Thoughts on solar panels over fossil fuels?

Thoughts on solar panels over fossil fuels?

>7,764,584 (.6% of USA) million acres of land to solar panels would take care of 100% of USA's energy needs

Don't solar panels cost a shitload in terms of building them/maintenance?





That setup would work about as well as the experiments in those troll physics cartoons.

Thorium is shit-tier compared with any sort of fossil fuel though. Huge setup costs and no guarantees that the plant can last long enough to ever pay it's investors back.

There's tons of alternate fuel sources that take care of our energy, but someone doesn't want you to have them

It just goes to show how urban and ignorant liberal faggots are.
>8 million acres to intensively manage
>that aint' much XD

How about we put solar panels on top Trump's wall?

Solar just needs to get a lot more efficient, though it will take a long time. An hour of the Sun's flux energy is equal to all the energy from fossil fuels on the entire planet

Because the solar plant in Arizona worked out so well right?

Efficient power distribution requires efficiently distributed power plants, otherwise you lose power in transit and require more power plants which require more land. They're also vulnerable to disaster due to centralization.

Most of the country is ill-suited to solar power, too.

Nuke is and always has been the answer. All other forms of power supply are inferior and anyone who argues in their favor is probably a paid shill.

>using a source of energy with no base load
>not just building nuclear plants
shiggy diggy

Not compared to the rest of the country

>Huge setup costs
Wow new technologies cost money to develop?
>internal combustion engines have a huge start up cost and are shit-tier when compared to horses, there is no guarantee this gas thing will be around long enough to pay the investors back, grass will always grow in the fields.
Really your lack of research is showing, you dumb Mongolian.

>Tornado Alley

Yah, absofucinglutley not.

Nuclear > all

Yeah it is but the pay of is renewable energy that will belong to America and will not depend on what drilling rights we get/take from other countries. It will be more reliable regardless of political bullshit overseas

They're okay in low population areas to cut down on coal usage, but will never fully replace anything since the sun can't shine at all times. Same with wind.

It isn't even about the solar panels taking up a lot of land it's about the cost to make them and replace them when they quit working.

Without tax grants solar energy would cost way more than coal.

Sure carbon in the atmosphere is bad and all that but there are a lot more cost efficient ways to deal with that.

If it cheaper over time to have solar I'd be all for it and then just sell coal to other countries like China.

Solar panels can use extraneous energy harnessed throughout the day to provide us during night time or cloudy days

That graphic is pointless conjecture anyway, as even the supposedly pro-solar liberals become anti-solar when they learn of the hazardous manufacturing process, then become pro-solar again when they realize other countries supply the panels and not Americans, then anti-solar again when it comes time to give tax breaks to businesses who use solar, then pro-solar again when it comes time to get tax breaks themselves, then anti-solar once more when environmental impact is brought up.

tl;dr, your graphic will never happen, as the very liberal that created it will oppose it's implementation. It's the old
>good for me, but NOT NEAR ME!!!
thing, just like with wind farms, or... multiculturalism.

BLM is literally seizing land from cattle ranchers to protect a fucking desert turtle and fund a desert turtle oversight committee that doesn't even exist. Yet you think liberals will let you pave over a huge chunk of the Southwest with solar panels?

They masturbate over the idea of it, but they'd never actually let you do it. It's just pedantic bullshit they put out to feel morally superior over some nebulous, ill-defined, evil "they".

>extracting building materials for solar panels is good for the environment
>let's put photovoltaic cells on every house bro

Solar panels are a pretty big thing in China.

Personally I think we should get as much energy from natural sources (wind, water, sun) as possible and get the rest from nuclear energy.