30 of the past 36 NBA championships have been won by Hakeem, Bird, Magic, Jordan, Kobe, Duncan and Lebron

>30 of the past 36 NBA championships have been won by Hakeem, Bird, Magic, Jordan, Kobe, Duncan and Lebron

Nice """""league"""""

dumb frogposter

Have you just get into sports? Of course the same people will always win if there are only 30 teams with no relegations/promotions and don't play against foreign teams

I' guessing the other six are... Warriors, Mavericks, Heat (Shaq version), Pistons x3?

>good players win championships


>Heat (Shaq version

You mean Wade version you fucking idiot? Shaq didn't do shit that finals. Wade put the team on his back and single handedly carried them to a chip.

No argument that the team was more Wade's than Shaq's

But since Wade was also on the LeBron championship teams that wouldn't be a good description of that team now would it?


28 of the past 36 NBA championships have been won by Hakeem, Bird, Magic, Jordan, Kobe, and Duncan so SHHHHUUUUT UUUP

autistic essay but explains it well, its the nature of NBA basketball



>includes Kobe, Duncan and Hakeem
>doesn't include Horry instead
what did he mean by this?

You mean best players win actual trophys? NO WAY!


Only the officials decide who wins championships, anyone who thinks otherwise is a deluded cuck

Until the Cavs/Warriors series' the Finals had the Lakers, Spurs, or Heat in it every since Jordan retired


>30 of the past 36 NBA championships have been won by Robert Horry, Dennis Rodman, Will Purdue, Robert Parish, Michael Cooper, Derek Fisher and James Jones

monkeydunk is a joke anyways

>the best teams with the best players consistently win

Why is this a problem again?

>tom, joe, troy, john, ben, peyton, eli
>literally the same thing but with owls instead

Larry GOD Bird
MajGOD Johnson
Michael JorGOD

most coherent posts on Sup Forums right now


>redskins, cowboys, broncos, giants, 49ers, patriots and packers have won nearly every owl during this same time period

Does this fact make the Pistons /OurTeam/?

seems unfair to Rodman

t. ausGOD

football is basically rigged for the same group of franchises to win every year with some random team winning every so often to throw them off of this very fact.

9 teams have 37/50 superb owl victories. also those same teams go to the ownl almost every year too.

football is basically rigged for those teams. basketball is only slightly worse and there's been 10 different teams who have won in recent history.

it's just a buncha buttmad racists propagating the no parity meme. they're the same ones who call ball "apehoop" most likely because they got dunked on as a child.

Based Horry. GOAT clutch shooter.

>13 of the last 15 Super Bowls have featured Brady, Peyton, or Big Ben as the AFC QB

Big 3 celtics?

in a sport where a team is made up of a 5 man and 10 men total, it lends great opportunity for exceptional men to dominate the game. Try playing street ball, its easy to control a game if you can hit a jump shooter. On the level of best in the world players like Jordan, lebron, shaq, kobe can repeat because its a small floor

Apehoop is literally heroball

t. Russell Westbrook