Just found out my mom might have a form of bone marrow cancer. I cried and now I'm numb. Can we get a feels thread?

Just found out my mom might have a form of bone marrow cancer. I cried and now I'm numb. Can we get a feels thread?

I don't have much feel stuff. but here's something that might calm you down user. I'm sorry bro. honestly, I genuinely hate that you and your family have to go through this. especially your mom

My dad has multiple myeloma too user.

It sucks.

If it can't be proven that somebody told you already, go buy a life insurance policy on her.

Thank you for you kind words, user.

>form of bone marrow cancer
>summertime form
>not coincidence

My mom died about a year ago from a cancer. It was one of the most uncomfortable transitions in my life. It's very difficult to accept at first but you will grow to accept and understand the situation. Just be there for your mom, I made the mistake of distancing myself until the last 2 weeks. Ask multiple doctors about various treatments. ALWAYS GET A SECOND OPPINION. Most doctors are ignorant to what they don't know and will not accept potential treatments they do. It understand.

It's ok to feel sad, it's part of the human experience. In the end, I learned a lot about myself and reality hit me hard.

Typoed a bit there, woops.

Cancer can literally be cured by upping you Vitamin C dosage to retarded amounts. Look it up if you don't believe me. Medicinal doctors refute with nutritional ones all the time. All about the $.

inb4 lies

1. make a youtube video of you talking about it and crying
2. let somebody create a gofundme campaign
3. ??
4. profit

Ill post some images for ya O.P.
Just sit in solace




>posts pic for OP
>posts pic of OP's mom


Vitamin C do help to live longer, but you're making a big leap here

No. Do some research you fucking moron.

Dude be there for her. Help when you can. Don't be a dick if you can help it. She will die one day that is a fucking fact. But let that be the worst time for the feels. Let the time you have now be the best times.

Post her tits.


hey man im sorry to hear that, my heart goes out to you and your family

^ stay strong OP Sup Forums fam is always here

OP here. Thanks for all the kind words everybody. It's super late and I don't have anyone to talk to in person so it's nice to hear something from somebody at least, even if you're on my computer screen. And kek at the dickhead posts. I definitely expected those. Never change Sup Forumsros.

Sorry I don't have many feels images to contribute. Have a picture of a hot chick.

I'm very sorry to hear about this, OP. Do understand that we all go at some point so try and be there for her while you can. I'm not sure if you're religious & not trying to be a religionfag but I'll pray for you and your family. Love you and we're here for you.