Ask a drunk birthday weeb anything. This was like 2hrs ago

Ask a drunk birthday weeb anything. This was like 2hrs ago

Dr. Pepper is the best chaser. Love that shit. Also, happy birthday!

where do i get that pillow?

Happy birthday .please remain dindu.hope have gud day :3

Thank you. I love dr. Pepper as well. i don't usually drink soda since i'm always on diet, but I figured i'd make an exception

Ebay, actually. Just type rem pillow, and you'll find it

Also, it's super comfortable. Bought it for novelty, but use it more than any regular pillow.

Wendy is amazing. here's me and my wendy friend cosplayer

the fk did u drink

wtf u doing?

is that your grill mate

I hope you fuck your Wendy friend cosplayer

That bottle was fireball. A bit before I had a fireball mixed drink and 3 shots of 100 proof cap morgan

idk lel

Rem? yah brah. Waifu af

nah. that's just the lil homie. I'm too old and I aint tryna go to jail. I'm 29 and she's 17 lol

what about when she is 18?

She's also gay, so RIP lol

Happy birthday m8!
What got you started into the weeb lifestyle? Also is there a lot of black weeaboos?

welp best of luck in your endeavors

I've been a closet weeb forever. I started saying "fuck it, I don't care what people think" about 5 years ago

We out there, but not the majority


damn 30 year old black weeb

29 :(

well time flies
soon you gonna be 30

i have a thing for black weebs tbh
there's something cute about them idk

are you gay?

ayyye; i'm about to watch hero academy and i'm so drunk I'll have to watch it again tomorrow, lol


That nigga ain't OP lol