospitals fall into ruin.

It may perhaps be incorrect to picture the
welfare state as the high-water mark of
human attainment. It may merely prove to
be one more regular milestone in the lifestory
of an ageing and decrepit empire.

Liberal or just wanting change? The young think they are indestructible and immortal, that change is only for the better. The older you get, the more friends that die, the more changes you see for the worst. The more conservative you get.

Jobs and careers are different.

>Duude. Like, uugh. Like, why can't those stupid old fucks just stop fighting and share and shit? Like, come on, man, it's literally the only reason we are not living in a literal utopia right now!

You just need to live for a little longer to gather enough knowledge to realize that things will never work this way. Well, some people never learn but whatever.

>not a nigger

>gypo buttblasted because can't read some pages

You should read Rousseau, the man who set the moral foundation of socialism and still dominate the thinking of western left.

The sooner you understand that life is a power struggle, the better you can live it and actually be actively good toward people instead of blaming others.

Sorry mate, who invented the language again?

The promise of free shit without taking into consideration long-term consequence. This is typical college age thinking.