What exactly is stopping this from happening? Oh that's right, YOUR cowardice. Everybody would be so much happier

What exactly is stopping this from happening? Oh that's right, YOUR cowardice. Everybody would be so much happier.

>Canada getting Hawaii
Clearly you have a lot to learn about geopolitics.

It's not Canada getting anything, it's the US shifting northwards. And YOUR cowardice is why it isn't happening.

> wants to give c*nadians voting rights

Lol no

Alaska is rightful Canadian clay

In such a world California would either:

1. Dominate Mexico

2. Leave, taking Baja with us and giving Arizona independence to operate as a stabilizing March state.

I'm more inclined towards option 2, because in 1 all the DF oligarchs would just move here and shit would be awful.

Canada is literally just what the Northern US would be without the South. And I don't mean "literally" in the Sup Forums sense, I mean it in the very literal sense. Most people in the northern US want the US to have everything that currently makes Canada different from us. A complete match in heaven. You don't even like us on a personal level, so why continue this partnership?

California goes back to Mexico because it's pretty much universally despised even putting politics aside. Just let is be CHI'd up, who cares.

> DF
That doesn't exist anymore

Holy shit please liberate us leafs. I want off Drumpf's wild crypto-Neocon ride.

>wanting America slit between Tacos and Leafs
fucking proxyfags.

Well shit, I learned something today

>giving states to mexico


yanks please stop getting your grubby icecream fingers all over our country

Its always been ours

even Mexicans don't want to be in Mexico

>muh America
Who cares

real Americans care about their country.

USA loses it two most powerful states, California and Texas?

Next idea Clem.

Real Americans care about their state above all else.

>lose it
>"it's ours"

It is though, California has made it very clear they prioritize Mexican interests first. It's natural of course, it wouldn't make any sense for them to put 20% of their population above 70%.

>give into mexicos demands just because they are the majority in the state

with that attitude why stop there. they'll just want more and more you chicano

There's no point in fighting over what has no value. Hollywood and silicon valley can be moved elsewhere, other than those things California is a net negative for the US, culturally and intellectually.

it's like when britain thought they could stop Nazi Germany's conquest of europe by giving them most of Czechoslovakia.
Germany kept taking more and more because they knew they could, and Mexico would to.

If the only thing you've got to back that up is muh sanctuary cities then I'll be disappointed.

What actions of the people and state of California have made it clear to you that Mexico is uber alles?

all you're doing is moving the goalposts.

It's a deal if you take back all the niggers you retards imported/bred.

So when do we get to start fire bombing Mexico.

hopefully soon.

I'm not sure where the goalposts were in the first place. I just don't care if Mexico gets back majority Mexican territory. It had a good run as part of the US but it's time to pack it up, the US would be the better for it.

the goalposts are the current borders. you give them basically all the southwest and now they border oregon, utah, colorado, etc. you think they would just stop coming into our country because they got "their" territory back? No. Their country would still be shit and would still come here to be bush trimmers or orange farmers (illegally of course). I just say we take canada and kick out the chicanos in the southwest. I wouldn't give into their demands. Like feeding a fat kid cake until it all runs out

Then extend the border between Detroit and Ontario. It's only too easy to get in that way.

It literally would be different afterwards. With them gone the people who want a wall and a strong ICE would be the vast majority of the country. It would be fucking shocking to you how easily people like Trump would be elected in a California-less United States.

>1. Dominate Mexico
> i dont understand how mexico works the edgepost

>detroit blue
i wouldnt be happier