

Literally wearing Jew hat now.

Could you be a bigger cuck???

But who's going to pay for the wall?

The Messiah will make the goyim pay for the wall

>seeking the western wall for guidance on building the mexican wall
smart move

US 4chains gotta love their new jewish president



chain link fence

cucks cant even build a wall

..and Trump

Two corrupt and greedy degenerates who deserve one another.

Antichrist is on his way soon. End of times.

That would've been the perfect time for some country to bomb the fuck out of that stupid fucking wall and put the Middle East and The U.S. out of their misery!

what a fucking joke

but then we're stuck with this religious zealot

Trump is just mad at Putin since those two love birds had a falling out.

Donny is trying to make Putin all jealous so Putin will declare his love for Donny and ask him to the faggotday prom.

May they both get aids together.

beatable in the 2020 election though



if he doesn't destroy the country in the meantime


But the romans burned down the temple for that wall to exist.

Are you saying we need to burn down mexico?

Isn't garrison a jew name?


Guys, we're doing so much winning!


What's your point?

Obama fans aren't anti-semite dickbags, maybe? Genius.

unless if the dems continue to stay the course and fuck up the primaries

"Islam is the worst and Saudi Arabia did 9/11" - "sure Saudi Arabia you can have a billion dollars worth of weapons in exchange for giving money to my daughter"

Trump cucks getting cucked yet again.

How could those fags not could have seen it coming that he's a con man?
