Bible:"D-don't kill anybody!!! that would be bad !!! be a good goy, turn the other cheek!!"

>Bible:"D-don't kill anybody!!! that would be bad !!! be a good goy, turn the other cheek!!"
>Qur'an:"Kill all degenerates,faggots and jews, slit your enemies throat and rape their women. if a christian refuses to convert islam slit his throat too"
Well Sup Forums, which one do you choose?

Other urls found in this thread:

Secular Humanism with emphasis on scientific innovation and environmental awareness


I'll stick to atheism.

Clearly never heard of the crusades.

Fucking Normies acting like catholics are all nice and shitm


Yeah, same.

>the crusades
It was a delaid reaction to muslim conquests.
It had to be done or else we'd all be speaking arabic right now.

the raping part is false

liberal detected

Complimentary Saladin

9gagger detected

I hate liberals like you so fucking much.

Is Stirner a 9gag meme nowadays?


Majority religion is now Islam, congratulation retards, you ruined britain.

But I'm Canadian

Never said it was a bad thing

Catholics are as violent as the next religion.
Get fucked I was raised catholic and absolutely hate any religion
However you can't argue that they killed alot of people in the name of jewsus

>Never said it was a bad thing
>absolutely hate any religion


>However you can't argue that they killed alot of people in the name of jewsus
They killed a lot of sandniggers that deserved it and would have killed way more if they didn't. Not to mention the rapes.

1st post best post

OP likes to roleplay that he makes good treads.
OP is a faggot.


Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

i believe that god was created by an alien which looks like a tiny version of my dick.
absence of proof is not proof of absence.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

See, I can use quotes also.

>Kill [...] faggots, slit their throat and rape their women

>their women

Does not mean it's rational to believe anyway.

Lol the Bible is full of sins that have a consequence of death. Have you heard about stoning?