Trump fucking pounded her Native American ass

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>get called goofy
>experience a mental breakdown
>still qualified to serve in the US government

Does Clinton really want open borders?

KEK wills it

I hate Warren with a passion.

Surprised she's not a Jew honestly.

Trump really is a professional troll, isn't he?


>I'm driving her nuts
This is the best part

It's like he knows he's baiting everyone and they're all falling for it

best way to get democratic votes is to import them

>Does Clinton really want open borders?
Open borders, more welfare, and less guns is the current democratic party line.

Everyone knows jews are shape shifters.


she said "trump is going to deport 10-11M Americans" recently

This campaign is just a gift that keeps giving. I wish it could never end.

Yes. She's friends with Merkel. That should say enough.

She wants the hispanic vote. They're set to be a majority in the future. If she gets her way, Mexicans will become blacks 2.0 as they will always vote democratic.

>Warren traces her Native American heritage to stories her family told her while growing up in Oklahoma. [3]

Our president will shit all over world leaders he doesn't like on Twitter think about that


>i am 1/24th native american therefore i can draw on their heritage

i fucking hate these people

t. 1/2 redskin

My sides!!!
The madman.


talk shit get hit

Don't you mean

>Trump even after winning the nomination still won't stop with the caustic rhetoric that will keep his base around but will guarantee a 10 point loss come Novemeber

Face it. I feel dumb as a nail for voting for him now since he won't stop.

He's what I thought he was. A plant. He doesn't care. Never did. The Republican party is doomed. It should have happened a while back though so I'm glad in a way.

I like Meme Magic. I just didn't know it would lose everything and guarantee Shillary 8 years though. I'm ashamed.

She's like Obama: would never admit it but they are both effectively for open borders. If you don't enforce laws, illegals come because they know they will realistically never be deported. In many states they can get drivers licenses, qualify for benefits, etc. I honestly don't understand why they all just don't come. They'll never be sent home.


Did she baleet all the tweets? I don't see anything newer than May 3rd from Warren and all of the God-Emperor's missives are still up.



Have a rebuttle that will make me feel different?

No? Thought so. It's over.

Trump has doubled down on ignorance now. I thought he might come out as a dignified servant of the people.

I was so, fucking, wrong.

>I am now a #HillaryMissile. #FeelTheHillary

Caustic rhetoric has got him this far and will let him win.

Obama deported more Mexicans than bush.

Not really. They changed the definition of 'deport' to turned away at the border.
Pure lies.

No sense in arguing with a retard. Also, I'm not an educator of retards. You believe what you want. I don't care if you're an idiot or uneducated or fucking dead.


This is literally the platonic ideal of butthurt.

ah nvm, was looking in the wrong place

she seriously can't handle the bants over the cherokee thing

also as a Mass resident I'm pretty embarrassed desu

Checked, now quit with your negro memes

>Obama deported more Mexicans than bush.
Because he let more in with his lax border control and control of illegal labor.
Also Obama watch the cartels fuck up mexico and didn't do nothing.

We'll see. It's funny that you think I'll vote for Shillary just because though.

Trump's campaign is in dire straights at this point.

It's nothing but controversy. I won't voter for either at this point.

However, Trump's the rat caught in a snake's den.

I think he knew right where he'd be though and the snake loves tribute.

Why are redskin women so attractive? They're like thicker Latinas desu

What did warren say about Trump?

of course

>millions of mexicans in US thanks to hillary
>they all vote for her in 4 years as thanks

same reason dems push welfare and outsoucing jobs
>black people are poor
>give them welfare
>keep them poor by destroying the job market
>keep giving them welfare
>they keep voting dem

literally the last thing liberals want is for minorities to start making money, because then they would start voting for republicans

I don't know why no one sees this

Clinton started the birther obama shit

Wow this ugly bitch has lost it.

"She is too easy! I'm driving her nuts."

essentially admits he is trolling her lol

>implying americucks would be against their native bulls

Let 'em flow


You feel dumb because you are dumb. It takes a really slow mind to see the last eight months and still believe that we can't meme Trump into the White House. Demanding that he become more like other phony politicians suggests you never were a real Trump supporter.

Admitting trolling will further aggravate her.

>$0.02 has been deposited into your Correct the Record account

Great Trump-tier refute.

I'm still waiting on challenges.

She wants more democratic voters

These illegal garbage that swarm in here are mostly collectivist and support big daddy government, and will likely vote to keep her and people within her "circle" in power

You tell me.

good... good...

Technically it wasn't Clinton, it was her supporters. But she didn't disavow it.

wth USA?!?!?

Can someone with good photoshop skills give her the just fuck my shit up treatment?

Which is fucking smart.

What is Trump doing?

Oh, making twitter taco bowl responses.

Trump is a literal tool.

I lost it.

I fucking hate elizabeth warren

This is golden

you shouldn't, she saved the internet from SOPA

I don't have the skills for that, but take this instead.

Wish I could fund that account.

I openly admit on a anonymous imageboard that I was a pure fool for ever fucking around with voting or supporting Trump.

I thought he would chill the fuck out and be what I wanted him to be: Our Surrogate. A man outside influence. A Smart Man though.

Not an idiot that continues to fuck our interests.

I'm so fucking tired.

How much beer do you drink a day?

He already has more Latino support than any Republican candidate in decades. Tool or not, what he's doing is working

t. Ezra Rosenthalsteinowitz


top kek


Jesus that fucking offhanded disdain

>How, fellow red man.

>trail of tears


gooby pls

I agree, fellow white man. Trump isn't even in office yet and he's already touting open borders, multiculturalism and business relations with Saudis. We were so wrong about Trump oy vey, er I mean gee golly

Yet attacks Warren today on her Native American claim. The worst thing you could do at this point. He's either deluded with those around him or genuinely believes the shit he talks. Bad business either way.

Ah, yes. Muh Jews. Another reason why his campaign will be shut down strictly because of Sup Forums itself. Come on guys. People are coming here. They're seeing this. If I see it and I've been here nearly 10 years then what do you thing political aids see?

Trump's FUCKED. You know it. I know it too.

Kek. Love it how the shilling has dropped by 75% now that this image is floating around. The little baby shills get triggered and have to go back to their safe space.

Do you feel increasingly nervous?

Oh yeah.
Soros the open-borders kike who is destroying Europe with niggers is funding her entirely. Hillary has also ruined the countries he told her to as Sec of State, Ukraine, Libya, and Syria.

am I the only euro-american who doesn't claim injun blood?

The more damaged and petty he can make her look, the more damaged goods she will be as a surrogate and possible VP. That's all he needs to do. And when the time is right, he can completely fuck her on her "Audit the Fed" vote.

You are also a paid shill.

>Dopey Angela Merkel expects NATO help against Russia without paying her way. Short-sighted!

I can't fucking wait

Anyone who's not a 1/16ther poser indian finds this absolutely hillarious. It's a matter of public record that Warren used some tiny fraction of a percentage of indian blood to gain favor. This is absolutely worthy of mocking.

And oh no shame on me for naming the jew :(. If only Sup Forums would appear more RESPECTABLE, because that's what matters the most. Except I'm not a signaling liberal cunt like you. Fuck off

Does Hillary really want a larger voter base?

These are really weak attacks. It most likely because he has nothing else to go on.

He should just ignore her this is only damaging him.

Can't wait for things like this to get retweeted to her by Trump.

"Man claims nervously the 20th time this year"

Forgot to add that to your post. Fuck off shill

Yes, along with me, we are virtually the only ones. Funny how it's always 1/16 Cherokee.

You'd think maybe there'd be a 1/16 Iroquois or a 1/32 Nez Perce, maybe a 1/64 Quechan... Nope, it's ALWAYS 1/16 Cherokee.

>t. Goofy Liz

>Yet attacks Warren today on her Native American claim.

He's undermining the respectability of someone who attacked him and simultaneously bringing to light how nonsensical identity politics is.

Not a bad move

>goofy warren

Trump needs to start pecking off Hillary's potential VP picks as they get media attention. This is what he is doing by attacking Warren. It's also a chance to get elusive Hillary to make public comments, since she hides from news reporters.

He's undermining the respectability of someone who attacked him and simultaneously bringing to light how nonsensical identity politics is.

There is this element too. It helps Trump remain politically "incorrect".

As a voter then the nerves have passed this week.

Trump's done. He's failed to do what Ryan has asked and doubled down.

As an early voter in Arkansas I won't vote for him. Period.

He should have found his chill and did what was right. I felt he would have done this.

The base is his cancer. Hence:

Trump can't win on this. He won't.

I wish I was paid for this. I'm not and I'm tired. Good luck with your campaign. You're done though. You literally handed it to Shillary. I hope you're happy with yourselves.

I hope that you coerce yourselves with enough posts to make it right with shitting on me with accusations.

Maybe it might make you feel better. Trump's literally a Twitter campaign at this point. I think that was his point. A Twitter campaign is far easier than a real one with real issues.

He did more than nothing. He had the ATF sell them a bunch of guns.

Your nervousness makes me happy.

The Cherokee are literally a tribe of cuckolds.

t. Shills for Hillary

>leaving out the best tweet