Is CS:GO worth it?

Is CS:GO worth it?
> €13,99

DO I have to GIT GUD in order to enjoy?

it some weak shit excuse and you fucking know it too

buy it and find out.

>Do you enjoy first person shooters?
>Did you enjoy css or 1.6?
If both yes then go for it.
If one no then don't do it.

>1.5k hours here, the ride never ends

I enjoyed Battlefield Vietnam, 2142, BC2, 3

Never played CS before

You don't have to be good to enjoy it, but getting better is enjoyable itself.(smooth movement during clutch situations, good flashbangs, etc.)

I would say it is definitely worth it.
I got it two weeks ago and ranked up pretty quickly.
It is really enjoyable.

The majority of playing is shit

The clutch moments and great games make it worth it.

tl:dr You'll put 40 hours a week in to this game for the 40 minutes of it not being shit.

you don't get it and you don't have to play it but don't start with this explaining why you're superior even though you are too inferior to play the game properly

You literally just made up everything you just claimed I said.

CS is half team work, half individual skill, at lower levels it's mostly individual skill.

At low levels, it's be fun if you practice your aim in a DM and own kids, at higher levels it's fun when you pull off a clutch or your team pulls off a really well executed strategy. Even if you are insane at higher levels, you might lose because your team is fucking retarded.

you are saying you think that CSGO is not a good game because you don't have the natural skill and ability to play the game without having to work on it a lot right?
So you are claiming look at me im a great gaymer i play all gaymes so i know better than others who still play that game however even with all that knawledge without all those special trinkets you get from """leveling up""" you wouldn't be shit against someone who just knows how to play the game.

I said the small moments that make you feel really good make the rest of the game worth it. You are an idiot.

that's just not true. clutches are not the best part of the game. it's a nail-biting experience, if anything you want to make sure that there is not possibilty of a clutch situation.
you don't get it.

>The clutch moments AND great games make it worth it.

You have autism.

Only if you have patience and discipline to learn the game ,otherwise don't bother. If you played games like UT or Quake you'll have incredibly difficult time adjusting. If you are looking for a fun, casual fps to play this ain't one.

Maybe but im still right about this. look at any good game, the whole point is to execute your start so well that the other team has no chance. pro players even try to fight the other teams weapons and throw them out of bounds to make it as difficult as possible.
But what would i know, i haven't played for years now.

I think I might actually play a round now.
Anyone wanna join me?

TF3 is freqe

im sure you enjoy it more than minecraft

>be noob
>bought 3 csgos
>got vac banned on 2 of them for cheating
>I learned from 2 bans
>I became an adic
>played for 13h a day
>enjoy it

If you don't have any friends to play competitive with, be prepared to rage at random retards, if you are EU, most of them will either be Russian mongoloids, or angry tilted Germans.

Be prepared to play with retards against smurfs, be prepared to play with smurfs against hackers.

Be prepared to see how your shots should connect, but server side shots do not agree with that, and you simply get killed.

Be prepared to sink days worth of training to destroy, and carry, only to be stopped by a raging hacker after the halftime.

The game is fun, even more so with friends who can play and can be relied on. It has flaws, but it is improving, slowly.

I'd say give it a go, you are gonna have to get used to the weapon sprays, so training your spray control is mandatory.

I don't have friends who I can game with
I live in yurop
And I fukkin hate hackers

Now is it worth the €14?

does prime work? I have used prime and never encountered a hacker once