Any kind Poles here? I need translation

Any kind Poles here? I need translation

Opa. Here i am.



Kurwa jego mać! >:|

Spierdalaj ja byłem 1.

A ja nie. I co z tego?


Ustaw sie w kolejce.

nie robi mi to różnicy, kto mu to (czymkolwiek "to" jest) przetłumaczy.
ale zdaje mi się, że OP i tak sobie już poszedł.

To co mamy tłumaczyć?


Ja chce possać Op jako pierwszy, wypierdalac kurwy jerozolimskie.


Twoja stara!

No dalej moja miała dziwko, pokaż jak bardzo chesz zadowolić swojego pana

OP here sorry. Can someone translate it?

> Nie wiem jak to zrobilas ale kawalek chusti byl w miom pepku xD
+ Najs xD
> A ujebalas ta jezdnie xDD
+ Trudno
> Pewnie, najlepiej nasrac i zostawic
+ No. A jak
> "kyyyyrwa" xD
+ No co ^^"
> Jak typowy dres sie zachowujesz xD
+ Phi xD a nie wiem
> A co to sie stalo ze taka decyzje podjelas w zwiazku z nami? :p
+ A ja wiem
> No powinnas wiedziec xD
+ Nie za bazdzo teraz xD
> Eh
+ Pozno jest a mi sie nie chce myslec
> A to nie ma znaczenia akurate czy pozno czy nie xD
+ Owszem ma bo po 22:30 juz nie mysle xD

co tu się własnie odpierdala xD

She is cheating on you and wants his big polish cock.

How so? I know that he is asking her if she has made decision about them, but besides that any indication?

> I don't know how you did this but a piece of a tissue was in my belly button xD
+ Nice xD
> And you fucked up this road xDD
+ Happens
> Sure best to shit on and leave
+ Yeah why not
> "faaaaack" xD
+ Wha ^^"
> You behave like a typical xD
+ Phi xD I don't know
> And what happened that you make suck decision about us? :p
+ I don't know
> You should know xD
+ Not really now xD
> Eh
+ It's late and I don't feel like thinking
> Actually it doesn't matter whether late or not xD
+ Yes it does because after 22:30 I don't think anymore xD

More or less

Bump! Kurwa

I think they are first talking about how great her jerking off was, also about shiting on street (wtf)
Then he is asking why she wants to leave him but she doesnt want to explain. To me it's look like they had goodbye sex but i may be mistaken. Wait for someone to finish translate and decide by yourself.

This make no sense for me .-. Just a piece of chat:

>I don't know how you done it, but piece of wipe was in my navel XD
+Nice XD
>You fuckin' broke this road XDD
+What a pity
>Sure, better shit on it and leave it like this
+Yep, exactly
>"Fyyyyck" XD
+And what ^^
>You act like typical punk in tracksuit XD [Gopnik/dres exist only in eastern Europe]
+Sight XD I don't know XD
>What is your decision about us? :p
+I should know[?]
>You should know XD
+Not so much yet XD
+It's late and I don't want to think now
>It's doesn't matter it's late or not XD
+It's matter indeed 'cause before 10:30PM I don't think XD

Looks like conversation of simpletons. They are boy (>) and girl (+)

Thanks man! Poland is a great country but the woman can be difficult. Just conversation between my girl and her ex. I know she does not want him back, but also does not want to hurt his feelings. I thought she cheated on me, but from this conversation nothing is clear. Just this tissue thing is bit weird, but I'm guessing she just tore up some tissue's and threw it as him and "fucked up the street"

I have trouble trusting her since well.. she cheated on this guy with me.

Sorry to say but this conversation looks suspicious anyways and she uses waaaay too much "xD" (so does that other faggot)

op, where r u from? Tell me more about this relationship. From beginning

Yeah man, in polish culture "xD" is like saying fuck me in the ass like john paul second did when i was 12yo girl.

Europe. To keep it short. We meet, she never told me she had a boyfriend. I fell in love. Months go by I meet her in Poland. She cheats on her boyfriend with me but they stay together. Few trips to Poland and she eventually broke up with boyfriend and is now with me.

Not best way to get a girlfriend I know and I'm realistic about how long it will last.. no clear indication of cheating here.. just yet.

Once I see it I'm out.


She cheated on her ex with you. She will cheat on you with someone else. Just leave the stupid bitch.

Well they say once a cheater always a cheater. Since I cheated on my previous girlfriend in the past I cannot agree with that.

But I'm realistic that this one propably will cheat on me. I guess it's fun while it lasts.

that's what he said. he's just enjoying it for now. he's not expecting a longterm relationship there, lol.

czytaj, co do Cię piszą!

Well honestly it would be great if she did not cheat on me and it could be something longterm, but I'm realistic. Poland is beautiful country and spending time together with a beautiful girl there is enjoyable and worth it. Just not spending all my money on her as I would if I was 100% sure of a girl.

Pierdolicie facetowi. Jak dupa nie dostaje odpowiedniej ilosci miłosci, zrozumienia, szacunku i potrzeby bezpieczeństwa to odchodzi. Czy to godnie, czy się pusci. Dorosnijcie anony.
A facet zdradza bo może i nic na to nie wpłynie jak nie ma jak zamoczyć. xD

Be careful. Try to examine her, explore. U will know when she cheats you. Just like before.

I just came in for some Pole dancing!

I am careful. When I asked her to be my girlfriend I said clearly that if she would reject me that it would be okay because I would not mind staying close friends with benefits and that nothing had to change between us.

She said no, I want you for me alone and I want to be only yours..