anyone who disagrees is trolling.

Other urls found in this thread:


>125 CS 41 min game

ur fkin shit m8

Your build is shit
Your farm is shit
Your champion is shit
Your attitude is shit
Your Team is shit (Yes they suck)

TL:DR Git gud scrub

Friendly reminder, it's all your fault for not carrying hard enough...

+game is shit

no im fucking support you bronze 6 retard

well im glad you can admit that its my teams fault

>support teemo

you cant carry from support you trash kid lmao, play mid you degenerate... if you want to climb that is

>support fiddle

you lost to ad diana and singed support...

>playing support, no sightstone, no locket, no redemption, yellow trinket
you ARE the elo hell

your map vision was darker than your future

and no starting support item


i know right. you have a nice score there. im also stuck in fucking bronze 4 i only play good team is always shit fucking NOOBS


Hide on bush, I play on korea

This was a fun game

it was actually singed/vlad bot >.>

sold it

learn to screenshot you f'ng refugee turd


125 CS at 40 mins in a solo lane.
>Elo hell is real

your cs is more trash than riot's balance team

holy fucking shit you are awful.

I used to think people like you were just shitposting, my god.

Your head is so far up your own ass that bowel movements sound like good ideas

i climbed out of bronze easy as fuck.

mid silver/gold is real elo hell

its support dumbfucks

dumbest shit ive ever heard (pun intended)

>it was actually singed/vlad bot >.>
i didnt say diana was bot, i said singed support and ad diana whever the hell she was idc

you realize as "support" those kills you're getting should be going to your adc which in the screenshot obviously needed those kills more than you

instead of bitching and complaining about others how about you learn to realize you're just as trash and need just as much improvement "teemo support"

you actually need to go play bots for the rest of your life. You are the most bronze motherfucker i have ever seen

Their adc stomped you

u trash supp

you suck

>sells supp item
>can only afford two daggers



dont assume they were acquired in lane phase

>most bronze mfer ive ever seen
has 4 years of screenshots proving hes the best player on his team

you must be new to Sup Forums LULXD

league is trash if you think otherwise you're literally a fucking stain on humanity



You say you main support. That's not a role you can carry from without an adc that knows how to play worth anything. Just don't play ranked without an adc.

That being said, if you actually legit want to play the game well, start picking supports that can actually do something in their role. As teemo, all you have is damage and one point-and-click (fairly useless) blind as CC. Shrooms don't matter enough until 10+ minutes in. Instead you could take something like karma, where you have a similar if not greater amount of damage, an aoe-slow, an actual shield to save your ADC or yourself when you ape out, you can help wave-control and you can actually root low-mobility adcs if your jungler ever ganks you.

Other than that, get good playing jungle or top. Two easiest roles for you to solocarry out to at least Gold. Plenty of good guides on howto for both roles. Just learn to play a high-impact jungler that can get absolutely any braindead ape ahead in lane or some braindead splitpush toplaner (irelia/camile/fiora all seem pretty okay even in this retarded meta iirc)

League is actually a very great game it's just the trash bottom-tier community that bitches and complains without realizing their own shortcoming that make the game trash

high elo is real league

I've been playing since season 1 and no, league isn't a great game and it never was. It's actually pretty fucking bad.

Look here you fucking faggot I boost accounts and i can assure you that you just are bad at this game, elohell is fake and you should be ashamed for those shittier defeats

if you are so good what region are you in? let's look at your overall stats

>playing this shit

i sit in my shitty chair corrected then

wasnt support this game you dumbfuck

you must be one of the f'ng retarded feeders I get queue'd with smh

I shouldnt have to play a certain role or champion to climb to BRONZE FUCKING FOUR

thats the majority of players, the game is flawed, If you need a wide skill disparity to climb that is PROOF that elo hell is real

A typical riven main. Just kill yourself

give acc then get to gold V


Faker wannabe kek

Look man you can keep banging your head against the wall playing support which is the lowest-impact role even if you play like a god and keep playing teemo which is fucking useless in the role or you can get your head around the fact that being a good player means knowing when and how to play what and where and you may actually crawl out of B5. Your choice lad.

or I can keep posting these threads until riot fixes elo hell

You're bronze 5 what the hell do you expect

>old teemo build
>125 cs in 40 minutes

no dude, elo hell is real alright, it's called your skill level.

>teemo support
I think you are part of the elo hell problem you cancerous fuck

>no sightstone or pink wards..
okay dude

>67% support pickrate
>33% support winrate

I can pick urgot jungle and then scream 'elohell rito fix' when I get steamrolled or I can actually play something playable and role-appropriate and not be a bronze-5 sack of shit. Guess which side of this are you on.

git gud

>still playing the tutorial
>fucking plebs

Stop playing teemo you autistic nigger

>wast support
>has worse cs then support games
>god your fucking shit

>implying people only play one video game

and yes I support with sniper...

my nigga your runes are garbage too.
9 lethality reds and 3 lethality quints on ad. please stop playing league. and what the hell is with the health yellows on the second one? it's scaling health, not max hp. your tank runes are shit too.

wasnt support....


...fucking retarded faggot.

well you were building teemo wrong and it loos to me like you went support teemo. you deserve to stay right where you are.

A B A N D O N T H R E A D.

This cunt has posted this thread at least 50 times. Each time he loses and doesn't feed he posts. He then endlessly bitches and argues with everyone. THIS IS BAIT.

>50 times

lol hes new to Sup Forums, sorry everyone, ignore him

Put it this way. You fucking suck. If you're in Silver. You're silver. If you're in Bronze, you're bronze. Elo hell doesn't exist it's little bitches thinking they're better than they are. You play at your skill lever. You can't climb, you're not good enough to. Not your team

guys im doing boosting later. email me at
[email protected] for details. bringing bronzies into gold

ELO hell doesn't exist, simply get better.

you are the reason ppl think ellohell exists.

stop crying like a little baby, watch videos on how to get better, start picking champions that matches your role in this game (pick a support as a support and an adc as an adc) and for gods shake stop posting your trash games everytime you lose one. Riot doesnt give a fuck about you.

>S4 bronze 5
>S5 bronze 5
>S6 bronze 5
>bronze 5 now

125 cs in 40 mins.. like wtf are u doing all game lmfao?

Play maokai top, lee, or Elise jungle or keep crying bitch nigga.

dumbest shit ive ever heard

i'm not the one that needs to get better obviously
been bronze since s2 been playing since 2010

Nigga do you just stand still for half the game?

what was the dumbest shit you've ever heard?

Lolol give me this shitty account password and I will boost it to gold V in two weeks, you will see by yourself that you are just trash and nothing else...

i was just about to say the same thing.

I've done it to 7 different accounts so far. Got about 500 euros tottal from kids like this guy bitching about elohell

best thing, they manage to make it back to bronze in few more games they play on their own, right?

2 of them got to silver 5 and left it there cause they were to frightened to play more. The other 4 just stayed in gold for the rewards and braged about "their" success and the last one didnt have the brain to change back his account password so I did a few months later and sold it for another 50 bucks.

et voilá... Bronze syndrome

40min game-277 highest farm

Ye but its bronze game, I think on bronzie its pretty decent... + if you have around 300cs, you dont really need more at that point, since its usually enough for full build

This but teeto is god tier

Back in season 3 i started from Bronze 4. Dodge my first match and got to bronze 5. I climbed to silver 3 in 4-5 months.

Season 4 I started from bronze 3 and got to gold before it ended.

Season 5,6 started from silver 5 and got to gold 5 in just a matter of weeks and this season i started from silver 1 and got to gold 5 in two days.

I prefer to leave ranked games when i reach the reward section just becaues of trashes like you that do everything wrong and then complain to others. I'd love to 1v1 you but unfortunatly im on eune server.

There's no such thing as elo hell. Solo q depends on how good you are at carrying when you have a lead. If you get upset over losses you're never gonna get good. The problem with low elo is that they have shit decision making and shit attitudes. If you didn't lane for 40 minutes you'd probably climb.
I've smurfed a lot in bronze/silver and it's equally hilarious every time.

more cs than top jungle and almost adc

fuck ing fuck off fuck tard

Play fighting games. No team mates, no ELO hell. If you suck, you suck.

elo hell isn't real, you're just bad
come at me you bronze fucks

I play both tho

high plat/low diamond is the real hell. Everyone thinks they're hot shit even though most of them sucks ass.

riven and yasuo main. Man you must have no friends.


the thing is, when you get fed you have to carry. something your bronze ass isn't capable of.

He said, while on Sup Forums

eh i've got like 4 friends, so up yours faggot

>2015 screenshot

holy shit the cringe. The game has changed massively since then you fucking faggot. You are probably trash.

>playing league of lesbians

An hero.

>Tfw i helped make elo hell
>Tfw i was keeping bronzies in bronze for the rest of my brothers in the higher ranks
>Tfw elo hell isn't real
because i left it in literally a day of games because i realised to win you need to duo with literally anyone who doesn't feed, doesn't even matter if they're bronze too, one teamate not feeding is enough to let you yourself carry the game.

kek you only boost on one account so you have no idea, try flaming on that account and see how much your elo drops in one day